S-3618.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Wojahn, Prince, Fraser, Winsley, Haugen and Williams
Read first time 01/13/94. Referred to Committee on Government Operations.
AN ACT Relating to the educational publications of the state historical societies; amending RCW 43.78.030; and adding a new section to chapter 27.34 RCW.
Sec. 1. RCW 43.78.030 and 1993 c 379 s 104 are each amended to read as follows:
The public printer shall print and bind the session laws, the journals of the two houses of the legislature, all bills, resolutions, documents, and other printing and binding of either the senate or house, as the same may be ordered by the legislature; and such forms, blanks, record books, and printing and binding of every description as may be ordered by all state officers, boards, commissions, and institutions, and the supreme court, and the court of appeals and officers thereof, as the same may be ordered on requisition, from time to time, by the proper authorities. This section shall not apply to the printing of the supreme court and the court of appeals reports, to the printing of bond certificates or bond offering disclosure documents, to the printing of educational publications of the state historical societies, or to any printing done or contracted for by institutions of higher education: PROVIDED, That institutions of higher education, in consultation with the public printer, develop vendor selection procedures comparable to those used by the public printer for contracted printing jobs. Where any institution or institution of higher learning of the state is or may become equipped with facilities for doing such work, it may do any printing: (1) For itself, or (2) for any other state institution when such printing is done as part of a course of study relative to the profession of printer. Any printing and binding of whatever description as may be needed by any institution or agency of the state department of social and health services not at Olympia, or the supreme court or the court of appeals or any officer thereof, the estimated cost of which shall not exceed one thousand dollars, may be done by any private printing company in the general vicinity within the state of Washington so ordering, if in the judgment of the officer of the agency so ordering, the saving in time and processing justifies the award to such local private printing concern.
Beginning on July 1, 1989, and on July 1 of each succeeding odd-numbered year, the dollar limit specified in this section shall be adjusted as follows: The office of financial management shall calculate such limit by adjusting the previous biennium's limit by an appropriate federal inflationary index reflecting the rate of inflation for the previous biennium. Such amounts shall be rounded to the nearest fifty dollars.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 27.34 RCW to read as follows:
The restrictive provisions of chapter 43.78 RCW shall not apply to the educational publications of the state historical societies.
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