Chapter 265, Laws of 1994
53rd Legislature
1994 Regular Session
Passed by the House March 10, 1994 Yeas 73 Nays 21
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate March 9, 1994 Yeas 32 Nays 14 |
I, Marilyn Showalter, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2696 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved April 1, 1994 |
April 1, 1994 - 2:13 p.m. |
MIKE LOWRY Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1994 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By House Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Flemming, Heavey, Backlund, Veloria, Thibaudeau, Campbell, Valle, Wineberry, Holm, Roland, Johanson, Pruitt, J. Kohl, Jones, L. Johnson, King, Karahalios, Conway and Springer)
Read first time 02/02/94.
AN ACT Relating to chemically related illness; adding new sections to chapter 51.32 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 51.04 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 51.32 RCW to read as follows:
(1) By July 1, 1994, the department shall establish interim criteria and procedures for management of claims involving chemically related illness to ensure consistency and fairness in the adjudication of these claims. The criteria and procedures shall apply to employees covered by the state fund and employees of self-insured employers. The department shall adopt final criteria and procedures by December 31, 1994, and report the criteria and procedures as required under section 5 of this act.
(2) The special procedures developed by the department shall include procedures to determine which claims involving chemically related illness require expert management. The department shall assign claims managers with special training or expertise to manage these claims.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 51.04 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The department of labor and industries and the department of health shall be the colead agencies for an advisory committee that shall consult with and advise the participating agencies on issues relating to chemically related illness. Appointments to the committee shall be made jointly by the directors of the department of health and the department of labor and industries. The committee shall include at least one member who represents each of the following: (a) Injured workers with chemically related illness; (b) large employers who qualify as self-insurers under Title 51 RCW; (c) small employers who insure their workers' compensation obligation through the state fund; (d) organized labor; (e) the department of health; (f) the department of labor and industries; (g) physicians licensed to practice under chapter 18.71 RCW; and (h) physicians licensed to practice under chapter 18.57 RCW. The committee shall review and make recommendations regarding the responsibilities of the several agencies for providing services to persons with chemically related illness and any other issues related to providing services to persons with chemically related illness that the committee may choose to review.
(2) This section shall expire June 30, 1995.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 51.32 RCW to read as follows:
The department shall work with the department of health to establish one or more centers for research and clinical assessment of chemically related illness.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 51.32 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The department shall conduct research on chemically related illnesses, which shall include contracting with recognized medical research institutions. The department shall develop an implementation plan for research based on sound scientific research criteria, such as double blind studies, and shall include adequate provisions for peer review, and submit the plan to the worker's compensation advisory committee for review and approval. Following approval of the plan, all specific proposals for projects under the plan shall be submitted for review to a scientific advisory committee, established to provide scientific oversight of research projects, and to the workers' compensation advisory committee. The department shall include a research project that encourages regional cooperation in addressing chemically related illness.
(2) Expenditures for research projects shall be within legislative appropriations from the medical aid fund, with self-insured employers and the state fund each paying a pro rata share, based on the number of worker hours, of the authorized expenditures. For the purposes of this subsection only, self-insured employers may deduct from the pay of each of their employees one-half of the share charged to the employer for the expenditures from the medical aid fund.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. In consultation with the workers' compensation advisory committee, the department of labor and industries and the department of health shall jointly make an interim report to the governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 31, 1994, and a final report by June 30, 1995, on:
(1) The status of the department of labor and industries' final criteria and procedures for management of claims involving chemically related illness;
(2) The status of research projects authorized under section 4 of this act;
(3) A plan by the department of health for including accurate occupational information in all relevant current and developing automated health data bases;
(4) A state board of health plan to make occupational diseases reportable conditions;
(5) Other initiatives related to chemically related illness; and
(6) Any recommendations for legislation.
Passed the House March 10, 1994.
Passed the Senate March 9, 1994.
Approved by the Governor April 1, 1994.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State April 1, 1994.