S-3747.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Nelson, A. Smith, Oke, Amondson, L. Smith, Sellar, Roach, Hochstatter, Schow, Haugen, West, Morton, M. Rasmussen, Winsley, Deccio, Anderson, McCaslin and Moyer
Read first time 01/12/94. Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
AN ACT Relating to restitution payments for juvenile offenses; amending RCW 13.40.190 and 13.40.300; and prescribing penalties.
Sec. 1. RCW 13.40.190 and 1987 c 281 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In its dispositional order, the court shall require the respondent to make restitution to any persons who have suffered loss or damage as a result of the offense committed by the respondent. In addition, restitution may be ordered for loss or damage if the offender pleads guilty to a lesser offense or fewer offenses and agrees with the prosecutor's recommendation that the offender be required to pay restitution to a victim of an offense or offenses which, pursuant to a plea agreement, are not prosecuted. The payment of restitution shall be in addition to any punishment which is imposed pursuant to the other provisions of this chapter. The court may determine the amount, terms, and conditions of the restitution including a payment plan extending up to ten years if the court determines that the respondent does not have the means to make full restitution over a shorter period. Restitution may include the costs of counseling reasonably related to the offense. If the respondent participated in the crime with another person or other persons, all such participants shall be jointly and severally responsible for the payment of restitution. For the purposes of this section, the respondent shall remain under the court's jurisdiction for a maximum term of ten years after the respondent's eighteenth birthday. The court may not require the respondent to pay full or partial restitution if the respondent reasonably satisfies the court that he or she does not have the means to make full or partial restitution and could not reasonably acquire the means to pay such restitution over a ten-year period. In cases where an offender has been committed to the department for a period of confinement exceeding fifteen weeks, restitution may be waived.
(2) If an order includes restitution as one of the monetary assessments, the county clerk shall make disbursements to victims named in the order. The restitution to victims named in the order shall be paid prior to any payment for other penalties or monetary assessments.
(3) A respondent under obligation to pay restitution may petition the court for modification of the restitution order.
Sec. 2. RCW 13.40.300 and 1986 c 288 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In no case may a juvenile offender be committed by the juvenile court to the department of social and health services for placement in a juvenile correctional institution beyond the juvenile offender's twenty-first birthday. A juvenile may be under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court or the authority of the department of social and health services beyond the juvenile's eighteenth birthday only if prior to the juvenile's eighteenth birthday:
(a) Proceedings are pending seeking the adjudication of a juvenile offense and the court by written order setting forth its reasons extends jurisdiction of juvenile court over the juvenile beyond his or her eighteenth birthday;
(b) The juvenile has been found guilty after a fact finding or after a plea of guilty and an automatic extension is necessary to allow for the imposition of disposition; or
(c) Disposition has been held and an automatic extension is necessary to allow for the execution and enforcement of the court's order of disposition. If an order of disposition imposes commitment to the department, then jurisdiction is automatically extended to include a period of up to twelve months of parole, in no case extending beyond the offender's twenty-first birthday.
(2) If the juvenile court previously has extended jurisdiction beyond the juvenile offender's eighteenth birthday and that period of extension has not expired, the court may further extend jurisdiction by written order setting forth its reasons.
(3) In no event may the juvenile court have authority to extend jurisdiction over any juvenile offender beyond the juvenile offender's twenty-first birthday except for the purpose of enforcing an order of restitution.
(4) Notwithstanding any extension of jurisdiction over a person pursuant to this section, the juvenile court has no jurisdiction over any offenses alleged to have been committed by a person eighteen years of age or older.
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