S-3686.2 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators A. Smith, Nelson and Haugen
Read first time 01/10/94. Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
AN ACT Relating to execution of judgments; and amending RCW 6.17.020.
Sec. 1. RCW 6.17.020 and 1989 c 360 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, the party in whose favor a judgment of a court of record of this state or a district court of this state has been or may be rendered, or the assignee, may have an execution issued for the collection or enforcement of the judgment at any time within ten years from entry of the judgment.
(2) After ((the effective date of this act))
July 23, 1989, a party who obtains a judgment or order of a court of
record of any state, or an administrative order entered as defined in RCW
74.20A.020(6) for accrued child support, may have an execution issued upon that
judgment or order at any time within ten years of the eighteenth birthday of
the youngest child named in the order for whom support is ordered.
(3) After the effective date of this act, a party in whose favor a judgment has been rendered pursuant to subsection (1) of this section may, within ninety days before the expiration of the original ten-year period, apply to the court that rendered the judgment for an order granting an additional ten years during which an execution may be issued. The petitioner shall pay to the court a filing fee equal to the filing fee for filing the first or initial paper in a civil action in the court.
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