As of March 6, 1995
Title: An act relating to unfunded agency activities.
Brief Description: Reviewing unfunded agency activities.
Sponsors: Senators Hochstatter, Haugen, Sheldon, Schow, Deccio, Moyer, McCaslin, Snyder, Strannigan, Johnson, Wood, Swecker, A. Anderson, Palmer and Winsley.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ways & Means: 2/27/95.
Staff: Stan Pynch (786-7512)
Background: Within broad statutory authority that exists for many agencies, those agencies may establish programs that are not specifically created in statute and are not funded in the biennial appropriations act. In addition, some programs created in statute are not regularly funded in the biennial appropriations act. Currently, there is no requirement to identify inactive or unfunded programs.
Summary of Bill: In preparing the Governor's biennial and supplemental budget documents that are submitted to the Legislature, the Director of Financial Management is required to provide a delineation of each agency's inactive, unfunded programs for which no specific funding was provided in the preceding fiscal year.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 20, 1995.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Experience working on education issues has demonstrated the number of unfunded programs that exist in statute. In this regard, the statutes need to be cleaned up.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Senator Hochstatter, prime sponsor.