Z-0643.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Vognild, Prince, Prentice, Drew, Sheldon and Sellar; by request of Department of Licensing
Read first time 01/27/93. Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to fuel taxes; and amending RCW 82.36.010, 82.36.030, 82.36.110, 82.36.230, 82.37.020, 82.38.090, and 46.10.170.
Sec. 1. RCW 82.36.010 and 1991 c 339 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
For the purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Motor vehicle" means every vehicle that is in itself a self-propelled unit, equipped with solid rubber, hollow-cushion rubber, or pneumatic rubber tires and capable of being moved or operated upon a public highway, except motor vehicles used as motive power for or in conjunction with farm implements and machines or implements of husbandry;
(2) "Motor vehicle fuel" means gasoline or any other inflammable gas or liquid, by whatsoever name such gasoline, gas, or liquid may be known or sold, the chief use of which is as fuel for the propulsion of motor vehicles or motorboats;
(3) "Distributor" means every person who refines, manufactures, produces, or compounds motor vehicle fuel and sells, distributes, or in any manner uses it in this state; also every person engaged in business as a bona fide wholesale merchant dealing in motor vehicle fuel who either acquires it within the state from any person refining it within or importing it into the state, on which the tax has not been paid, or imports it into this state and sells, distributes, or in any manner uses it in this state; also every person who acquires motor vehicle fuel, on which the tax has not been paid, and exports it to a location outside the state. For the purposes of liability for a county fuel tax, "distributor" has that meaning defined in the county ordinance imposing the tax;
(4) "Service station" means a place operated for the purpose of delivering motor vehicle fuel into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles;
(5) "Department" means the department of licensing;
(6) "Director" means the director of licensing;
(7) "Dealer" means any person engaged in the retail sale of liquid motor vehicle fuels;
(8) "Person" means every natural person, firm, partnership, association, or private or public corporation;
(9) "Highway" means every way or place open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular travel;
(10) "Broker" means every person, other than a distributor, engaged in business as a broker, jobber, or wholesale merchant dealing in motor vehicle fuel or other petroleum products used or usable in propelling motor vehicles, or in other petroleum products which may be used in blending, compounding, or manufacturing of motor vehicle fuel;
(11) "Producer" means every person, other than a distributor, engaged in the business of producing motor vehicle fuel or other petroleum products used in, or which may be used in, the blending, compounding, or manufacturing of motor vehicle fuel;
(12) "Distribution" means all withdrawals of motor vehicle fuel for delivery to others, to retail service stations, or to unlicensed bulk storage plants;
(13) "Bulk storage plant" means, pursuant to the licensing provisions of RCW 82.36.070, any plant, under the control of the distributor, used for the storage of motor vehicle fuel to which no retail outlets are directly connected by pipe lines;
(14) "Marine fuel dealer" means any person engaged in the retail sale of liquid motor vehicle fuel whose place of business and or sale outlet is located upon a navigable waterway;
(15) "Alcohol" means alcohol that is produced from renewable resources;
(16) "Electronic funds transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, or computer or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account.
Sec. 2. RCW 82.36.030 and 1991 c 339 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
Every distributor shall on or before the
twenty-fifth day of each calendar month file, on forms furnished by the ((director))
department, a statement signed by the distributor or his authorized
agent showing the total number of gallons of motor vehicle fuel sold,
distributed, or used by such distributor within this state during the preceding
calendar month and, for counties within which an additional excise tax on motor
vehicle fuel has been levied by that jurisdiction under RCW 82.80.010, showing
the total number of gallons of motor vehicle fuel sold, distributed, or used by
the distributor within the boundaries of the county during the preceding
calendar month.
If any distributor fails to file such report,
the ((director)) department shall proceed forthwith to determine
from the best available sources, the amount of motor vehicle fuel sold,
distributed, or used by such distributor for the unreported period, and said
determination shall be presumed to be correct for that period until proved by
competent evidence to be otherwise. The ((director)) department
shall immediately assess the excise tax in the amount so determined, adding
thereto a penalty of ((ten)) two percent for failure to report.
Such penalty shall be cumulative of other penalties herein provided. All
statements filed with the ((director)) department, as required in
this section, shall be public records.
If any distributor establishes by a fair preponderance of evidence that his or her failure to file a report by the due date was attributable to reasonable cause and was not intentional or willful, the department may waive the penalty imposed by this section.
Sec. 3. RCW 82.36.110 and 1961 c 15 s 82.36.110 are each amended to read as follows:
If any person liable for the tax imposed by this chapter fails to pay the same, the amount thereof, including any interest, penalty, or addition to such tax, together with any costs that may accrue in addition thereto, shall be a lien in favor of the state upon all franchises, property, and rights to property, whether real or personal, then belonging to or thereafter acquired by such person, whether such property is employed by such person in the prosecution of business or is in the hands of a trustee, or receiver, or assignee for the benefit of creditors, from the date the taxes were due and payable, until the amount of the lien is paid or the property sold in payment thereof.
The lien shall have priority over any lien or
encumbrance whatsoever, except the lien of other state taxes having priority by
law, and except that such lien shall not be valid as against any bona fide
mortgagee, pledgee, judgment creditor, or purchaser whose rights have attached
prior to the time the ((director)) department has filed notice of
such lien in the office of the county auditor of the county in which the
principal place of business of the taxpayer is located.
The auditor, upon presentation of a notice of
lien, and without requiring the payment of any fee, shall file and index it in
the manner now provided for deeds and other conveyances except that he shall
not be required to include, in the index, any description of the property
affected by the lien. The lien shall continue until the amount of the tax,
together with any penalties and interest subsequently accruing thereon, is
paid. The ((director)) department may issue a certificate of
release of lien when the amount of the tax, together with any penalties and
interest subsequently accruing thereon, has been satisfied, and such release
may be recorded with the auditor of the county in which the notice of lien has
been filed.
The ((director)) department shall
furnish to any person applying therefor a certificate showing the amount of all
liens for motor vehicle fuel tax, penalties and interest that may be of record
in the files of the ((director)) department against any person
under the provisions of this chapter.
Sec. 4. RCW 82.36.230 and 1989 c 193 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The provisions of this chapter requiring the
payment of taxes do not apply to motor vehicle fuel imported into the state in
interstate or foreign commerce and intended to be sold while in interstate or
foreign commerce, nor to motor vehicle fuel exported from this state by a
qualified distributor((, nor to sales by a distributor of motor vehicle fuel
for export to another state or country by the purchaser,)) nor to any motor
vehicle fuel sold by a qualified distributor to the armed forces of the United
States or to the national guard for use exclusively in ships or for export from
this state. The distributor shall report such imports, exports and sales to
the ((director)) department at such times, on such forms, and in
such detail as the ((director)) department may require, otherwise
the exemption granted in this section is null and void, and all fuel shall be
considered distributed in this state fully subject to the provisions of this
chapter. Each invoice covering exempt sales shall have the statement "Ex
Washington Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax" clearly marked thereon.
To claim any exemption from taxes under this
section on account of sales by a licensed distributor of motor vehicle fuel for
export, the purchaser shall obtain from the selling distributor, and such selling
distributor must furnish the purchaser, an invoice giving such details of the
sale for export as the ((director)) department may require,
copies of which shall be furnished the department and the entity of the state
or foreign jurisdiction of destination which is charged by the laws of that
state or foreign jurisdiction with the control or monitoring, or both, of the
sales or movement of motor vehicle fuel in that state or foreign jurisdiction.
To claim any exemption from taxes under this
section on account of sales of motor vehicle fuel to the armed forces of the
United States or to the national guard, the distributor shall be required to
execute an exemption certificate in such form as shall be furnished by the ((director))
department, containing a certified statement by an authorized officer of
the armed forces having actual knowledge of the purpose for which the exemption
is claimed. Any claim for exemption based on such sales shall be made by the
distributor within six months of the date of sale. The provisions of this
section exempting motor vehicle fuel sold to the armed forces of the United
States or to the national guard from the tax imposed hereunder do not apply to
any motor vehicle fuel sold to contractors purchasing such fuel either for
their own account or as the agents of the United States or the national guard
for use in the performance of contracts with the armed forces of the United
States or the national guard.
The ((director)) department may
at any time require of any distributor any information the ((director)) department
deems necessary to determine the validity of the claimed exemption, and failure
to supply such data will constitute a waiver of all right to the exemption
claimed. The ((director)) department is hereby empowered with
full authority to promulgate rules and regulations and to prescribe forms to be
used by distributors in reporting to the ((director)) department
so as to prevent evasion of the tax imposed by this chapter.
Upon request from the officials to whom are
entrusted the enforcement of the motor fuel tax law of any other state, the
District of Columbia, the United States, its territories and possessions, the
provinces, or the Dominion of Canada, the ((director)) department
may forward to such officials any information which the ((director)) department
may have relative to the import or export of any motor vehicle fuel by any
distributor: PROVIDED, That such governmental unit furnish like information to
this state.
Sec. 5. RCW 82.37.020 and 1983 c 3 s 223 are each amended to read as follows:
The following words, terms, and phrases when used in this chapter have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) "Commercial motor vehicle" means
any motor vehicle used ((or maintained for the transportation of persons for
hire, or any vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the
transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight and animals)),
designed, or maintained for transportation of persons or property and (a)
having two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight
exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds; or (b) having three or more axles
regardless of weight; or (c)is used in combination, when the weight of such
combination exceeds twenty-six thousand pounds gross vehicle weight.
"Commercial motor vehicle" does not include recreational vehicles.
(2) "Motor carrier" means and includes a natural person, individual, partnership, firm, association, or private or public corporation, which is engaged in interstate commerce and which operates or causes to be operated on any highway in this state any commercial motor vehicle.
(3) "Operations", when applied to a motor carrier, means operations of all commercial motor vehicles, whether loaded or empty, whether for compensation or not for compensation, and whether owned by or leased to the motor carrier who operates them or causes them to be operated into or out of or through this state.
(4) "Motor vehicle fuel" means gasoline or any other inflammable liquids, by whatsoever name such liquid may be known or sold, the use of which is as fuel for the propulsion of commercial motor vehicles except fuel as defined in chapter 82.38 RCW.
(5) "Use" means and includes the consumption of motor vehicle fuel by any motor carrier in a commercial motor vehicle for the propulsion thereof upon the public highways of this state.
(6) "Motor vehicle fuel importer for use" means and includes any motor carrier importing motor vehicle fuel into this state in the fuel supply tank or tanks of any commercial motor vehicle for use in propelling said vehicle upon the highways of this state.
(7) "Public highways" means and includes every way, lane, road, street, boulevard, and every way or place open as a matter of right to public vehicular travel both inside and outside the limits of cities and towns.
(8) "Director" means the director of licensing.
Sec. 6. RCW 82.38.090 and 1991 c 339 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a special fuel dealer, a special fuel supplier or a special fuel user in this state unless such person is the holder of an uncanceled special fuel dealer's, a special fuel supplier's or a special fuel user's license issued to him by the department. A special fuel supplier's license authorizes a person to sell special fuel without collecting the special fuel tax to other suppliers and dealers holding valid special fuel licenses.
A special fuel dealer's license authorizes a person to deliver previously untaxed special fuel into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles, collect the special fuel tax on behalf of the state at the time of delivery, and remit the taxes collected to the state as provided herein. A licensed special fuel dealer may also deliver untaxed special fuel into bulk storage facilities of a licensed special fuel user without collecting the special fuel tax. Special fuel dealers and suppliers, when making deliveries of special fuel into bulk storage to any person not holding a valid special fuel license must collect the special fuel tax at time of delivery, unless the person to whom the delivery is made is specifically exempted from the tax as provided herein.
A special fuel user's license authorizes a
person to purchase special fuel into bulk storage for use in motor vehicles
either on or off the public highways of this state without payment of the
special fuel tax at time of purchase. Holders of special fuel licenses are all
subject to the bonding, reporting, tax payment, and record-keeping provisions
of this chapter. All purchases of special fuel by a licensed special fuel user
directly into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle are subject to the
special fuel tax at time of purchase ((unless the purchase is made from an
unattended keylock metered pump, cardtrol, or such similar dispensing devices)).
Special authorization may be given to farmers, logging companies, and
construction companies to purchase special fuel directly into the supply tanks
of nonhighway equipment or into portable slip tanks for nonhighway use without
payment of the special fuel tax. Persons utilizing special fuel for
heating purposes only are not required to be licensed.
Special fuel users operating motor vehicles in interstate commerce having two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight not exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds are not required to be licensed. Special fuel users operating motor vehicles in interstate commerce having two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds, or having three or more axles regardless of weight, or a combination of vehicles, when the combination exceeds twenty-six thousand pounds gross vehicle weight, must comply with the licensing and reporting requirements of this chapter. A copy of the license must be carried in each motor vehicle entering this state from another state or province.
Sec. 7. RCW 46.10.170 and 1990 c 42 s 117 are each amended to read as follows:
From time to time, but at least once each ((biennium))
four years, the department shall determine the amount or proportion of
moneys paid to it as motor vehicle fuel tax, based on the tax rate in effect
January 1, 1990, which is tax on snowmobile fuel. Such determination may be
made in any manner which is, in the judgment of the director, reasonable, but
the manner used to make such determination shall be reported at the end of each
((biennium)) four-year period to the legislature. To offset the
actual cost of making such determination the treasurer shall retain in, and the
department is authorized to expend from, the motor vehicle fund a sum equal to
such actual cost.
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