S-4997.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Talmadge, Wojahn, Haugen, Winsley and McAuliffe; by request of Attorney General)
Read first time 02/08/94.
AN ACT Relating to permanency planning and guardianship for dependent children; and amending RCW 13.34.030, 13.34.130, 13.34.145, 13.34.231, 13.34.232, 13.34.233, 13.34.234, and 13.34.236.
Sec. 1. RCW 13.34.030 and 1993 c 241 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
For purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Child"
and "juvenile" means any individual under the age of eighteen years((;)).
(2) "Current placement episode" means the period of time that begins with the most recent date that the child was removed from the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian for purposes of placement in out-of-home care and continues until the child returns home, an adoption decree or guardianship order is entered, or the dependency is dismissed, whichever occurs soonest. If the most recent date of removal occurred prior to the filing of a dependency petition under this chapter or after filing but prior to entry of a disposition order, such time periods shall be included when calculating the length of a child's current placement episode.
(3) "Dependency guardian" means the person, nonprofit corporation, or Indian tribe appointed by the court pursuant to RCW 13.34.232 for the limited purpose of assisting the court in the supervision of the dependency.
(4) "Dependent child" means any child:
(a) Who has been abandoned; that is, where the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian has evidenced either by statement or conduct, a settled intent to forego, for an extended period, all parental rights or all parental responsibilities despite an ability to do so;
(b) Who is abused or neglected as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW by a person legally responsible for the care of the child;
(c) Who has no parent, guardian, or custodian capable of adequately caring for the child, such that the child is in circumstances which constitute a danger of substantial damage to the child's psychological or physical development; or
(d) Who has a
developmental disability, as defined in RCW 71A.10.020 and whose parent,
guardian, or legal custodian together with the department determines that
services appropriate to the child's needs can not be provided in the home.
However, (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection may still be applied if other
reasons for removal of the child from the home exist((;)).
(((3))) (5)
"Guardian" means the person or agency that: (a) Has been appointed
as the guardian of a child in a legal proceeding other than a proceeding under
this chapter; and (b) has the legal right to custody of the child pursuant to
such appointment. The term "guardian" shall not include a
"dependency guardian" appointed pursuant to a proceeding under this
"Guardian ad litem" means a person, appointed by the court to
represent the best interest of a child in a proceeding under this chapter, or
in any matter which may be consolidated with a proceeding under this chapter.
A "court-appointed special advocate" appointed by the court to be the
guardian ad litem for the child, or to perform substantially the same duties
and functions as a guardian ad litem, shall be deemed to be guardian ad litem
for all purposes and uses of this chapter((;)).
(((4))) (7)
"Guardian ad litem program" means a court-authorized volunteer
program, which is or may be established by the superior court of the county in
which such proceeding is filed, to manage all aspects of volunteer guardian ad
litem representation for children alleged or found to be dependent. Such
management shall include but is not limited to: Recruitment, screening,
training, supervision, assignment, and discharge of volunteers.
(8) "Out-of-home care" means placement in a foster family home or group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW or placement in a home, other than that of the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, not required to be licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW.
Sec. 2. RCW 13.34.130 and 1992 c 145 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
If, after a
fact-finding hearing pursuant to RCW 13.34.110, ((as now or hereafter
amended,)) it has been proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the
child is dependent within the meaning of RCW 13.34.030(((2))); after
consideration of the predisposition report prepared pursuant to RCW 13.34.110
and after a disposition hearing has been held pursuant to RCW 13.34.110, the
court shall enter an order of disposition pursuant to this section.
(1) The court shall order one of the following dispositions of the case:
(a) Order a disposition other than removal of the child from his or her home, which shall provide a program designed to alleviate the immediate danger to the child, to mitigate or cure any damage the child has already suffered, and to aid the parents so that the child will not be endangered in the future. In selecting a program, the court should choose those services that least interfere with family autonomy, provided that the services are adequate to protect the child.
(b) Order that the child be removed from his or her home and ordered into the custody, control, and care of a relative or the department of social and health services or a licensed child placing agency for placement in a foster family home or group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW or in a home not required to be licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW. Unless there is reasonable cause to believe that the safety or welfare of the child would be jeopardized or that efforts to reunite the parent and child will be hindered, such child shall be placed with a grandparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle, aunt, or first cousin with whom the child has a relationship and is comfortable, and who is willing and available to care for the child. An order for out-of-home placement may be made only if the court finds that reasonable efforts have been made to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from the child's home and to make it possible for the child to return home, specifying the services that have been provided to the child and the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, and that:
(i) There is no parent or guardian available to care for such child;
(ii) The parent, guardian, or legal custodian is not willing to take custody of the child;
(iii) A manifest danger exists that the child will suffer serious abuse or neglect if the child is not removed from the home and an order under RCW 26.44.063 would not protect the child from danger; or
(iv) The extent of the child's disability is such that the parent, guardian, or legal custodian is unable to provide the necessary care for the child and the parent, guardian, or legal custodian has determined that the child would benefit from placement outside of the home.
(2) If the court has ordered a child removed from his or her home pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section, the court may order that a petition seeking termination of the parent and child relationship be filed if the court finds it is recommended by the supervising agency, that it is in the best interests of the child and that it is not reasonable to provide further services to reunify the family because the existence of aggravated circumstances make it unlikely that services will effectuate the return of the child to the child's parents in the near future. In determining whether aggravated circumstances exist, the court shall consider one or more of the following:
(a) Conviction of the parent of rape of the child in the first, second, or third degree as defined in RCW 9A.44.073, 9A.44.076, and 9A.44.079;
(b) Conviction of the parent of criminal mistreatment of the child in the first or second degree as defined in RCW 9A.42.020 and 9A.42.030;
(c) Conviction of the parent of one of the following assault crimes, when the child is the victim: Assault in the first or second degree as defined in RCW 9A.36.011 and 9A.36.021 or assault of a child in the first or second degree as defined in RCW 9A.36.120 or 9A.36.130;
(d) Conviction of the parent of murder, manslaughter, or homicide by abuse of the child's other parent, sibling, or another child;
(e) A finding by a court that a parent is a sexually violent predator as defined in RCW 71.09.020;
(f) Failure of the parent to complete available treatment ordered under this chapter or the equivalent laws of another state, where such failure has resulted in a prior termination of parental rights to another child and the parent has failed to effect significant change in the interim.
(3) Whenever a child is ordered removed from the child's home, the agency charged with his or her care shall provide the court with:
(a) ((A permanent
plan of care that may include one of the following: Return of the child to the
home of the child's parent, adoption, guardianship, or long-term placement with
a relative or in foster care with a written agreement.)) A permanency
plan of care that shall identify one of the following outcomes as a primary
goal and may identify additional outcomes as alternative goals: Return of the
child to the home of the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian;
adoption; guardianship; or long-term relative or foster care, until the child
is age eighteen, with a written agreement between the parties and the care
(b) Unless the court has ordered, pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, that a termination petition be filed, a specific plan as to where the child will be placed, what steps will be taken to return the child home, and what actions the agency will take to maintain parent-child ties. All aspects of the plan shall include the goal of achieving permanence for the child.
(i) The agency plan shall specify what services the parents will be offered in order to enable them to resume custody, what requirements the parents must meet in order to resume custody, and a time limit for each service plan and parental requirement.
(ii) The agency shall be required to encourage the maximum parent-child contact possible, including regular visitation and participation by the parents in the care of the child while the child is in placement. Visitation may be limited or denied only if the court determines that such limitation or denial is necessary to protect the child's health, safety, or welfare.
(iii) A child shall be placed as close to the child's home as possible, preferably in the child's own neighborhood, unless the court finds that placement at a greater distance is necessary to promote the child's or parents' well-being.
(iv) The agency charged with supervising a child in placement shall provide all reasonable services that are available within the agency, or within the community, or those services which the department of social and health services has existing contracts to purchase. It shall report to the court if it is unable to provide such services.
(c) If the court has ordered, pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, that a termination petition be filed, a specific plan as to where the child will be placed, what steps will be taken to achieve permanency for the child, services to be offered or provided to the child, and, if visitation would be in the best interests of the child, a recommendation to the court regarding visitation between parent and child pending a fact-finding hearing on the termination petition. The agency shall not be required to develop a plan of services for the parents or provide services to the parents.
(4) If there is insufficient information at the time of the disposition hearing upon which to base a determination regarding the suitability of a proposed placement with a relative, the child shall remain in foster care and the court shall direct the supervising agency to conduct necessary background investigations as provided in chapter 74.15 RCW and report the results of such investigation to the court within thirty days. However, if such relative appears otherwise suitable and competent to provide care and treatment, the criminal history background check need not be completed before placement, but as soon as possible after placement. Any placements with relatives, pursuant to this section, shall be contingent upon cooperation by the relative with the agency case plan and compliance with court orders related to the care and supervision of the child including, but not limited to, court orders regarding parent-child contacts and any other conditions imposed by the court. Noncompliance with the case plan or court order shall be grounds for removal of the child from the relative's home, subject to review by the court.
(5) Except for children whose cases are reviewed by a citizen review board under chapter 13.70 RCW, the status of all children found to be dependent shall be reviewed by the court at least every six months from the beginning date of the placement episode or the date dependency is established, whichever is first, at a hearing in which it shall be determined whether court supervision should continue. The review shall include findings regarding the agency and parental completion of disposition plan requirements, and if necessary, revised permanency time limits.
(a) A child shall not be returned home at the review hearing unless the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in this section no longer exists. The parents, guardian, or legal custodian shall report to the court the efforts they have made to correct the conditions which led to removal. If a child is returned, casework supervision shall continue for a period of six months, at which time there shall be a hearing on the need for continued intervention.
(b) If the child is not returned home, the court shall establish in writing:
(i) Whether reasonable services have been provided to or offered to the parties to facilitate reunion, specifying the services provided or offered;
(ii) Whether the child has been placed in the least-restrictive setting appropriate to the child's needs, including whether consideration has been given to placement with the child's relatives;
(iii) Whether there is a continuing need for placement and whether the placement is appropriate;
(iv) Whether there has been compliance with the case plan by the child, the child's parents, and the agency supervising the placement;
(v) Whether progress has been made toward correcting the problems that necessitated the child's placement in out-of-home care;
(vi) Whether the parents have visited the child and any reasons why visitation has not occurred or has been infrequent;
(vii) Whether additional services are needed to facilitate the return of the child to the child's parents; if so, the court shall order that reasonable services be offered specifying such services; and
(viii) The projected date by which the child will be returned home or other permanent plan of care will be implemented.
(c) The court at the review hearing may order that a petition seeking termination of the parent and child relationship be filed.
Sec. 3. RCW 13.34.145 and 1993 c 412 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((In all cases
where a child has been placed in substitute care for at least fifteen months,
the agency having custody of the child shall prepare a permanency plan and
present it in a hearing held before the court no later than eighteen months
following commencement of the placement episode.
(2) At the
permanency planning hearing, the court shall enter findings as required by RCW
13.34.130(5). In addition the court shall: (a) Approve a permanency plan
which shall include one of the following: Adoption, guardianship, placement of
the child in the home of the child's parent, relative placement with written
permanency plan, or family foster care with written permanency agreement; (b)
require filing of a petition for termination of parental rights; or (c) dismiss
the dependency, unless the court finds, based on clear, cogent, and convincing
evidence, that it is in the best interest of the child to continue the
dependency beyond eighteen months, based on the permanency plan. Extensions
may only be granted in increments of twelve months or less.)) A permanency plan shall be developed no
later than sixty days from the time the supervising agency assumes
responsibility for providing services, including placing the child, or at the
time of a hearing under RCW 13.34.130, whichever occurs first. The permanency
planning process continues until a permanency planning goal is achieved or
dependency is dismissed. The planning process shall include reasonable efforts
to return the child to the parent's home.
(a) Whenever a child is placed in out-of-home care pursuant to RCW 13.34.130, the agency that has custody of the child shall provide the court with a written permanency plan of care directed towards securing a safe, stable, and permanent home for the child as soon as possible. The plan shall identify one of the following outcomes as the primary goal and may also identify additional outcomes as alternative goals: Return of the child to the home of the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian; adoption; guardianship; or long-term relative or foster care, until the child is age eighteen, with a written agreement between the parties and the care provider.
(b) The identified outcomes and goals of the permanency plan may change over time based upon the circumstances of the particular case.
(c) Permanency planning goals should be achieved at the earliest possible date, preferably before the child has been in out-of-home care for nine months.
(2) A permanency planning hearing shall be held in all cases where a child has remained in out-of-home care for at least nine months and an adoption decree or guardianship order has not previously been entered. The hearing shall take place no later than twelve months following commencement of the current placement episode.
(3) Whenever a child is removed from the home of a dependency guardian or long-term relative or foster care provider, and the child is not returned to the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian but is placed in out-of-home care, a permanency planning hearing shall take place no later than twelve months following the date of removal unless, prior to the hearing, the child returns to the home of the dependency guardian or long-term care provider, the child is placed in the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, an adoption decree or guardianship order is entered, or the dependency is dismissed.
(4) No later than ten working days prior to the permanency planning hearing, the agency having custody of the child shall submit a written permanency plan to the court and shall mail a copy of the plan to all parties and their legal counsel, if any.
(5) At the permanency planning hearing, the court shall enter findings as required by RCW 13.34.130(5) and shall review the permanency plan prepared by the agency. If a goal of long-term foster or relative care has been achieved prior to the permanency planning hearing, the court shall review the child's status to determine whether the placement and the plan for the child's care remain appropriate. In cases where the primary permanency planning goal has not yet been achieved, the court shall inquire regarding the reasons why the primary goal has not been achieved and determine what needs to be done to make it possible to achieve the primary goal. In all cases, the court shall:
(a)(i) Order the permanency plan prepared by the agency to be implemented; or
(ii) Modify the permanency plan, and order implementation of the modified plan; and
(b)(i) Order the child returned home only if the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in RCW 13.34.130 no longer exists; or
(ii) Order the child to remain in out-of-home care for a limited specified time period while efforts are made to implement the permanency plan.
(6) If the court orders the child returned home, casework supervision shall continue for at least six months, at which time a review hearing shall be held pursuant to RCW 13.34.130(5), and the court shall determine the need for continued intervention.
(7) Following the first permanency planning hearing, the court shall hold a further permanency planning hearing in accordance with this section at least once every twelve months until a permanency planning goal is achieved or the dependency is dismissed, whichever occurs first.
(8) Except as otherwise provided in RCW 13.34.235, the status of all dependent children shall continue to be reviewed by the court at least once every six months, in accordance with RCW 13.34.130(5), until the dependency is dismissed. Prior to the second permanency planning hearing, the agency that has custody of the child shall consider whether to file a petition for termination of parental rights.
(9) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the ability of the agency that has custody of the child to file a petition for termination of parental rights or a guardianship petition at any time following the establishment of dependency. Upon the filing of such a petition, a fact-finding hearing shall be scheduled and held in accordance with this chapter unless the agency requests dismissal of the petition prior to the hearing or unless the parties enter an agreed order terminating parental rights, establishing guardianship, or otherwise resolving the matter.
(10) The approval of a permanency plan that does not contemplate return of the child to the parent does not relieve the supervising agency of its obligation to provide reasonable services, under this chapter, intended to effectuate the return of the child to the parent, including but not limited to, visitation rights.
(11) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the procedural due process rights of any party in a termination or guardianship proceeding filed under this chapter.
Sec. 4. RCW 13.34.231 and 1981 c 195 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
At the hearing on a dependency
guardianship petition, all parties have the right to present evidence and cross
examine witnesses. The rules of evidence apply to the conduct of the hearing.
A guardianship ((may)) shall be established if the court finds by
a preponderance of the evidence that:
(1) The child has been
found to be a dependent child under RCW 13.34.030(((2)));
(2) A dispositional order has been entered pursuant to RCW 13.34.130;
(3) The child has been
removed or will, at the time of the hearing, have been removed from the custody
of the parent for a period of at least six months pursuant to a finding of
dependency under RCW 13.34.030(((2)));
(4) The services ordered under RCW 13.34.130 have been offered or provided and all necessary services, reasonably available, capable of correcting the parental deficiencies within the foreseeable future have been offered or provided;
(5) There is little likelihood that conditions will be remedied so that the child can be returned to the parent in the near future; and
(6) A guardianship,
rather than termination of the parent-child relationship or continuation of ((the
child's current dependent status)) efforts to return the child to the
custody of the parent, would be in the best interest of the ((family))
Sec. 5. RCW 13.34.232 and 1993 c 412 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If the court has made a finding under RCW 13.34.231, it shall enter an order establishing a dependency guardianship for the child. The order shall:
(((1))) (a)
Appoint a person or agency to serve as dependency guardian for the
limited purpose of assisting the court to supervise the dependency;
(((2))) (b)
Specify the dependency guardian's rights and responsibilities concerning
the care, custody, and control of the child. A dependency guardian
shall not have the authority to consent to the child's adoption;
(((3))) (c)
Specify the dependency guardian's authority, if any, to receive, invest, and
expend funds, benefits, or property belonging to the child;
(d) Specify an appropriate frequency of visitation between the parent and the child; and
(((4))) (e)
Specify the need for any continued involvement of the supervising agency and
the nature of that involvement, if any.
((The order shall
not affect the child's status as a dependent child, and the child shall remain
dependent for the duration of the guardianship.))
(2) Unless the court specifies otherwise in the guardianship order, the dependency guardian shall maintain the physical custody of the child and have the following rights and duties:
(a) Protect, discipline, and educate the child;
(b) Provide food, clothing, shelter, education as required by law, and routine health care for the child;
(c) Consent to necessary health and surgical care and sign a release of health care information to appropriate authorities, pursuant to law;
(d) Consent to social and school activities of the child; and
(e) Provide an annual written accounting to the court regarding receipt by the dependency guardian of any funds, benefits, or property belonging to the child and expenditures made therefrom.
(3) As used in this section, the term "health care" includes, but is not limited to, medical, dental, psychological, and psychiatric care and treatment.
(4) The child shall remain dependent for the duration of the guardianship. While the guardianship remains in effect, the dependency guardian shall be a party to any dependency proceedings pertaining to the child.
(5) The guardianship shall remain in effect only until the child is eighteen years of age or until the court terminates the guardianship order, whichever occurs sooner.
Sec. 6. RCW 13.34.233 and 1981 c 195 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any party
may ((seek a modification of the)) request the court to modify or
terminate a dependency guardianship order under RCW 13.34.150. Notice
of any motion to modify or terminate the guardianship shall be served on all
other parties, including any agency that was responsible for supervising the
child's placement at the time the guardianship petition was filed. Notice shall
in all cases be served upon the department of social and health services. If
the department was not previously a party to the guardianship proceeding, the
department shall nevertheless have the right to initiate a proceeding to modify
or terminate a guardianship and the right to intervene at any stage of such a
(2) The guardianship may be modified or terminated upon the motion of any party or the department if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a change of circumstances subsequent to the establishment of the guardianship and that it is in the child's best interest to modify or terminate the guardianship. Unless all parties agree to entry of an order modifying or terminating the guardianship, the court shall hold a hearing on the motion.
(3) Upon entry of an order terminating the guardianship, the dependency guardian shall not have any rights or responsibilities with respect to the child and shall not have legal standing to participate as a party in further dependency proceedings pertaining to the child. The court may allow the child's dependency guardian to attend dependency review proceedings pertaining to the child for the sole purpose of providing information about the child to the court.
(4) Upon entry of an order terminating the guardianship, the child shall remain dependent and the court shall either return the child to the child's parent or order the child into the custody, control, and care of the department of social and health services or a licensed child- placing agency for placement in a foster home or group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW or in a home not required to be licensed pursuant to such chapter. The court shall not place a child in the custody of the child's parent unless the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in RCW 13.34.130 no longer exists and that such placement is in the child's best interest. The court shall thereafter conduct reviews as provided in RCW 13.34.130(5) and, where applicable, shall hold a permanency planning hearing in accordance with RCW 13.34.145.
Sec. 7. RCW 13.34.234 and 1981 c 195 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
Establishment of a dependency
guardianship under RCW 13.34.231 and 13.34.232 does not preclude ((a)) the
dependency guardian from receiving foster care payments.
Sec. 8. RCW 13.34.236 and 1981 c 195 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any person
over the age of twenty-one years who is not otherwise disqualified by this
section, any nonprofit corporation, or any Indian tribe may be appointed the dependency
guardian of a child under RCW 13.34.232. No person is qualified to serve as a dependency
guardian ((who: (1) Is of unsound mind; (2) has been convicted of a felony
or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; or (3) is a person whom the court
finds unsuitable)) unless the person meets the minimum requirements to
care for children as provided in RCW 74.15.030.
(2) If the preferences of a child's parent were not considered under RCW 13.34.260 as they relate to the proposed dependency guardian, the court may consider such preferences before appointing the dependency guardian.
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