S-1990.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Snyder, Skratek and Hargrove
Read first time 02/26/93. Referred to Committee on Trade, Technology & Economic Development.
AN ACT Relating to coastal economic recovery; creating new sections; and making an appropriation.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that it is imperative to assist coastal residents and communities whose economy and jobs have been impacted by implementation of the Endangered Species Act and a decline in commercial fishing. In order to assist the coastal communities in transition to an economy which includes strengthened tourism, outdoor recreation, and an improved recreational and commercial fishery. The legislature further finds that the social and educational needs of coastal residents are increased as a result of the economic dislocation, and must be recognized as part of the economic transition of coastal residents and communities.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The sum of ten million dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the biennium ending June 30, 1995, from the general fund to the office of the governor for the purposes of subsections (1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Salmon
(a) Restore full production to coastal facilities $3,000,000
(b) Operate new coastal production facilities
rearing ponds - Naselle hatchery 150,000
net pens - Grays and Willapa Harbors 300,000
(c) Establish ESA production priority reprogramming 550,000
Subtotal general fund appropriation $4,000,000
(2) Shellfish
(a) Create recreational fishery on oysters 250,000
(b) Create recreational fishery on hardshell clams 250,000
(c) Establish experimental razor clam hatchery 250,000
Subtotal general fund appropriation $ 750,000
(3) Tourism and coastal resource center
(a) Implement cruise ship program for Grays Harbor 100,000
(b) Implement grays harbor discovery project 200,000
(c) Establish coastal resource center - Pacific county 200,000
(d) Establish and promote coast-wide events calendar 150,000
(e) Develop and promote coastal eco-tourism program 50,000
Subtotal general fund appropriation $ 700,000
(4) Education and retraining
(a) Grays Harbor college for expanded course offering
with emphasis on new economic activities of
tourism, outdoor recreation, and new job
opportunities 3,000,000
(b) Develop coastal environmental education
information for coastal residents and
regional visitors 550,000
Subtotal general fund appropriation $3,550,000
(5) Social services and employment
relocation grants and loans to regional
workers impacted by the coastal economic
Subtotal general fund appropriation $1,000,000
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. Policies for awarding relocation grants and loans shall be developed in cooperation with the employment security department and the department of social and health services.
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