S-4601.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senator Owen
Read first time 01/28/94. Referred to Committee on Natural Resources.
AN ACT Relating to specialized forest products; amending RCW 76.48.020, 76.48.030, 76.48.040, 76.48.050, 76.48.060, 76.48.070, 76.48.075, 76.48.096, 76.48.098, 76.48.100, 76.48.110, 76.48.120, and 76.48.130; adding new sections to chapter 76.48 RCW; and repealing RCW 76.48.092.
Sec. 1. RCW 76.48.020 and 1992 c 184 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless otherwise required by the context, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Christmas
trees" ((shall)) means any evergreen trees or the top
thereof, commonly known as Christmas trees, with limbs and branches, with or
without roots, including fir, pine, spruce, cedar, and other coniferous
(2) "Native
ornamental trees and shrubs" ((shall)) means any trees or
shrubs which are not nursery grown and which have been removed from the ground
with the roots intact.
(3) "Cut or picked
evergreen foliage," commonly known as brush, ((shall)) means
evergreen boughs, huckleberry, salal, fern, Oregon grape, rhododendron, and
other cut or picked evergreen products.
(4) "Cedar
products" ((shall)) means cedar shakeboards, shake and
shingle bolts, and rounds one to three feet in length.
(5) "Cedar
salvage" ((shall)) means cedar chunks, slabs, stumps, and
logs having a volume greater than one cubic foot and being harvested or
transported from areas not associated with the concurrent logging of timber
stands (a) under a forest practices application approved or notification
received by the department of natural resources, or (b) under a contract or
permit issued by an agency of the United States government.
(6) "Processed
cedar products" ((shall)) means cedar shakes, shingles,
fence posts, hop poles, pickets, stakes, ((or)) rails((;)),
or rounds less than one foot in length.
(7) "Cedar
processor" ((shall)) means any person who purchases ((and/or)),
takes, or retains possession of cedar products or cedar salvage((,))
for later sale in the same or modified form((,)) following ((their))
removal and delivery from the land where harvested.
(8) "Cascara
bark" ((shall)) means the bark of a Cascara tree.
(9) "Wild edible mushrooms" means edible mushrooms not cultivated or propagated by artificial means.
(10) "Specialized
forest products" ((shall)) means Christmas trees, native ornamental
trees and shrubs, cut or picked evergreen foliage, cedar products, cedar
salvage, processed cedar products, wild edible mushrooms, and Cascara bark.
(11) "Person"
((shall)) includes the plural and all corporations,
foreign or domestic, copartnerships, firms, and associations of persons.
"Harvest" ((shall)) means to separate, by cutting,
prying, picking, peeling, breaking, pulling, splitting, or otherwise removing,
a specialized forest product (a) from its physical connection ((with))
or contact with the land or vegetation upon which it ((was or has been))
is or was growing((,)) or (b) from the position in which it ((has
been)) is lying upon ((such)) the land.
"Transportation" means the physical conveyance of specialized forest
products outside or off of a harvest site, including but not limited to
conveyance by a motorized vehicle designed for use on improved roadways, ((or
by)) vessel, barge, raft, or other waterborne conveyance.
"Transportation" also means any conveyance of specialized forest
products by helicopter.
"Landowner" means, with regard to ((any)) real property, the
private owner ((thereof)), the state of Washington or any political
subdivision ((thereof)), the federal government, or ((any)) a
person who by deed, contract, or lease has authority to harvest and sell forest
products of the property. "Landowner" does not include the purchaser
or successful high bidder at ((any)) a public or private timber
"Authorization" means a properly completed preprinted form
authorizing the transportation or possession of Christmas trees((,))
which ((form)) contains the information required by RCW 76.48.080, ((and))
a sample of which is filed before the harvesting occurs with the sheriff of the
county in which the harvesting is to occur.
(16) "Harvest site" means each location where one or more persons are engaged in harvesting specialized forest products close enough to each other that communication can be conducted with an investigating law enforcement officer in a normal conversational tone.
(17) "Specialized
forest products permit" ((shall)) means a printed document
in a form specified by the department of natural resources((, or true copy
thereof,)) that is signed by a landowner or his ((duly)) or
her authorized agent or representative (((herein)), referred
to in this chapter as "permittors"((),)) and validated
by the county sheriff((, authorizing)) and authorizes a
designated person (((herein)), referred to in this chapter
as "permittee"(())), who ((shall)) has also ((have))
signed the permit, to harvest ((and/or)) and transport a
designated specialized forest product from land owned or controlled and
specified by the permittor((,)) and that is located in the county
where ((such)) the permit is issued.
(18) "Sheriff" means, for the purpose of validating specialized forest products permits, the county sheriff, deputy sheriff, or an authorized employee of the sheriff's office or his or her agent.
(((19) "True
copy" means a replica of a validated specialized forest products permit as
reproduced by a copy machine capable of effectively reproducing the information
contained on the permittee's copy of the specialized forest products permit. A
copy is made true by the permittee or the permittee and permittor signing in
the space provided on the face of the copy. A true copy will be effective
until the expiration date of the specialized forest products permit unless the
permittee or the permittee and permittor specify an earlier date. A permittor may
require the actual signatures of both the permittee and permittor for execution
of a true copy by so indicating in the space provided on the original copy of
the specialized forest products permit. A permittee, or, if so indicated, the
permittee and permittor, may condition the use of the true copy to harvesting
only, transportation only, possession only, or any combination thereof.))
Sec. 2. RCW 76.48.030 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
It ((shall be)) is
unlawful for any person to:
(1) Harvest specialized forest products as described in RCW 76.48.020, in the quantities specified in RCW 76.48.060, without first obtaining a validated specialized forest products permit;
(2) Engage in activities or phases of harvesting specialized forest products not authorized by the permit; or
(3) Harvest specialized forest products in any lesser quantities than those specified in RCW 76.48.060, as now or hereafter amended, without first obtaining permission from the landowner or his or her duly authorized agent or representative.
Sec. 3. RCW 76.48.040 and 1988 c 36 s 49 are each amended to read as follows:
Agencies charged with
the enforcement of this chapter shall include, but not be limited to, the
Washington state patrol, county sheriffs and their deputies, county or
municipal police forces, authorized personnel of the United States forest
service, and authorized personnel of the departments of natural resources, and
((fisheries,)) fish and wildlife. ((Primary enforcement
responsibility lies in the county sheriffs and their deputies.)) The
provisions of this chapter shall be strictly enforced by the agencies set out
under this section.
Sec. 4. RCW 76.48.050 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
Specialized forest products permits shall consist of properly completed permit forms validated by the sheriff of the county in which the specialized forest products are to be harvested. All specialized forest products permits shall expire at the end of the calendar year in which issued, or sooner, at the discretion of the permittor. A properly completed specialized forest products permit form shall include:
(1) The date of its execution and expiration;
(2) The name, address, telephone number, if any, and signature of the permittor;
(3) The name, address, telephone number, if any, and signature of the permittee;
(4) The type of specialized forest products to be harvested or transported;
(5) The approximate amount or volume of specialized forest products to be harvested or transported;
(6) The legal description of the property from which the specialized forest products are to be harvested or transported, including the name of the county, or the state or province if outside the state of Washington;
(7) A description by local landmarks of where the harvesting is to occur, or from where the specialized forest products are to be transported;
(8) Each permit shall be separately numbered and the permits shall be issued by consecutive numbers;
(9) The person's social security number or green card work permit number. The sheriff's office shall verify the social security number or green card number when the permit is validated. The permit must be carried by the picker and available for inspection at all times; and
(10) Any other condition or limitation which the permittor may specify.
Sec. 5. RCW 76.48.060 and 1992 c 184 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
A specialized forest
products permit validated by the county sheriff shall be obtained by ((any))
a person prior to harvesting from any lands, including his or her own,
more than five Christmas trees, more than five ornamental trees or shrubs, more
than five pounds of cut or picked evergreen foliage, ((any)) a
cedar products, cedar salvage, processed cedar products, or more than five
pounds of Cascara bark, or more than three United States gallons of a single
species of wild edible mushroom and not more than an aggregate total of nine
United States gallons of wild edible mushrooms, plus one wild edible mushroom.
Specialized forest products permit forms shall be provided by the department of
natural resources, and shall be made available through the office of the county
sheriff to permittees or permittors in reasonable quantities. A permit form
shall be completed in triplicate for each permittor's property on which a
permittee harvests specialized forest products. A properly completed permit
form shall be mailed or presented for validation to the sheriff of the county
in which the specialized forest products are to be harvested. Before a permit
form is validated by the sheriff, sufficient personal identification may be
required to reasonably identify the person mailing or presenting the permit
form and the sheriff may conduct ((such)) other investigations as deemed
necessary to determine the validity of the information alleged on the form.
When the sheriff is reasonably satisfied as to the truth of ((such)) the
information, the form shall be validated with the sheriff's validation stamp
provided by the department of natural resources. Upon validation, the form
shall become the specialized forest products permit authorizing the harvesting,
possession ((and/or)), or transportation of specialized forest
products, subject to any other conditions or limitations which the permittor
may specify. Two copies of the permit shall be given or mailed to the
permittor, or one copy shall be given or mailed to the permittor and the other
copy given or mailed to the permittee. The original permit shall be retained
in the office of the county sheriff validating the permit. In the event a
single land ownership is situated in two or more counties, a specialized forest
product permit shall be completed as to the land situated in each county.
While engaged in harvesting of specialized forest products, permittees, or
their agents or employees, must have readily available at each harvest site a
valid permit ((or true copy of the permit)).
Sec. 6. RCW 76.48.070 and 1992 c 184 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided
in RCW 76.48.100 and 76.48.075, it ((shall be)) is unlawful for
any person either (a) to possess((, and/or)) or (b) to
transport, or both within the state of Washington, subject to any other
conditions or limitations specified in the specialized forest products permit
by the permittor, more than five Christmas trees, more than five native
ornamental trees or shrubs, more than five pounds of cut or picked evergreen
foliage, any processed cedar products, or more than five pounds of Cascara
bark, or more than three gallons of a single species of wild edible mushrooms
and not more than an aggregate total of nine gallons of wild edible mushrooms,
plus one wild edible mushroom without having in his or her possession a written
authorization, sales invoice, bill of lading, or specialized forest products
permit ((or a true copy thereof)) evidencing his or her title to or
authority to have possession of specialized forest products being so possessed
or transported.
(2) It ((shall be))
is unlawful for any person either (a) to possess ((and/or))
or (b) to transport, or both within the state of Washington any
cedar products or cedar salvage without having in his or her possession a
specialized forest products permit ((or a true copy thereof)) evidencing
his or her title to or authority to have possession of the materials being so
possessed or transported.
Sec. 7. RCW 76.48.075 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It is unlawful for any person to transport or cause to be transported into this state from any other state or province specialized forest products, except those harvested from that person's own property, without: (a) First acquiring and having readily available for inspection a document indicating the true origin of the specialized forest products as being outside the state, or (b) without acquiring a specialized forest products permit as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(2) Any person transporting or causing to be transported specialized forest products into this state from any other state or province shall, upon request of any person to whom the specialized forest products are sold or delivered or upon request of any law enforcement officer, prepare and sign a statement indicating the true origin of the specialized forest products, the date of delivery, and the license number of the vehicle making delivery, and shall leave the statement with the person making the request.
(3) It is unlawful for any person to possess specialized forest products, transported into this state, with knowledge that the products were introduced into this state in violation of this chapter.
(4) When any person transporting or causing to be transported into this state specialized forest products elects to acquire a specialized forest products permit, the specialized forest products transported into this state shall be deemed to be harvested in the county of entry, and the sheriff of that county may validate the permit as if the products were so harvested, except that the permit shall also indicate the actual harvest site outside the state.
(5) A cedar processor
shall comply with RCW 76.48.096 by requiring a person transporting specialized
forest products into this state from any other state or province to display a
specialized forest products permit, ((or true copy thereof,)) or other
document indicating the true origin of the specialized forest products as being
outside the state. The cedar processor shall make and maintain a record of the
purchase, taking possession, or retention of cedar products and cedar salvage
in compliance with RCW 76.48.094.
(6) If, ((pursuant
to)) under official inquiry, investigation, or other authorized
proceeding regarding specialized forest products not covered by a valid
specialized forest products permit or other acceptable document, the inspecting
law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the specialized
forest products were harvested in this state or wrongfully obtained in another
state or province, the officer may take into custody and detain, for a
reasonable time, the specialized forest products, all supporting documents,
invoices, and bills of lading, and the vehicle in which the products were
transported until the true origin of the specialized forest products can be
Sec. 8. RCW 76.48.096 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
It ((shall be)) is
unlawful for any cedar processor to purchase, take possession, or retain cedar
products or cedar salvage subsequent to the harvesting and prior to the retail sale
of ((such)) the products, unless the supplier thereof displays a
specialized forest products permit((, or true copy thereof, which)) that
appears to be valid, or obtains the information ((pursuant to)) under
RCW 76.48.075(5).
Sec. 9. RCW 76.48.098 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
Every cedar processor
shall prominently display a valid registration certificate, or copy thereof,
obtained from the department of revenue ((pursuant to)) under RCW
82.32.030 at each location where ((such)) the processor receives
cedar products or cedar salvage.
Permittees shall sell cedar products or cedar salvage only to cedar processors displaying registration certificates which appear to be valid.
Sec. 10. RCW 76.48.100 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
The provisions of this
chapter ((shall)) do not apply to:
(1) Nursery grown products.
(2) Logs (except as included in the definition of "cedar salvage" under RCW 76.48.020), poles, pilings, or other major forest products from which substantially all of the limbs and branches have been removed, and cedar salvage when harvested concurrently with timber stands (a) under an approved forest practices application or notification, or (b) under a contract or permit issued by an agency of the United States government.
(3) The activities of a
landowner, his or her agent, or representative, or of a lessee of land
in carrying on noncommercial property management, maintenance, or improvements
on or in connection with the land of ((such)) the landowner or
Sec. 11. RCW 76.48.110 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
Whenever any law
enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a person is harvesting
or is in possession of or transporting specialized forest products in violation
of the provisions of this chapter, he or she may, at the time of making
an arrest, seize and take possession of any ((such)) specialized forest
products found. The law enforcement officer shall provide reasonable
protection for the specialized forest products involved during the period of
litigation or he or she shall dispose of ((such)) the
specialized forest products at the discretion or order of the court before
which the arrested person is ordered to appear.
Upon any disposition of
the case by the court, the court shall make a reasonable effort to return the
specialized forest products to their rightful owner or pay the proceeds of any
sale of specialized forest products less any reasonable expenses of ((such))
the sale to the rightful owner. If for any reason, the proceeds of ((such))
the sale cannot be disposed of to the rightful owner, ((such)) the
proceeds, less the reasonable expenses of the sale, shall be paid to the
treasurer of the county in which the violation occurred. The county treasurer
shall deposit the same in the county general fund. The return of the
specialized forest products or the payment of the proceeds of any sale of
products seized to the owner shall not preclude the court from imposing any
fine or penalty upon the violator for the violation of the provisions of this
Sec. 12. RCW 76.48.120 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
It ((shall be)) is
unlawful for any person, upon official inquiry, investigation, or other
authorized proceedings, to offer as genuine any paper, document, or other
instrument in writing purporting to be a specialized forest products permit, ((or
true copy thereof,)) authorization, sales invoice, or bill of lading, or to
make any representation of authority to possess or conduct harvesting or
transporting of specialized forest products, knowing the same to be in any
manner false, fraudulent, forged, or stolen.
Any person who
knowingly or intentionally violates this section ((shall be)) is
guilty of forgery, and shall be punished as a class C felony providing for
imprisonment in a state correctional institution for a maximum term fixed by
the court of not more than five years or by a fine of not more than five
thousand dollars, or by both ((such)) imprisonment and fine.
Whenever any law
enforcement officer reasonably suspects that a specialized forest products
permit ((or true copy thereof)), authorization, sales invoice, or bill
of lading is forged, fraudulent, or stolen, it may be retained by the officer
until its authenticity can be verified.
Sec. 13. RCW 76.48.130 and 1977 ex.s. c 147 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
((Any)) A
person who violates ((any)) a provision of this chapter, other
than the provisions contained in RCW 76.48.120, as now or hereafter amended, ((shall
be)) is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by
imprisonment in the county jail for not to exceed one year or by both ((such))
a fine and imprisonment.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
Buyers may not purchase any specialized forest products without recording (1) the permit number; (2) the type of forest product purchased; (3) the amount of forest product purchased; and (4) the purchase price. The buyer shall keep a record of all forest products purchased.
The buyer of specialized forest products must record the license plate number of the vehicle transporting the forest products on the bill of sale, as well as the seller's permit number on the bill of sale.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
County sheriffs may contract with other entities to serve as authorized agents to issue specialized forest product permits. These entities include the United States forest service, the bureau of land management, the department of natural resources, local police departments, rural stores and gas stations, and other entities as decided upon by the county sheriffs' departments.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
All records and data that is collected concerning the forest products harvested or purchased shall be made available to entities that have a valid interest in the information for the purpose of research and knowledge. These entities include colleges and universities, state agencies, federal agencies, and other relevant entities. These entities may also access relevant information from persons involved in the forest products transactions.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
The Asian-American affairs commission set out under RCW 43.117.030 and the Hispanic affairs commission set out under RCW 43.115.020 shall assist non-English speaking and minority pickers by way of a pickers' educational program. The commissions, in cooperation with the department of social and health services, refugee centers, Asian community organizations, Hispanic community organizations, and other interested minority groups, shall adopt rules to accomplish the following:
(1) Publish laws, rules, and educational materials in those languages used by a majority of the non-English speaking pickers;
(2) Hold clinics to teach techniques for effective picking; and
(3) Work with both minority and nonminority pickers in order to (a) help protect resources; (b) provide them with work opportunities; and (c) help provide understanding between minority and nonminority pickers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 18. RCW 76.48.092 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 8 & 1977 ex.s. c 147 s 14 are each repealed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 19. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
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