C 378 L 95
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Establishing a single‑application process for watershed restoration projects.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Senators Gaspard, Sellar, Haugen, Hochstatter, Drew, A. Anderson, Swecker, Newhouse, Deccio, Rasmussen, Winsley and Morton).
Senate Committee on Natural Resources
House Committee on Natural Resources
Background: In 1994, the Legislature adopted a major watershed planning program and appropriated funds for watershed restoration projects.
Summary: The Legislature declares that the goal of the state of Washington is to preserve and restore the natural resources of the state, in particular fish and wildlife, and to improve their habitat. It is the intent of the Legislature to minimize the expense and delays caused by unnecessary bureaucratic processes in securing permits for projects that preserve or restore native fish and wildlife.
By January 1, 1996, the Washington Conservation Commission must develop a single application process by which all permits for watershed restoration projects may be obtained by a sponsoring agency for a project developed by that agency. Each agency designates an office or official as a designated recipient of project applications and informs the Conservation Commission of the designation. All agencies of state and local government must accept the single application developed by the commission. Permits required for watershed restoration projects developed with a watershed restoration plan must be processed in an expedited manner. Those permits and permit requirements include comprehensive planning by county planning commissions, permits for planning and zoning, the Growth Management Act, State Environmental Policy Act, the hydraulics code, the Shoreline Management Act, and the Water Quality Act. The permit coordination program of the proposed GMA-SMA regulatory reform bill may also be used, as can other types of coordinated permit arrangements.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 48 0
House 96 0 (House amended)
Senate (Senate refused to concur)
House (House refused to recede)
Senate 46 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: July 23, 1995