As of February 15, 1996
Title: An act relating to the probationary period for certificated educational employees.
Brief Description: Changing provisions for probationary certificated educational employees.
Sponsors: Representatives Pelesky, Brumsickle, Johnson, Talcott and Smith.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Education: 2/16/96.
Staff: Leslie Goldstein (786-7424)
Background: The Superintendent of Public Instruction establishes minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated teachers and other certificated staff. The principal evaluates the employees. Requirements for evaluating teachers are set forth in statute.
When an employee's work has been judged unsatisfactory, the employee is notified in writing of specific areas of deficiency and suggestions for improvement on or before February 1 of each year. The probationary period may begin any time on or before February 1 and must end not later than May 1.
The purpose of a probationary period is to give the employee an opportunity to improve. Procedures include meetings with the principal at least twice a month and written progress reports. If the employee demonstrates improvement to the satisfaction of the principal, the employee may be removed from probation. If the employee does not improve, there is probable cause for discharge.
Establishment of a probationary period does not adversely affect the contract status of an employee.
Summary of Bill: A certificated teacher or educational staff associate whose work has been judged unsatisfactory must be notified in writing of specific areas of deficiency and suggestions for improvement any time after October 15. The requirement that notice be provided by February 1 is deleted. The person is placed on probation for a minimum of 60 school days.
If the employee's performance does not show the desired changes, the employee may be placed in an alternative assignment for the remainder of the school year. This assignment must not adversely affect the employee's compensation or benefits for the remainder of the contract year.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.