As of January 25, 1995
Title: An act relating to community public health and safety networks.
Brief Description: Directing that programs funded by community public health and safety networks be directed at at‑risk children and youth.
Sponsors: Senators Fairley and McAuliffe.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 1/26/95.
Staff: Andrea McNamara (786-7483)
Background: The purpose of the current community public health and safety networks is to empower communities to support and respond to the needs of individual families and children. They are designed to improve the responsiveness of services for children and families by facilitating greater coordination and flexibility in the use of funds by state and local service agencies.
Community networks are required, among other things, to distribute funds to local programs that reflect locally established priorities. Local priorities are currently established by community networks after reviewing state and local public health data and analysis relating to risk factors, protective factors, and at-risk children and youth.
Community networks may also fund at-risk job placement and training programs, employment assistance programs, education assistance programs, counseling, youth coalitions, and provide technical assistance and training to programs applying for funds.
Summary of Bill: Funds distributed by community public health and safety networks are directed to local programs that target, as the primary recipients of services, at-risk children and youth, rather than children and families. Community networks may fund employment assistance programs, education assistance programs, and youth coalition programs only if those programs target at-risk children and youth.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.