As of January 29, 1996
Title: An act relating to recovery of pavement damage costs.
Brief Description: Recovering pavement damage costs.
Sponsors: Senator Sutherland.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Transportation: 2/1/96.
Staff: Mary McLaughlin (786-7309)
Background: The annual vehicle license fee for trucks is a combined license fee that consists of a basic fee, gross weight and additional tonnage. The overweight fee schedule applies to all overweight, nonreducible loads moving on state highways. It is a graduated fee schedule based on excess weight. Temporary additional tonnage applies when a vehicle is hauling a load that is over its licensed gross weight, but within the legal axle loading limits. (Annual additional tonnage is built into the combined license fee schedule.)
No portion of the fine for an overweight violation is deposited in the motor vehicle fund for pavement damage recovery costs. The basic fine is $50 for the first violation, $75 for the second finding, and $100 for the third violation. An additional penalty of three cents per pound of excess weight is also imposed. Sixty-eight percent of the fine remains with the county or city, and 32 percent is deposited in the Public Safety Education Account (PSEA).
Oregon uses a weight-distance tax as its annual truck licensing fee. The tax is based on the weight of the vehicle and the mileage traveled annually within the state.
Summary of Bill: The following truck fees are doubled: (1) the annual combined license fee, (2) the overweight fee schedule for nonreducible loads, (3) temporary additional tonnage, and (4) fixed load overweight permits.
The penalties for overweight violations are increased. The basic fine ($50, $75, $100/violation) remains the same and is distributed as in current law (68 percent locals, 32 percent PSEA). The new, additional fine is deposited in the motor vehicle fund.
The Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Department of Licensing and Department of Revenue, is directed to conduct a study on the feasibility of establishing a weight-distance tax for trucks. Periodic reports are submitted to the Legislative Transportation Committee, and the House and Senate Transportation Committees. A final report is due July 1, 1997.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 23, 1996.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.