As of February 12, 1996
Title: An act relating to auctions and raffles authorized by the fish and wildlife commission.
Brief Description: Authorizing the fish and wildlife commission to conduct or authorize auctions and raffles for hunting of game animals and for wildlife‑related recreation.
Sponsors: House Committee on Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Stevens, Basich, Fuhrman, Hatfield and Mastin; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Natural Resources: 2/23/96.
Staff: Ross Antipa (786-7413)
Background: Under current law, the Fish and Wildlife Commission may authorize an auction for the hunting of certain trophy-quality animals from herds in areas not normally open to general public hunting. The Department of Fish and Wildlife may contract with an organization to sponsor the hunt. To date, the commission has contracted with the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep on two occasions to auction a permit to hunt bighorn sheep. The commission does not have the authority to authorize raffles for hunts.
The commission and the department director may enter into agreements with private entities regarding use of an entity's private property for wildlife-oriented purposes. Currently, there are two such wildlife management area agreements in place in the state.
Summary of Bill: The Fish and Wildlife Commission may authorize the hunting of big game animals and wild turkeys through auction, and may authorize the hunting of up to 15 big game animals and wild turkeys per year through raffle. The director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife establishes the procedures for these hunts. In consultation with the Gambling Commission, the director may adopt rules regarding the raffle hunts. The raffles are not subject to the state's gambling laws.
The department may conduct an auction or raffle or may contract with a nonprofit wildlife conservation organization to conduct the auction or raffle. Any revenues retained by the wildlife organization after deducting its expenses for the auction or raffle must be used for wildlife conservation. The department's share of revenues from auctions and raffles is deposited in the state wildlife fund and is used to improve the habitat, health, and welfare of the species auctioned or raffled.
If a private entity has a private lands wildlife management area agreement with the department, the commission may authorize the private entity to conduct raffles for access to hunt for big game animals and wild turkeys on the property to meet conditions of the agreement. These raffle hunts under a private lands area agreement are not counted toward the number of raffle hunts the commission may authorize.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.