C 306 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Augmenting water supply.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ecology & Parks (originally sponsored by Senator Swecker).
Senate Committee on Ecology & Parks
House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology
Background: Under the 1917 Surface Water Code and the 1945 Ground Water Code, all withdrawals of surface and ground waters of the state require the issuance of a permit. The Surface Water and Ground Water Codes specify criteria that the state Department of Ecology is to consider in determining whether to grant a water right permit. These include whether there is water available for appropriation, and whether any existing rights will be adversely affected.
There are no statutory preferences in the types of uses for which permits may be issued, and the 1971 legislative declaration of water resource "fundamentals" defines broadly the uses which are declared beneficial uses of state waters. These fundamentals are to guide the utilization and management of state waters, and address such subjects as retaining base flows in perennial rivers and streams, providing high quality treatment of waters, protecting adequate supplies of water in potable condition for human domestic needs, recognizing the interrelationship of surface and ground waters, and developing water supply systems that serve regional areas. The fundamentals also state that multiple-purpose impoundment structures are to be preferred over single-purpose structures, and that due regard shall be given to protecting fishery resources in the planning for and construction of impoundment structures.
Summary: The Department of Ecology is to consider the benefits of water impoundment included as a component of a surface water or ground water appropriation application. The department's consideration must extend to any increased water supply from the impoundment, including ground water recharge.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 49 0
House 69 25 (House amended)
Senate (Senate refused to concur)
House 73 22 (House amended)
Senate 45 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: June 6, 1996