As Passed Legislature
Brief Description: Providing for the management of cougar population levels.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Senators Morton, Rasmussen, Roach, Swecker, Hochstatter, Prince and Schow).
Senate Committee on Natural Resources
House Committee on Natural Resources
Background: Cougar populations are above appropriate management levels in several levels of the state. The Department of Fish and Wildlife is presently developing a cougar management program environmental impact statement. The harvest of cougars has generally been by specially authorized hunting with hounds and by hunting by individuals after obtaining a cougar tag. The commission does not have the authority to have a controlled hunt and issue tags after the cougars have been harvested.
Summary: The Fish and Wildlife Commission may authorize the purchase of cougar transport tags subsequent to harvest without hounds and can stipulate conditions for their validation and use. The commission is to review cougar management regularly.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 48 1
House 87 7