C 283 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Making supplemental operating budget appropriations.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Rinehart and West; by request of Office of Financial Management).
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
Background: The operating expenses of state government and its agencies and programs are funded on a biennial basis by an omnibus operations budget adopted by the Legislature in odd-numbered years. In even-numbered years, a supplemental budget is adopted, making various modifications to agency appropriations.
State operating expenses are paid from the state General Fund and from various dedicated funds and accounts. The 1995 Legislature appropriated $17.6 billion from the state General Fund.
Summary: Appropriations from various agencies are modified, with no net increase in appropriations from the state General Fund. For additional information, see "1996 Supplemental Operating Budget Highlights" and "Statewide Summary and Agency Detail" published by the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
Partial Veto Summary: The Governor vetoed 14 provisions in the supplemental budget bill. Among the vetoes are a $12 million appropriation from the data processing revolving fund for education technology projects, and revision to state agency contributions for employee health benefits. To provide funding for capital construction projects in the Department of Social and Health Services, the Governor vetoed a $9.9 million reduction in the appropriation to the Aging and Adult Services Program. For additional information, see the 1996 Legislative Budget Notes published by the Senate and House fiscal committees.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 30 16
House 72 26 (House amended)
Senate 46 3 (Senate concurred)
Effective: March 30, 1996