Chapter 446, Laws of 1993
(partial veto)
53rd Legislature
1993 Regular Session
Passed by the House April 20, 1993 Yeas 97 Nays 0
BRIAN EBERSOLE Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate April 17, 1993 Yeas 42 Nays 0 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 1007 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
JOEL PRITCHARD President of the Senate |
Approved May 17, 1993, with the exception of section 14, which is vetoed. |
May 17, 1993 - 1:42 p.m. |
MIKE LOWRY Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1993 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Representatives R. Fisher, Zellinsky, Brumsickle, R. Meyers, Miller, G. Cole, Scott, Basich, Dunshee, Wood, Schmidt, Forner, Jacobsen, Franklin, Eide, Flemming, Horn and J. Kohl
Prefiled 1/7/93. Read first time 01/11/93. Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to state transportation planning; amending RCW 47.05.030; adding a new chapter to Title 47 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. FINDINGS. The legislature recognizes that the ownership and operation of Washington's transportation system is spread among federal, state, and local government agencies, regional transit agencies, port districts, and the private sector. The legislature also recognizes that transportation planning authority is shared on the local, regional, and state levels, and that this planning must be a comprehensive and coordinated effort. While significant authority for transportation planning is vested with local agencies and regional transportation planning organizations under the growth management act, the legislature recognizes that certain transportation issues and facilities cross local and regional boundaries and are vital to the state-wide economy and the cross-state mobility of people and goods. Therefore, the state has an appropriate role in developing state-wide transportation plans that address state jurisdiction facilities and services as well as transportation facilities and services of state interest. These plans shall serve as a guide for short-term investment needs and provide a long-range vision for transportation system development.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. STATE-WIDE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING. The specific role of the department in transportation planning shall be (1) ongoing coordination and development of state-wide transportation policies that guide all Washington transportation providers; (2) ongoing development of a state-wide multimodal transportation plan that includes both state-owned and state-interest facilities and services; (3) coordinating the state high-capacity transportation planning and regional transportation planning programs; and (4) conducting special transportation planning studies that impact state transportation facilities or relate to transportation facilities and services of state-wide significance. Specific requirements for each of these state transportation planning components are described in this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. TRANSPORTATION POLICY PLAN. The commission shall develop a state transportation policy plan that (1) establishes a vision and goals for the development of the state-wide transportation system consistent with the state's growth management goals, (2) identifies significant state-wide transportation policy issues, and (3) recommends state-wide transportation policies and strategies to the legislature to fulfill the requirements of RCW 47.01.071(1). The state transportation policy plan shall be the product of an ongoing process that involves representatives of significant transportation interests and the general public from across the state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN. The department shall develop a state-wide multimodal transportation plan under RCW 47.01.071(3) and in conformance with federal requirements, to ensure the continued mobility of people and goods within regions and across the state in a safe, cost-effective manner. The state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall consist of:
(1) A state-owned facilities component, which shall guide state investment for state highways including bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and state ferries; and
(2) A state-interest component, which shall define the state interest in aviation, marine ports and navigation, freight rail, intercity passenger rail, bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways, and public transportation, and recommend actions in coordination with appropriate public and private transportation providers to ensure that the state interest in these transportation modes is met.
The plans developed under each component must be consistent with the state transportation policy plan and with each other, reflect public involvement, be consistent with regional transportation planning, high-capacity transportation planning, and local comprehensive plans prepared under chapter 36.70A RCW, and include analysis of intermodal connections and choices. A primary emphasis for these plans shall be the improvement and integration of all transportation modes to create a seamless intermodal transportation system for people and goods.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. STATE-OWNED FACILITIES COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN. The state-owned facilities component of the state-wide transportation plan shall consist of:
(1) The state highway system plan, which identifies program and financing needs and recommends specific and financially realistic improvements to preserve the structural integrity of the state highway system, ensure acceptable operating conditions, and provide for enhanced access to scenic, recreational, and cultural resources. The state highway system plan shall contain the following elements:
(a) A system preservation element, which shall establish structural preservation objectives for the state highway system including bridges, identify current and future structural deficiencies based upon analysis of current conditions and projected future deterioration, and recommend program funding levels and specific actions necessary to preserve the structural integrity of the state highway system consistent with adopted objectives. This element shall serve as the basis for the preservation component of the six-year highway program and the two-year biennial budget request to the legislature;
(b) A capacity and operational improvement element, which shall establish operational objectives, including safety considerations, for moving people and goods on the state highway system, identify current and future capacity, operational, and safety deficiencies, and recommend program funding levels and specific improvements and strategies necessary to achieve the operational objectives. In developing capacity and operational improvement plans the department shall first assess strategies to enhance the operational efficiency of the existing system before recommending system expansion. Strategies to enhance the operational efficiencies include but are not limited to access management, transportation system management, demand management, and high-occupancy vehicle facilities. The capacity and operational improvement element must conform to the state implementation plan for air quality and be consistent with regional transportation plans adopted under chapter 47.80 RCW, and shall serve as the basis for the capacity and operational improvement portions of the six-year highway program and the two-year biennial budget request to the legislature;
(c) A scenic and recreational highways element, which shall identify and recommend designation of scenic and recreational highways, provide for enhanced access to scenic, recreational, and cultural resources associated with designated routes, and recommend a variety of management strategies to protect, preserve, and enhance these resources. The department, affected counties, cities, and towns, regional transportation planning organizations, and other state or federal agencies shall jointly develop this element;
(d) A paths and trails element, which shall identify the needs of nonmotorized transportation modes on the state transportation systems and provide the basis for the investment of state transportation funds in paths and trails, including funding provided under chapter 47.30 RCW.
(2) The state ferry system plan, which shall guide capital and operating investments in the state ferry system. The plan shall establish service objectives for state ferry routes, forecast travel demand for the various markets served in the system, and develop strategies for ferry system investment that consider regional and state-wide vehicle and passenger needs, support local land use plans, and assure that ferry services are fully integrated with other transportation services. The plan shall assess the role of private ferries operating under the authority of the utilities and transportation commission and shall coordinate ferry system capital and operational plans with these private operations. The ferry system plan must be consistent with the regional transportation plans for areas served by the state ferry system, and shall be developed in conjunction with the ferry advisory committees.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE AVIATION PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include an aviation plan, which shall fulfill the state-wide aviation planning requirements of the federal government, coordinate state-wide aviation planning, and identify the program needs for public use and state airports.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE MARINE PORTS AND NAVIGATION PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include a state marine ports and navigation plan, which shall assess the transportation needs of Washington's marine ports, including navigation, and identify transportation system improvements needed to support the international trade and economic development role of Washington's marine ports.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE FREIGHT RAIL PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include a state freight rail plan, which shall fulfill the state-wide freight rail planning requirements of the federal government, identify freight rail mainline issues, identify light-density freight rail lines threatened with abandonment, establish criteria for determining the importance of preserving the service or line, and recommend priorities for the use of state rail assistance and state rail banking program funds, as well as other available sources of funds. The plan shall also identify existing intercity rail rights of way that should be preserved for future transportation use.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE INTERCITY PASSENGER RAIL PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include an intercity passenger rail plan, which shall analyze existing intercity passenger rail service and recommend improvements to that service under the state passenger rail service program including depot improvements, potential service extensions, and ways to achieve higher train speeds.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION AND PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include a bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways plan, which shall propose a state-wide strategy for addressing bicycle and pedestrian transportation, including the integration of bicycle and pedestrian pathways with other transportation modes; the coordination between local governments, regional agencies, and the state in the provision of such facilities; the role of such facilities in reducing traffic congestion; and an assessment of state-wide bicycle and pedestrian transportation needs. This plan shall satisfy the federal requirement for a long-range bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways plan.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. STATE-INTEREST COMPONENT OF STATE-WIDE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN--STATE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PLAN. The state-interest component of the state-wide multimodal transportation plan shall include a state public transportation plan that:
(1) Articulates the state vision of an interest in public transportation and provides quantifiable objectives, including benefits indicators;
(2) Identifies the goals for public transit and the roles of federal, state, regional, and local entities in achieving those goals;
(3) Recommends mechanisms for coordinating state, regional, and local planning for public transportation;
(4) Recommends mechanisms for coordinating public transportation with other transportation services and modes;
(5) Recommends criteria, consistent with the goals identified in subsection (2) of this section and with RCW 82.44.180 (2) and (3), for existing federal authorizations administered by the department to transit agencies; and
(6) Recommends a state-wide public transportation facilities and equipment management system as required by federal law.
In developing the state public transportation plan, the department shall involve local jurisdictions, public and private providers of transportation services, nonmotorized interests, and state agencies with an interest in public transportation, including but not limited to the departments of community development, social and health services, and ecology, the state energy office, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the office of the governor, and the office of financial management.
The department shall submit an initial report to the legislative transportation committee by December 1, 1993, and shall provide annual reports summarizing the plan's progress each year thereafter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. HIGH-CAPACITY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. The department's role in high-capacity transportation planning and regional transportation planning is to administer state planning grants for these purposes, represent the interests of the state in these regional planning processes, and coordinate other department planning with these regional efforts, including those under RCW 81.104.060.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. SPECIAL PLANNING STUDIES. The department may carry out special transportation planning studies to resolve specific issues with the development of the state transportation system or other state-wide transportation issues.
*Sec. 14. RCW 47.05.030 and 1987 c 179 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The transportation commission shall adopt and
periodically revise, after consultation with the legislative transportation
committee, a comprehensive six-year program and financial plan for highway
improvements specifying program objectives for each of the highway categories,
"A," "B," "C," and "H," defined in this
section, and within the framework of estimated funds for such period. The
program and plan shall be based upon the improvement needs ((for state
highways as determined by the department from time to time)) identified
in the state highway system plan, as required under section 5 of this act.
With such reasonable deviations as may be required to effectively utilize the estimated funds and to adjust to unanticipated delays in programmed projects, the commission shall allocate the estimated funds among the following described categories of highway improvements, so as to carry out the commission's program objectives:
(1) Category A shall consist of those improvements necessary to sustain the structural, safety, and operational integrity of the existing state highway system (other than improvements to the interstate system to be funded with federal aid at the regular interstate rate under federal law and regulations, and improvements designated in subsections (2) through (4) of this section).
(2) Category B shall consist of improvements for the continued development of the interstate system to be funded with federal aid at the regular interstate rate under federal law and regulations.
(3) Category C shall consist of the development of major transportation improvements (other than improvements to the interstate system to be funded with federal aid at the regular interstate rate under federal law and regulations) including designated but unconstructed highways which are vital to the state-wide transportation network.
(4) Category H shall consist of those improvements necessary to sustain the structural and operational integrity of existing bridges on the highway system (other than bridges on the interstate system or bridge work included in another category because of its association with a highway project in such category).
Projects which are financed one hundred percent by federal funds or other agency funds shall, if the commission determines that such work will improve the state highway system, be managed separately from the above categories.
*Sec. 14 was vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. CODIFICATION DIRECTIVE. Sections 1 through 13 of this act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 47 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. CAPTIONS. Captions used in this act do not constitute any part of the law.
Passed the House April 20, 1993.
Passed the Senate April 17, 1993.
Approved by the Governor May 17, 1993 exception of certain items which were vetoed.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 17, 1993.
Note: Governor's explanation of partial veto is as follows:
"I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 14, Engrossed House Bill No. 1007 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to statewide transportation planning."
This bill defines the Washington State Department of Transportation's role in statewide transportation planning.
Section 14 of the bill, amends RCW 47.05.031, directing that the Transportation Commission's comprehensive six-year program and financial plan for highway improvements be based upon the improvement needs identified in the state-owned facilities component of the Multimodal Transportation Plan created by this legislation. Section 14 is not necessary since the same statute is amended in Substitute Senate Bill No. 5963, an Act Relating To Priority Programming Of Multimodal Solutions To Address State Highway Deficiencies, which also passed the Legislature this session. Substitute Senate Bill No. 5963 spells out in more specific terms how that integration should take place and is the preferred wording for implementation of the intent of both bills.
With the exception of Section 14, Engrossed House Bill No. 1007 is approved."