As of January 29, 1996
Title: An act relating to the department of information services.
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to the department of information services.
Sponsors: Senators Bauer, Finkbeiner and Haugen; by request of Department of Information Services and Office of Financial Management.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 1/30/96.
Staff: Katie Healy (786-7403)
Background: Provision was made for coordinated planning and management of state information services. The state Information Services Board (ISB) was created to deal with the acquisition and disposal of equipment, software and purchased services for the state and its agencies. The board establishes statewide or interagency policies, standards, and procedures, and assists in planning for strategic goals and objectives for the state.
The Department of Information Services (DIS) was established to carry out duties and responsibilities delegated by ISB. Both ISB and DIS are scheduled for termination on June 30, 1996.
Desire has been expressed for revision and clarification of oversight duties for major information technology projects.
Summary of Bill: The June 30, 1996 sunset dates for ISB and DIS are deleted.
The composition of the ISB is revised. The number of gubernatorial appointees is reduced from seven to five. The Directors of DIS and the Office of Financial Management (OFM) are made voting members of the ISB.
The ISB's powers and duties now include the establishment of standards and policies governing the planning, implementation, evaluation and oversight of major information technology projects.
Entities eligible to purchase DIS services now include federal and tribal governments, political subdivisions, and publicly funded nonprofit organizations.
Certain DIS requirements are deleted, including assessment of agency projects and development with OFM of planning and reporting requirements. Information technology policies and long range planning activities are maintained at DIS. DIS works with ISB and OFM to prepare a biennial state performance report on information technology.
DIS and OFM jointly review and recommend to ISB an agency strategic information technology plan. Agency biennial performance reports are submitted to DIS and to OFM.
OFM, instead of DIS, has oversight responsibilities for major information technology projects. DIS staff, property, and funds are transferred to OFM to implement the responsibilities transferred to OFM.
Technical changes are made.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.