As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Ecology & Parks, January 11, 1996
Title: An act relating to Puget Sound license plates.
Brief Description: Creating the Puget Sound license plate program.
Sponsors: Senators C. Anderson, Owen, Fraser, Long and Sheldon; by request of Puget Sound Water Quality Authority.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ecology & Parks: 1/18/9, 1/24/95 [DP-TRAN]; 1/10/96, 1/11/96 [DPS-TRAN].
Transportation: 2/7/95, 2/21/95 [DP, DNP].
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5248 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass and be referred to Committee on Transportation.
Signed by Senators Fraser, Chair; Fairley, Vice Chair; Hochstatter, McAuliffe, Spanel, and Swecker.
Staff: Kari Guy (786-7437)
Background: The Puget Sound Water Quality Authority was established in 1985 to develop, among other things, a comprehensive plan for water quality protection in Puget Sound, to review it regularly, to monitor trends in water quality and resource management, and to review and assess significant public and private activities affecting Puget Sound.
Funding for plan elements in recent bienniums has fallen far short of estimated costs to implement the plan fully.
Currently, the Department of Licensing (DOL) has the authority to create, design, and issue special license plates, in lieu of regular or personalized license plates. In addition to ordinary fees required to register and license vehicles, the department may charge an annual fee of not more than $35 to offset the costs of production of special plates and for the administration of the special plate program. These fees are deposited in the motor vehicle fund.
Summary of Substitute Bill: In addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon registration and renewal of a motor vehicle, the holder of a Puget Sound license plate, which displays a phrase or symbol supporting efforts to protect Puget Sound, shall pay an annual fee not to exceed $35.
All receipts from Puget Sound license plates are deposited in the Puget Sound license plate account. Following appropriation, the proceeds shall be used to execute the Puget Sound Plan, including expenses incurred in the issue and sale of bonds for plan implementation. Additionally, the monies shall be used to pay expenses incurred by the DOL in the production, sale, issuance, and administration of the Puget Sound License Plate Program.
DOL shall not issue Puget Sound license plates before July 1, 1996.
Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill: The date for issuance of Puget Sound license plates is extended from January 1, 1996 to July 1, 1996.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which is passed.
Testimony For: The license plate program allows concerned members of the public to make a voluntary contribution to the environment and demonstrate their support for Puget Sound conservation efforts. The program reaches a different audience than other license plate programs and would not compete with them.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Scott Merriman, WA Environmental Council (pro); Sandra M. Britton, DOL; Nancy McKay, Puget Sound Water Quality Authority (pro); Jeff Parsons, People For Puget Sound (pro).