S-4272.2 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Fraser, Hochstatter, Morton and M. Rasmussen
Read first time 01/24/94. Referred to Committee on Energy & Utilities.
AN ACT Relating to water rights for municipal purposes; amending RCW 90.03.290, 90.03.320, 90.03.380, 90.03.260, and 90.03.330; and adding a new section to chapter 90.03 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 90.03 RCW to read as follows:
"Municipal purpose" means for the purposes of this chapter water distributed by a public water system purveyor as defined by chapter 70.116 RCW, and includes domestic, commercial, and industrial water uses provided as an integral element of the public water system.
Sec. 2. RCW 90.03.290 and 1988 c 36 s 66 are each amended to read as follows:
When an application
complying with the provisions of this chapter and with the rules and
regulations of the department has been filed, the same shall be placed on
record with the department, and it shall be its duty to investigate the
application, and determine what water, if any, is available for appropriation,
and find and determine to what beneficial use or uses it can be applied. If it
is proposed to appropriate water for irrigation purposes, the department shall
investigate, determine and find what lands are capable of irrigation by means
of water found available for appropriation. If it is proposed to appropriate
water for the purpose of power development, the department shall investigate,
determine and find whether the proposed development is likely to prove
detrimental to the public interest, having in mind the highest feasible use of
the waters belonging to the public. If it is proposed to appropriate water
for municipal purposes, which include commercial, industrial, and domestic
supply, the department shall investigate, determine, and find whether the
proposed application is consistent with adopted land use plans and policies; and
state-approved water system plans. If the application does not contain,
and the applicant does not promptly furnish sufficient information on which to
base such findings, the department may issue a preliminary permit, for a period
of not to exceed three years, requiring the applicant to make such surveys,
investigations, studies, and progress reports, as in the opinion of the
department may be necessary. If the applicant fails to comply with the
conditions of the preliminary permit, it and the application or applications on
which it is based shall be automatically canceled and the applicant so
notified. If the holder of a preliminary permit shall, before its expiration,
file with the department a verified report of expenditures made and work done
under the preliminary permit, which, in the opinion of the department,
establishes the good faith, intent and ability of the applicant to carry on the
proposed development, the preliminary permit may, with the approval of the
governor, be extended, but not to exceed a maximum period of five years from
the date of the issuance of the preliminary permit. The department shall make
and file as part of the record in the matter, written findings of fact
concerning all things investigated, and if it shall find that there is water
available for appropriation for a beneficial use, and the appropriation thereof
as proposed in the application will not impair existing rights or be
detrimental to the public welfare, it shall issue a permit stating the amount
of water to which the applicant shall be entitled and the beneficial use or
uses to which it may be applied: PROVIDED, That where the water applied for is
to be used for irrigation purposes, it shall become appurtenant only to such
land as may be reclaimed thereby to the full extent of the soil for
agricultural purposes. But where there is no unappropriated water in the
proposed source of supply, or where the proposed use conflicts with existing
rights, or threatens to prove detrimental to the public interest, having due regard
to the highest feasible development of the use of the waters belonging to the
public, it shall be duty of the department to reject such application and to
refuse to issue the permit asked for. If the permit is refused because of
conflict with existing rights and such applicant shall acquire same by purchase
or condemnation under RCW 90.03.040, the department may thereupon grant such
permit. Any application may be approved for a less amount of water than that
applied for, if there exists substantial reason therefor, and in any event
shall not be approved for more water than can be applied to beneficial use for
the purposes named in the application. In determining whether or not a permit
shall issue upon any application, it shall be the duty of the department to
investigate all facts relevant and material to the application. After the
department approves said application in whole or in part and before any permit
shall be issued thereon to the applicant, such applicant shall pay the fee
provided in RCW 90.03.470: PROVIDED FURTHER, That in the event a permit is
issued by the department upon any application, it shall be its duty to notify
((both)) the director of ((fisheries and the director of)) fish
and wildlife of such issuance.
Sec. 3. RCW 90.03.320 and 1987 c 109 s 67 are each amended to read as follows:
Actual construction work shall be commenced on any project for which permit has been granted within such reasonable time as shall be prescribed by the department, and shall thereafter be prosecuted with diligence and completed within the time prescribed by the department. The department, in fixing the time for the commencement of the work, or for the completion thereof and the application of the water to the beneficial use prescribed in the permit, shall take into consideration the cost and magnitude of the project and the engineering and physical features to be encountered, and shall allow such time as shall be reasonable and just under the conditions then existing, having due regard for the public welfare and public interests affected: and, for good cause shown, it shall extend the time or times fixed as aforesaid, and shall grant such further period or periods as may be reasonably necessary, having due regard to the good faith of the applicant and the public interests affected. In fixing public water system construction schedules and the time for application of water to beneficial use for municipal supply purposes, the department shall also take into consideration the term and amount of public financing required to complete the project, planned and existing conservation and water use efficiency measures installed by the public water system, and the supply needs of the public water system's service area, given adopted land use plans and policies and related demand projections prepared by public water systems in accordance with state law. If the terms of the permit or extension thereof, are not complied with the department shall give notice by registered mail that such permit will be canceled unless the holders thereof shall show cause within sixty days why the same should not be so canceled. If cause be not shown, said permit shall be canceled.
Sec. 4. RCW 90.03.380 and 1991 c 347 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
The right to the use of water which has been applied to a beneficial use in the state shall be and remain appurtenant to the land or place upon which the same is used: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That said right may be transferred to another or to others and become appurtenant to any other land or place of use without loss of priority of right theretofore established if such change can be made without detriment or injury to existing rights. The point of diversion of water for beneficial use or the purpose of use may be changed, if such change can be made without detriment or injury to existing rights. Before any transfer of such right to use water or change of the point of diversion of water or change of purpose of use can be made, any person having an interest in the transfer or change, shall file a written application therefor with the department, and said application shall not be granted until notice of said application shall be published as provided in RCW 90.03.280. If it shall appear that such transfer or such change may be made without injury or detriment to existing rights, the department shall issue to the applicant a certificate in duplicate granting the right for such transfer or for such change of point of diversion or of use. The certificate so issued shall be filed and be made a record with the department and the duplicate certificate issued to the applicant may be filed with the county auditor in like manner and with the same effect as provided in the original certificate or permit to divert water.
If a public water system holding an interest in existing rights seeks a change in place or purpose of use for such water rights for municipal purposes and has shown that: The purveyor proposing to provide supply has permitted or certificated water rights sufficient to meet the request for service; the provision of such supply shall fall within the instantaneous quantity established in the purveyor's permit or certificate; and the provision of such supply is consistent with locally adopted land use plans and policies and state approved water system plans; the department shall issue an amended permit or certificate within ninety days of acceptance of a completed application, provided, the department determines the change in place or purpose of use will not impair existing rights.
If an application for change proposes to transfer water rights from one irrigation district to another, the department shall, before publication of notice, receive concurrence from each of the irrigation districts that such transfer or change will not adversely affect the ability to deliver water to other landowners or impair the financial integrity of either of the districts.
A change in place of use by an individual water user or users of water provided by an irrigation district need only receive approval for the change from the board of directors of the district if the use of water continues within the irrigation district.
This section shall not apply to trust water rights acquired by the state through the funding of water conservation projects under chapter 90.38 RCW or RCW 90.42.010 through 90.42.070.
Quantities of water appropriated for municipal supply purposes held under permit or certificate subject to change shall not be relinquished or diminished unless the department can clearly show: The water appropriated clearly exceeds that amount necessary to meet future supply needs as determined by adopted land use plans and policies or related demand projections prepared by public water systems in accordance with state law, and the public water system clearly lacks sufficient installed capacity to make full beneficial use of the instantaneous amount provided for in permit or certificate.
Sec. 5. RCW 90.03.260 and 1987 c 109 s 84 are each amended to read as follows:
Each application for
permit to appropriate water shall set forth the name and post office address of
the applicant, the source of water supply, the nature and amount of the
proposed use, the time during which water will be required each year, the
location and description of the proposed ditch, canal, or other work, the time
within which the completion of the construction and the time for the complete
application of the water to the proposed use. If for agricultural purposes, it
shall give the legal subdivision of the land and the acreage to be irrigated,
as near as may be, and the amount of water expressed in acre feet to be
supplied per season. If for power purposes, it shall give the nature of the
works by means of which the power is to be developed, the head and amount of
water to be utilized, and the uses to which the power is to be applied. If for
construction of a reservoir, it shall give the height of the dam, the capacity
of the reservoir, and the uses to be made of the impounded waters. If for ((municipal))
public water supply, it shall give the present population to be served,
and, as near as may be((,)) projected in a state-approved water
system plan, and the demand projections for the future requirement of the
((municipality)) public water system service area. If for mining
purposes, it shall give the nature of the mines to be served and the method of
supplying and utilizing the water; also their location by legal subdivisions.
All applications shall be accompanied by such maps and drawings, in duplicate,
and such other data, as may be required by the department, and such
accompanying data shall be considered as a part of the application.
Sec. 6. RCW 90.03.330 and 1987 c 109 s 89 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon a
showing satisfactory to the department that any appropriation has been
perfected in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, it shall be the
duty of the department to issue to the applicant a certificate stating such
facts in a form to be prescribed by ((him)) the director, and
such certificate shall thereupon be recorded with the department.
(2) For those public water supplies designed to accommodate future growth as defined by a state-approved water system plan, the appropriation shall be considered to be perfected at such time as the permanent diversion or withdrawal facilities have been installed and such facilities are in use.
(3) The annual authorized appropriation will be fully consummated as demand develops.
(4) Any original water right certificate issued, as provided by this chapter, shall be recorded with the department and thereafter, at the expense of the party receiving the same, be by the department transmitted to the county auditor of the county or counties where the distributing system or any part thereof is located, and be recorded in the office of such county auditor, and thereafter be transmitted to the owner thereof.
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