C 158 L 95
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Establishing filing fees and tabulation procedures for write‑in candidates.
Sponsors: Senators Sheldon, Haugen and Wood.
Senate Committee on Government Operations
House Committee on Government Operations
Background: Any person who desires to be a write-in candidate and have such votes counted at a primary or election must file a declaration of candidacy no later than the day before the primary or election. There is no statutory requirement that the person pay a filing fee at the time of filing a declaration of candidacy as a write-in candidate.
Regardless of whether a write-in candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy and regardless of whether there are enough votes to nominate a write-in candidate, votes for a write-in candidate must be tallied separately.
Summary: Any person who files a declaration of candidacy as a write-in candidate must pay a filing fee in the same manner required of other candidates filing for the office. Write-in votes cannot be tallied separately for a person who files a declaration of candidacy, unless the number of votes alters the results of the election.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 48 0
House 80 17 (House amended)
Senate 43 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: July 23, 1995