S-1840.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce (originally sponsored by Senators Jesernig, Amondson, Bauer, Roach, Moore, McDonald, Owen, Skratek, Snyder, Hargrove, M. Rasmussen, West, Hochstatter, Loveland, Vognild, Pelz, McAuliffe, Winsley, Deccio, Anderson, Erwin, Barr, Drew, Oke, Sheldon, Cantu, Bluechel, von Reichbauer and Quigley)
Read first time 03/02/93.
AN ACT Relating to administrative rule making; amending RCW 34.05.380, 34.05.620, 34.05.630, 34.05.640, and 34.05.370; adding new sections to chapter 34.05 RCW; and repealing RCW 34.05.660, 34.05.670, and 34.05.680.
Sec. 1. RCW 34.05.380 and 1989 c 175 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each agency shall file in the office of the code reviser a certified copy of all rules it adopts, except for rules contained in tariffs filed with or published by the Washington utilities and transportation commission. The code reviser shall place upon each rule a notation of the time and date of filing and shall keep a permanent register of filed rules open to public inspection. In filing a rule, each agency shall use the standard form prescribed for this purpose by the code reviser.
(2) Emergency rules adopted under RCW 34.05.350 become effective upon filing unless a later date is specified in the order of adoption. All other rules become effective upon the expiration of thirty days after the date of filing, unless a later date is required by statute or specified in the order of adoption.
(3) A rule may become effective immediately upon its filing with the code reviser or on any subsequent date earlier than that established by subsection (2) of this section, if the agency establishes that effective date in the adopting order and finds that:
(a) Such action is required by the state or federal Constitution, a statute, or court order;
(b) The rule only delays the effective date of another rule that is not yet effective; or
(c) The earlier effective date is necessary because of imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare.
The finding and a brief statement of the reasons therefor required by this subsection shall be made a part of the order adopting the rule.
(4) With respect to a rule made effective pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, each agency shall make reasonable efforts to make the effective date known to persons who may be affected by it.
(5) No rule, the violation of which subjects a person to a penalty or administrative sanction, adopted by any of the following agencies, is effective for more than five years after its adoption: Department of ecology, employment security department, department of labor and industries, department of revenue, department of licensing, or department of health. A rule made ineffective under this subsection may be readopted according to the procedures established in this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 34.05 RCW to read as follows:
No rule may be effective for more than five years after the effective date of this act unless readopted according to the procedures established in this chapter if:
(1) The rule is in effect on the effective date of this act;
(2) The violation of the rule subjects a person to a penalty or administrative sanction; and
(3) The rule was adopted by any of the following agencies: Department of ecology, employment security department, department of labor and industries, department of revenue, department of licensing, or department of health.
Sec. 3. RCW 34.05.620 and 1988 c 288 s 602 are each amended to read as follows:
Whenever a majority of the members of the rules review committee determines that a proposed rule is not within the intent of the legislature as expressed in the statute which the rule implements, or that an agency may not be adopting a proposed rule in accordance with all applicable provisions of law, including section 8 of this act and chapter 19.85 RCW, the committee shall give the affected agency written notice of its decision. The notice shall be given at least seven days prior to any hearing scheduled for consideration of or adoption of the proposed rule pursuant to RCW 34.05.320. The notice shall include a statement of the review committee's findings and the reasons therefor. When the agency holds a hearing on the proposed rule, the agency shall consider the review committee's decision.
Sec. 4. RCW 34.05.630 and 1988 c 288 s 603 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) All rules required to be filed pursuant to RCW 34.05.380, and emergency rules adopted pursuant to RCW 34.05.350, are subject to selective review by the legislature.
(2) The rules review committee may review an agency's use of policy statements, guidelines, and issuances that are of general applicability, or their equivalents to determine whether or not an agency has failed to adopt a rule.
(3) If the rules review committee finds by a majority vote of its members: (a) That an existing rule is not within the intent of the legislature as expressed by the statute which the rule implements, (b) that the rule has not been adopted in accordance with all applicable provisions of law, including section 8 of this act and chapter 19.85 RCW, or (c) that an agency is using a policy statement, guideline, or issuance in place of a rule, the agency affected shall be notified of such finding and the reasons therefor. Within thirty days of the receipt of the rules review committee's notice, the agency shall file notice of a hearing on the rules review committee's finding with the code reviser and mail notice to all persons who have made timely request of the agency for advance notice of its rule-making proceedings as provided in RCW 34.05.320. The agency's notice shall include the rules review committee's findings and reasons therefor, and shall be published in the Washington state register in accordance with the provisions of chapter 34.08 RCW.
(4) The agency shall consider fully all written and oral submissions regarding (a) whether the rule in question is within the intent of the legislature as expressed by the statute which the rule implements, (b) whether the rule was adopted in accordance with all applicable provisions of law, including section 8 of this act and chapter 19.85 RCW, or (c) whether the agency is using a policy statement, guideline, or issuance in place of a rule.
Sec. 5. RCW 34.05.640 and 1988 c 288 s 604 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Within seven days of an agency hearing held after notification of the agency by the rules review committee pursuant to RCW 34.05.620 or 34.05.630, the affected agency shall notify the committee of its action on a proposed or existing rule to which the committee objected or on a committee finding of the agency's failure to adopt rules. If the rules review committee determines, by a majority vote of its members, that the agency has failed to provide for the required hearings or notice of its action to the committee, the committee may file notice of its objections, together with a concise statement of the reasons therefor, with the code reviser within thirty days of such determination.
(2) If the rules review committee finds, by a majority vote of its members: (a) That the proposed or existing rule in question has not been modified, amended, withdrawn, or repealed by the agency so as to conform with the intent of the legislature, or (b) that an existing rule was not adopted in accordance with all applicable provisions of law, including section 8 of this act and chapter 19.85 RCW, or (c) that the agency is using a policy statement, guideline, or issuance in place of a rule, the rules review committee may, within thirty days from notification by the agency of its action, file with the code reviser notice of its objections together with a concise statement of the reasons therefor. Such notice and statement shall also be provided to the agency by the rules review committee.
(3) If the rules review committee makes an
adverse finding under subsection (2) of this section, the committee may, by a
((two-thirds)) majority vote of its members, recommend suspension
of an existing rule. Within seven days of such vote the committee shall
transmit to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, the
governor, the code reviser, and the agency written notice of its objection and
recommended suspension and the concise reasons therefor. Within thirty days of
receipt of the notice, the governor shall transmit to the committee, the code
reviser, and the agency written approval or disapproval of the recommended
suspension. If the suspension is approved by the governor, it is effective
from the date of that approval and continues until ninety days after the
expiration of the next regular legislative session.
(4) The code reviser shall publish transmittals from the rules review committee or the governor issued pursuant to subsection (1), (2), or (3) of this section in the Washington state register and shall publish in the next supplement and compilation of the Washington Administrative Code a reference to the committee's objection or recommended suspension and the governor's action on it and to the issue of the Washington state register in which the full text thereof appears.
(5) The reference shall be removed from a rule published in the Washington Administrative Code if a subsequent adjudicatory proceeding determines that the rule is within the intent of the legislature or was adopted in accordance with all applicable laws, whichever was the objection of the rules review committee.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 34.05 RCW to read as follows:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an election by the rules review committee under RCW 34.05.640 to recommend suspension of a rule, regardless of whether the suspension is approved by the governor, establishes a presumption in any subsequent judicial review of the rule that it is invalid. The burden of demonstrating the rule's validity is on the adopting agency. The court shall declare the rule valid only if it finds that the rule does not violate constitutional provisions, does not exceed the statutory authority of the agency, and that it was adopted in compliance with statutory rule-making procedures, including section 8 of this act and chapter 19.85 RCW.
Sec. 7. RCW 34.05.370 and 1988 c 288 s 313 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each agency shall maintain an official rule-making file for each rule that it (a) proposes by publication in the state register, or (b) adopts. The file and materials incorporated by reference shall be available for public inspection.
(2) The agency rule-making file shall contain all of the following:
(a) Copies of all publications in the state register with respect to the rule or the proceeding upon which the rule is based;
(b) Copies of any portions of the agency's public rule-making docket containing entries relating to the rule or the proceeding on which the rule is based;
(c) All written petitions, requests, submissions, and comments received by the agency and all other written material regarded by the agency as important to adoption of the rule or the proceeding on which the rule is based;
(d) Any official transcript of oral presentations made in the proceeding on which the rule is based or, if not transcribed, any tape recording or stenographic record of them, and any memorandum prepared by a presiding official summarizing the contents of those presentations;
(e) The concise explanatory statement required by RCW 34.05.355;
(f) All petitions for exceptions to, amendment
of, or repeal or suspension of, the rule; ((and))
(g) All data and other factual information, technical, theoretical, and empirical studies or reports, if any, on which the agency relies in the adoption of the rule; and
(h) Any other material placed in the file by the agency.
(3) Internal agency documents are exempt from inclusion in the rule-making file under subsection (2) of this section to the extent they constitute preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, and intra-agency memoranda in which opinions are expressed or policies formulated or recommended, except that a specific document is not exempt from inclusion when it is publicly cited by an agency in connection with its decision.
(4) Upon judicial review, the file required by this section constitutes the official agency rule-making file with respect to that rule. Unless otherwise required by another provision of law, the official agency rule-making file need not be the exclusive basis for agency action on that rule.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter 34.05 RCW to read as follows:
(1) In addition to other requirements imposed by law, an agency may not adopt or amend a rule the violation of which subjects a person to a penalty or administrative sanction, or establishes, alters, or revokes a qualification or standard for the issuance, suspension, or revocation of a license to pursue a commercial trade or profession unless:
(a) The rule-making file provides substantial evidence that: (i) The particular rule is needed to fulfill the purpose and intent of a specific statute; (ii) the agency considered less intrusive or less costly means to achieve its purpose that were proposed in the rule-making hearing, but had reasonable justification for rejecting them in favor of the adopted rule; and (iii) any fee imposed by the rule is reasonable and directly related to the cost of program administration;
(b) The rule is clearly and simply stated so that it will be understood by any party required to comply;
(c) The agency has a written plan to inform and educate affected parties about the rule, to promote voluntary compliance, and to evaluate whether the rule achieves the purpose for which it was adopted;
(d) The agency has surveyed other regulatory entities at the state, federal, and local level, and made a determination of the appropriate situs, and determined whether the rule conflicts with, duplicates, or overlaps any other provision of law;
(e) The rule does not conflict with, overlap, or duplicate any other provision of law unless the legislation clearly so requires.
(2) If the legislation clearly requires adoption of the rule, and the rule conflicts with, overlaps, or duplicates any other provision of state, federal, or local law, the agency shall inform and transmit a resolution to the rules review committee and request legislation that delegates responsibility to:
(a) Appoint a lead agency; or
(b) Defer to an agency that has conflicting, overlapping, or duplicating rules; or
(c) Arrange for the other agency or agencies to defer to it; or
(d) Contract out to the other agency; or
(e) Coordinate regulation with the other agency or agencies so that conflict, overlap, and duplication are eliminated; or
(f) Any combination of (a) through (e) of this subsection; and
(g) Inform and make a recommendation of resolution to the rules review committee, and request legislation that delegates responsibility to regulate the subject of the rule to only one agency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) RCW 34.05.660 and 1988 c 288 s 606 & 1981 c 324 s 10;
(2) RCW 34.05.670 and 1992 c 197 s 3; and
(3) RCW 34.05.680 and 1992 c 197 s 4.
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