C 16 L 95
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Allowing United States military dependents' identification as identification cards for liquor purchases.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Trade (originally sponsored by Senators Fairley and Winsley).
Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Trade
House Committee on Commerce & Labor
Background: Current law requires that for the purchase of alcohol, purchasers must provide one of five acceptable types of officially issued identification as proof of age: (1) Liquor control authority card of identification of Canada; (2) driver license, instruction permit or ID card of any state; (3) U.S. active duty military identification; (4) passport; (5) Merchant Marine ID card issued by U.S. Coast Guard.
No other forms of identification as proof of age are legally allowable for the purchase of alcohol. Nonactive military personnel including reservists, retired personnel and military dependents are prohibited from using their government-issued identification for the purchase of alcohol.
Summary: United States armed forces identification cards issued to active duty personnel, reservists, retired personnel and military dependents are allowed as proof of age for the purchase of alcohol.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 44 0
House 95 0
Effective: July 23, 1995