As Passed Senate, February 10, 1996
Title: An act relating to improving access to state government.
Brief Description: Allowing phone companies and other information providers to include listings for elective officials in their directories free of charge.
Sponsors: Senators Sutherland, McAuliffe, Finkbeiner, Oke and Winsley; by request of Governor Lowry.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Energy, Telecommunications & Utilities: 1/24/96, 1/25/96 [DP].
Passed Senate 2/10/96, 49-0.
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Sutherland, Chair; Loveland, Vice Chair; Finkbeiner, Hochstatter and Owen.
Staff: Phil Moeller (786-7445)
Background: Local exchange telephone companies are subject to rate and service quality regulation by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Part of this regulatory arrangement includes a general prohibition on these companies providing free or reduced-price services except in some specified cases.
Concern has been raised that citizens outside of the area where elected officials' offices are located need to pay for the directory information necessary to contact these officials.
Summary of Bill: Telecommunications companies and information service providers may include listings for offices of elected officials in their directories at no charge.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This will allow citizens greater access to their government. It is voluntary and not mandatory.
Testimony Against: In many cases, this is already being done; it should not be placed in law.
Testified: Rosemary Williamson, GTE-NW (con); Keith Kelley.