As of January 17, 1996
Title: An act relating to creating a department of children and family services.
Brief Description: Creating the department of children and family services.
Sponsors: Senators Thibaudeau, Wojahn, Wood and Quigley.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 1/18/96, 1/23/96.
Staff: Jodi Walker (786-7464)
Background: In 1970, the former Departments of Health, Institutions, and Public Assistance, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council were merged to form the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). DSHS was designed to "integrate and coordinate all those activities involving provision of care for individuals who, as a result of their economic, social or health condition, require financial assistance, institutional care, rehabilitation, or other social and health services." DSHS currently provides services to approximately 1.2 million Washington residents per year, 47 percent of whom are children under the age of 18.
In 1981, the Department of Corrections (DOC) was created, and all DSHS responsibilities for adult correctional programs and institutions were transferred to DOC. The Department of Health (DOH) was established in 1989, and all DSHS responsibilities for public, personal, environmental, parent and child, and other health service programs were transferred to DOH.
The executive head of DSHS is the Secretary of Social and Health Services. The secretary is required to appoint a deputy secretary and assistant secretaries as needed, including assistant secretaries for juvenile rehabilitation and children's administration.
Summary of Bill: The Department of Children and Family Services is created. All powers, duties, and functions of the Department of Social and Health Services pertaining to at-risk youth, dependent children, and juvenile rehabilitation and the juvenile justice system are transferred to the Department of Children and Family Services.
The secretaries of the Department of Social and Health Services and the Department of Children and Family Services are required to submit a joint report to the Legislature by December 1, 1996 regarding implementation of the act.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 11, 1996.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.