As of February 28, 1995
Title: An act relating to a performance audit of the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Brief Description: Requiring a performance audit of the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Sponsors: Senators Johnson, A. Anderson, Cantu, Roach, Oke, Wood, Finkbeiner, Swecker, Hale, Deccio, Strannigan, McCaslin, Long, Palmer, West, Quigley and Schow.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ways & Means: 2/27/95.
Staff: Bill Freund (786-7441)
Background: The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is responsible for administering and monitoring a large number of statewide K-12 education programs. Major responsibilities include:
!Distributing and administering state and federal education funds. In the current biennium, OSPI will administer approximately $630 million of federal funds, and $7.8 billion of state funds. These funds are for general apportionment, categorical programs (e.g. special education, food service, transportation), school construction assistance, and special programs (e.g. Student Learning Improvement grants).
!Gathering and reporting school information. The agency maintains extensive financial data on school district revenues and expenditures, and annually prepares numerous reports for school district information and for legislative and federal reporting requirements.
!Providing technical assistance. OSPI provides financial and instructional assistance to Educational Service Districts, school districts, school personnel, and parents.
The agency currently has approximately 265 FTE staff. Of these, 165 are state funded (62 percent) and 100 are federally funded (38 percent). In 1970-71, the agency had 181 state-funded staff.
OSPI's 1993-95 biennial general fund agency budget is approximately $22 million.
Summary of Bill: The State Auditor is directed to conduct a performance audit of the OSPI.
The audit evaluates: (a) whether OSPI is conducting the duties and tasks required by state law economically and efficiently; (b) the causes of any inefficiencies or uneconomical practices; and (c) what efficiencies can be made in the delivery of services and programs, and what savings are to be incurred.
The auditor must solicit suggestions from legislators, the Governor, educators, parents, and others. Personnel at OSPI cooperate with the auditor in completing the audit.
Existing statutory restrictions on conducting performance verifications by the State Auditor do not apply to this audit.
The auditor reports his findings to the Legislature by November 15, 1995.
Appropriation: $174,000 from the general fund to the State Auditor.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.