C 367 L 95
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Revising the regional fisheries enhancement program.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Owen, Drew and Oke).
Senate Committee on Natural Resources
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
House Committee on Natural Resources
House Committee on Appropriations
Background: Regional fisheries enhancement groups were authorized by statute in 1989 for the purpose of encouraging organized volunteer efforts to improve anadromous fish populations. The regional groups desire additional funding, improved technical assistance, greater coordination with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and an opportunity to generate funds through the sale of surplus salmon and salmon eggs.
Summary: Regional fisheries enhancement groups are assisted in the following manner: the Department of Fish and Wildlife's habitat division works with regional groups, cities and counties to remove human-caused impediments to anadromous fish passage; the Department of Transportation works in partnership with the regional groups to eliminate fish passage barriers within budgetary constraints; regional group habitat and fish passage projects are exempt from the requirements of the shoreline permit process; the advisory board is directed to develop a training and technical services plan and to implement the plan; the Department of Fish and Wildlife develops rules for a program of surplus salmon egg and carcass sales that are operated by regional enhancement groups and funds group projects. All proceeds from the sale of surplus salmon eggs and salmon carcasses by general funded Department of Fish and Wildlife hatcheries are placed in the regional fisheries enhancement group account.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 46 2
House 96 0 (House amended)
Senate 47 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: May 16, 1995
Partial Veto Summary: Regional group habitat and fish passage projects are not exempt from the shoreline permit process. The sale of eggs and carcasses from fish that return to group projects is not authorized.