S-0709.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Snyder, Winsley and Bauer
Read first time 01/26/93. Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
AN ACT Relating to voluntary payroll deductions for political committees; and reenacting and amending RCW 41.04.230.
Sec. 1. RCW 41.04.230 and 1993 c 2 s 26 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved November 3, 1992) and 1992 c 192 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
Any official of the state authorized to disburse funds in payment of salaries and wages of public officers or employees is authorized, upon written request of the officer or employee, to deduct from the salaries or wages of the officers or employees, the amount or amounts of subscription payments, premiums, contributions, or continuation thereof, for payment of the following:
(1) Credit union deductions: PROVIDED, That twenty-five or more employees of a single state agency or a total of one hundred or more state employees of several agencies have authorized such a deduction for payment to the same credit union. An agency may, in its own discretion, establish a minimum participation requirement of fewer than twenty-five employees.
(2) Parking fee deductions: PROVIDED, That payment is made for parking facilities furnished by the agency or by the department of general administration.
(3) U.S. savings bond deductions: PROVIDED, That a person within the particular agency shall be appointed to act as trustee. The trustee will receive all contributions; purchase and deliver all bond certificates; and keep such records and furnish such bond or security as will render full accountability for all bond contributions.
(4) Board, lodging or uniform deductions when such board, lodging and uniforms are furnished by the state, or deductions for academic tuitions or fees or scholarship contributions payable to the employing institution.
(5) Dues and other fees deductions: PROVIDED, That the deduction is for payment of membership dues to any professional organization formed primarily for public employees or college and university professors: AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, That twenty-five or more employees of a single state agency, or a total of one hundred or more state employees of several agencies have authorized such a deduction for payment to the same professional organization.
(6) Labor or employee organization dues may be deducted in the event that a payroll deduction is not provided under a collective bargaining agreement under the provisions of RCW 41.06.150: PROVIDED, That twenty-five or more officers or employees of a single agency, or a total of one hundred or more officers or employees of several agencies have authorized such a deduction for payment to the same labor or employee organization: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That labor or employee organizations with five hundred or more members in state government may have payroll deduction for employee benefit programs.
(7) Voluntary deductions for political committees duly registered with the public disclosure commission and/or the federal election commission: PROVIDED, That twenty-five or more officers or employees of a single agency or a total of one hundred or more officers or employees of several agencies have authorized such a deduction for payment to the same political committee.
(8) Insurance contributions to the authority for payment of premiums under contracts authorized by the state health care authority.
(((8))) (9) Deductions to a bank,
savings bank, or savings and loan association if (a) the bank, savings bank, or
savings and loan association is authorized to do business in this state; and
(b) twenty-five or more employees of a single agency, or fewer, if a lesser
number is established by such agency, or a total of one hundred or more state
employees of several agencies have authorized a deduction for payment to the
same bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association.
Deductions from salaries and wages of public officers and employees other than those enumerated in this section or by other law, may be authorized by the director of financial management for purposes clearly related to state employment or goals and objectives of the agency and for plans authorized by the state health care authority.
The authority to make deductions from the salaries and wages of public officers and employees as provided for in this section shall be in addition to such other authority as may be provided by law: PROVIDED, That the state or any department, division, or separate agency of the state shall not be liable to any insurance carrier or contractor for the failure to make or transmit any such deduction.
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