C 233 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to the principal internship support program.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Senators McAuliffe, Sheldon, Johnson, Winsley, Rasmussen, Hochstatter, Drew and Smith).
Senate Committee on Education
House Committee on Education
Background: As part of education reform, the Legislature created the Administrator Internship Program. The program provides funds to employ substitutes for school district employees who are enrolled in an administrator preparation program that requires completion of a 45-day internship with a mentor administrator. Candidates must apply to their local school district for an internship. Each school district submits the names of internship applicants to its educational service district (ESD). The ESD, with an advisory board, selects the participants. Interns selected must reflect the percentage of minorities of the student population in the ESD region. If this requirement cannot be met, the intern position is not filled. Any unspent funds revert back to the state.
Summary: Funds provided for the Administrator Internship Program are not limited to paying substitute costs, but may be used in a variety of ways to provide release time for the interns to complete their internship.
When qualified candidates cannot be found, the intern positions remain unfilled and the money reverts back to the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). OSPI then provides the unspent funds to other ESDs that have qualified candidates, but not enough intern positions for them.
The requirement that interns selected must reflect the percentage of minorities of the student population in the ESD region is deleted.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 47 0
House 89 8
Effective: June 6, 1996