Chapter 105, Laws of 1994
53rd Legislature
1994 Regular Session
Passed by the House February 9, 1994 Yeas 94 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate March 3, 1994 Yeas 44 Nays 0 |
I, Marilyn Showalter, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 2327 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved March 28, 1994 |
March 28, 1994 - 11:11 a.m. |
MIKE LOWRY Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1994 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Representatives Jacobsen, Brumsickle, Quall, Basich, Ogden, Kessler, Mastin, Wood, Casada, Shin, Orr, Rayburn, Romero and Anderson
Read first time 01/14/94. Referred to Committee on Higher Education.
AN ACT Relating to students with disabilities; adding new sections to chapter 28B.10 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. It is a fundamental aspiration of the people of Washington that individuals be afforded the opportunity to compete academically. Accordingly, it is an appropriate act of state government, in furtherance of this aspiration, to make available appropriate support services to those individuals who are able to attend college by virtue of their potential and desire, but whose educational progress and success is hampered by a lack of accommodation.
Furthermore, under existing federal and state laws, institutions of higher education are obligated to provide services to students with disabilities. The legislature does not intend to confer any new or expanded rights, however, the intent of this act is to provide a clearer, more succinct statement of those rights than is presently available and put Washington on record as supporting those rights.
It is the intent of the legislature that these services be provided within the bounds of the law. Therefore, the institution of higher education's obligations to provide reasonable accommodations are limited by the defenses provided in federal and state statutes, such as undue financial burden and undue hardship.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. Each student with one or more disabilities is entitled to receive a core service only if the service is reasonably needed to accommodate the student's disabilities. The requesting student shall make a reasonable request for core services in a timely manner and the institution of higher education or agency providing the service shall respond reasonably and in a timely manner.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. Each institution of higher education shall ensure that students with disabilities are reasonably accommodated within that institution. The institution of higher education shall provide students with disabilities with the appropriate core service or services necessary to ensure equal access.
Core services shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Flexible procedures in the admissions process that use a holistic review of the student's potential, including appropriate consideration in state-wide and institutional alternative admissions programs;
(2) Early registration or priority registration;
(3) Sign language, oral and tactile interpreter services, or other technological alternatives;
(4) Textbooks and other educational materials in alternative media, including, but not limited to, large print, braille, electronic format, and audio tape;
(5) Provision of readers, notetakers, scribes, and proofreaders including recruitment, training, and coordination;
(6) Ongoing review and coordination of efforts to improve campus accessibility, including but not limited to, all aspects of barrier-free design, signage, high-contrast identification of hazards of mobility barriers, maintenance of access during construction, snow and ice clearance, and adequate disability parking for all facilities;
(7) Facilitation of physical access including, but not limited to, relocating of classes, activities, and services to accessible facilities and orientation if route of travel needs change, such as at the beginning of a quarter or semester;
(8) Access to adaptive equipment including, but not limited to, TDDs, FM communicators, closed caption devices, amplified telephone receivers, closed circuit televisions, low-vision reading aids, player/recorders for 15/16 4-track tapes, photocopy machines able to use eleven-by-seventeen inch paper, brailling devices, and computer enhancements;
(9) Referral to appropriate on-campus and off-campus resources, services, and agencies;
(10) Release of syllabi, study guides, and other appropriate instructor-produced materials in advance of general distribution, and access beyond the regular classroom session to slides, films, overheads and other media and taping of lectures;
(11) Accessibility for students with disabilities to tutoring, mentoring, peer counseling, and academic advising that are available on campus;
(12) Flexibility in test taking arrangements;
(13) Referral to the appropriate entity for diagnostic assessment and documentation of the disability;
(14) Flexibility in timelines for completion of courses, certification, and degree requirements;
(15) Flexibility in credits required to be taken to satisfy institutional eligibility for financial aid; and
(16) Notification of the institution of higher education's policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability and of steps the student may take if he or she believes discrimination has taken place. This notice shall be included in all formal correspondence that communicates decisions or policies adversely affecting the student's status or rights with the institution of higher education. This notice shall include the phone numbers of the United States department of education, the United States office of civil rights, and the Washington state human rights commission.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities shall be provided as appropriate for all aspects of college and university life, including but not limited to: Recruitment, the application process, enrollment, registration, financial aid, course work, research, academic counseling, housing programs owned or operated by the institution of higher education, and nonacademic programs and services.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. Sections 2 through 4 of this act are each added to chapter 28B.10 RCW.
Passed the House February 9, 1994.
Passed the Senate March 3, 1994.
Approved by the Governor March 28, 1994.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 28, 1994.