C 239 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Requiring additional planning for general aviation facilities.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Government Operations (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen, Morton, Hale, Swecker, Prentice and Sutherland).
Senate Committee on Government Operations
House Committee on Transportation
Background: Counties and cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) must develop comprehensive plans that include a transportation element and a land use element. GMA requires that the transportation and land use elements be consistent with each other, but it does not require planners to protect general aviation airports from incompatible land uses.
Summary: Consideration of general aviation airport facilities is required in both the land use and transportation elements of the comprehensive plans of counties and cities planning under the GMA.
Every city and town, code city, charter city and county having a general aviation airport in its jurisdiction is required to discourage the siting of land uses that are incompatible with the airport. This policy must be implemented in the comprehensive plan and development regulations as they are amended in the normal course of land use proceedings. Formal consultation with the aviation community is required and all plans and regulations must be filed with the aviation division of the Department of Transportation.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 45 0
House 79 11
Effective: June 6, 1996