As Passed Legislature
Brief Description: Using equine and oxen.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development (originally sponsored by Senators Morton, Rasmussen, A. Anderson, Hargrove, Swecker, Hochstatter, Prince, Sellar, Schow and Roach).
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development
House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology
Background: The animal cruelty laws are enforced by law enforcement agencies and animal control officers. Persons can be cited for animal cruelty in the second degree if they knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence inflict unnecessary suffering or pain upon an animal. Persons can be cited for animal cruelty in the first degree if they intentionally inflict substantial pain or cause physical injury to an animal.
The animal cruelty law does not apply to the use of animals in the normal and usual course of rodeo events, customary use or exhibiting of animals at fairs, and commercial raising or slaughtering of livestock or poultry.
Summary: Added to the list of activities to which the animal cruelty law does not apply is the normal and usual use of equine and oxen for logging, riding, showing, vaulting, driving or drafting purposes.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 47 0
House 74 21