As of January 11, 1996
Title: An act relating to supervision of sex offenders.
Brief Description: Providing for additional supervision of sex offenders.
Sponsors: Senators Kohl, Long, Fairley, Fraser, Thibaudeau, Franklin, Rasmussen, Oke and McAuliffe.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 1/17/96.
Staff: Andrea McNamara (786-7483)
Background: Prior to releasing a sex offender from prison, the Department of Corrections reviews the offender's proposed release plan (including his or her proposed residence) to ensure that the plan complies with any conditions or prohibitions imposed by the sentencing court.
Release plans are currently reviewed and approved by either the End of Sentence Review Committee or an offender's community corrections officer.
The department currently has no formal process for receiving input from victims, witnesses, or other interested persons as to the risk posed by an offender's proposed release address. In addition, the department does not have the authority to prohibit an offender on community placement from having contact with victims or victim-age children unless the court imposed a no-contact order at the time of sentencing.
Summary of Bill: The Department of Corrections is required to implement a policy governing its evaluation and approval of release plans for sex offenders.
The policy must require the department to (1) notify Child Protective Services (CPS) whenever a sex offender's proposed release address includes a child victim or a child of similar age or circumstance as a previous victim, and (2) to cooperate with CPS in its investigation. The policy must also require the department to petition the court for a protective order when it has reason to believe that the offender poses a safety risk to a specific individual or class of individuals. The department is further required to formalize a process for victims, witnesses, and other interested persons to provide information and comments to the department on the potential safety risks posed by an offender's proposed residence or release plan.
At the time an offender is being released to the community after incarceration, the court is authorized to issue an order prohibiting the offender from having any contact, or prescribing the terms and conditions of limited contact, with specified individuals or classes of individuals. The order may remain in effect up to the maximum allowable sentence for the crime, regardless of the expiration of the offender's term of community supervision or community placement.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 9, 1996.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.