S-3775.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Talmadge, Deccio and Fraser
Read first time 01/11/94. Referred to Committee on Ecology & Parks.
AN ACT Relating to the listing and setting of priorities for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites; amending RCW 70.105D.030; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:
(a) The principal factor in setting priorities for cleanup of hazardous waste sites should be the actual threat to the public's health and to the environment;
(b) In setting site priorities, the readiness of potentially liable parties to proceed or to fund all or a portion of the cleanup if often given too great a weight, so that greater departmental resources may be expended on sites with a low risk to human health or the environment prior to a site with a high risk to human health or the environment;
(c) The existing hazard ranking has not been effective in ensuring that the sites with the greatest risks obtain the highest priority, and do not convey to the public adequate information by which the relative degree of risk among sites on the hazardous waste site list may be determined.
(2) The legislature therefore declares the following:
(a) Site ranking should be based on an assessment of the site's relative degree of hazard to public health and the environment through any pathway;
(b) The department's priority setting should rely primarily on the relative risks to human health and the environment among the sites on the waste site list;
(c) Funds appropriated for site remediation from the toxics control accounts should be expended primarily for the highest priority sites determined by the department based upon a uniform system for priority setting.
Sec. 2. RCW 70.105D.030 and 1989 c 2 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department may exercise the following powers in addition to any other powers granted by law:
(a) Investigate, provide for investigating, or require potentially liable persons to investigate any releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, including but not limited to inspecting, sampling, or testing to determine the nature or extent of any release or threatened release. If there is a reasonable basis to believe that a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance may exist, the department's authorized employees, agents, or contractors may enter upon any property and conduct investigations. The department shall give reasonable notice before entering property unless an emergency prevents such notice. The department may by subpoena require the attendance or testimony of witnesses and the production of documents or other information that the department deems necessary;
(b) Conduct, provide for conducting, or require potentially liable persons to conduct remedial actions (including investigations under (a) of this subsection) to remedy releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances. In carrying out such powers, the department's authorized employees, agents, or contractors may enter upon property. The department shall give reasonable notice before entering property unless an emergency prevents such notice. In conducting, providing for, or requiring remedial action, the department shall give preference to permanent solutions to the maximum extent practicable and shall provide for or require adequate monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of the remedial action;
(c) Indemnify contractors retained by the department for carrying out investigations and remedial actions, but not for any contractor's reckless or wilful misconduct;
(d) Carry out all state programs authorized under the federal cleanup law and the federal resource, conservation, and recovery act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq., as amended;
(e) Classify substances as hazardous substances for purposes of RCW 70.105D.020(5) and classify substances and products as hazardous substances for purposes of RCW 82.21.020(1); and
(f) Take any other actions necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, including the power to adopt rules under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) The department shall immediately implement
all provisions of this chapter to the maximum extent practicable, including
investigative and remedial actions where appropriate. The department((,
within nine months after March 1, 1989,)) shall adopt, and thereafter
enforce, rules under chapter 34.05 RCW to:
(a) Provide for public participation, including at least (i) the establishment of regional citizen's advisory committees, (ii) public notice of the development of investigative plans or remedial plans for releases or threatened releases, and (iii) concurrent public notice of all compliance orders, enforcement orders, or notices of violation;
(b) Establish and maintain a hazardous waste site list that includes all sites for which the department has credible evidence to believe that remedial action under this chapter will be required. The department may adopt a minimum hazard threshold below which sites shall not be listed, if the sites are subject to the department's authority under this chapter to order remedial action of hazardous substances releases at the site. The department shall adopt reasonable deadlines for the removal of sites from the list for which remedial action has been completed, and the department shall maintain a separate list of sites containing monitoring or operation and maintenance activities following remediation.
(c) Establish a ((hazard ranking))
priority setting system ((for hazardous waste sites)) governing
remedial actions by the department and expenditures from the toxics control
accounts at sites on the hazardous waste site list and the investigation of
sites for possible inclusion on the list. The department shall adopt criteria
for determining priorities that ensure that the highest priority is assigned to
sites that present the greatest relative risk to human health and the environment
among the sites on the list. The criteria shall include those specified under
section 105(8) of the federal cleanup law, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et. seq., as
amended. The criteria may also include the readiness of potentially liable
parties to proceed and the availability of funding from such parties or other
sources of funding, but such factors shall receive less weight than those
relating to the risks to human health and the environment. In assigning
priorities the department may incorporate and rely upon existing data and
rankings pursuant to the hazard ranking system established by the department.
The department shall amend its hazard ranking system to conform to the
requirements of this subsection no later than January 1, 1995, and all sites added
to the hazardous waste site list after such date shall be ranked as required by
this subsection. The department shall establish deadlines for assigning a
priority ranking to a site, not to exceed one year from its inclusion on the
hazardous waste site list;
(((c))) (d) Establish reasonable
deadlines not to exceed ninety days for initiating an investigation of a
hazardous waste site after the department receives information that the site
may pose a threat to human health or the environment and other reasonable
deadlines for remedying releases or threatened releases at the site; and
(((d))) (e) Publish and
periodically update minimum cleanup standards for remedial actions at least as
stringent as the cleanup standards under section 121 of the federal cleanup
law, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9621, and at least as stringent as all applicable state and
federal laws, including health-based standards under state and federal law.
(3) Before November 1st of each even-numbered
year, the ((department shall develop, with public notice and hearing, and))
governor shall submit to the ((ways and means)) fiscal and
appropriate standing environmental committees of the senate and house of
representatives the following:
(a) A ranked list of projects and expenditures recommended for appropriation from both the state and local toxics control accounts to implement the work plan required by this subsection and to achieve the waste prevention and cleanup purposes of this chapter.
(b) A work plan developed by the department, with public notice and hearing, for remedial action at the sites with the highest priority rankings and the projected expenditure per site in each of the fiscal years of the next biennium.
(c) The ((department)) governor
shall also provide the legislature and the public following each fiscal
year with an accounting of the ((department's)) activities of state
agencies and grantees supported by appropriations from the state and
local toxics control accounts, including ((a)) the
list of ((known)) hazardous waste sites and their ((hazard)) priority
rankings, actions taken and planned at each site, an accounting of
expenditures at each site, how the department is meeting its top two
management priorities under RCW 70.105.150, and all funds expended under this
(d) Funds appropriated to the department for remedial action activities shall be expended in substantial conformance with the priority ranking of sites and consistently with the work plan submitted under (b) of this subsection.
(4) The department shall establish a scientific advisory board to render advice to the department with respect to the hazard ranking system, cleanup standards, remedial actions, deadlines for remedial actions, monitoring, the classification of substances as hazardous substances for purposes of RCW 70.105D.020(5) and the classification of substances or products as hazardous substances for purposes of RCW 82.21.020(1). The board shall consist of five independent members to serve staggered three-year terms. No members may be employees of the department. Members shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
(5) The department shall establish a program to identify potential hazardous waste sites and to encourage persons to provide information about hazardous waste sites.
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