S-1589.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators A. Smith, Roach, Spanel, M. Rasmussen, Winsley and von Reichbauer)
Read first time 02/11/93.
AN ACT Relating to domestic violence; amending RCW 26.50.035 and 10.99.030; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that domestic violence is a problem of immense proportions affecting individuals as well as communities. Domestic violence has long been recognized as being at the core of other major social problems including child abuse, crimes of violence against person or property, juvenile delinquency, and alcohol and drug abuse. Domestic violence costs include the loss of lives as well as millions of dollars each year in the state of Washington for health care, absence from work, and services to children. The crisis is growing.
While the existing protection order process can be a valuable tool to increase safety for victims and to hold batterers accountable, specific problems in its use have become evident. Victims have difficulty completing the paperwork required particularly if they have limited English proficiency; model forms have been modified to be inconsistent with statutory language; different forms create confusion for law enforcement agencies about the contents and enforceability of orders. Refinements are needed so that victims have the easy, quick, and effective access to the court system envisioned at the time the protection order process was first created.
Valuable information about the reported incidents of domestic violence in the state of Washington is unobtainable without gathering data from all law enforcement agencies. Without this information, it is difficult for policymakers, funders, and service providers to plan for the resources and services needed to address the issue.
Sec. 2. RCW 26.50.035 and 1985 c 303 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) By July 1, 1994, the administrator
for the courts shall develop and prepare((, in consultation with interested
persons, the forms and instructional)) instructions and informational
brochures required under RCW 26.50.030(((3).)) (4), standard petition
and order for protection forms, and a court staff handbook on domestic violence
and the protection order process. The standard petition and order for
protection forms must be used after September 1, 1994, for all petitions filed
and orders issued under this chapter. The instructions, brochures, forms, and
handbook shall be prepared in consultation with interested persons, including a
representative of the state domestic violence coalition, judges, and law
enforcement personnel.
(a) The instructions shall be designed to assist petitioners in completing the petition, and shall include a sample of standard petition and order for protection forms.
(b) The informational brochure shall describe the use of and the process for obtaining a protection order, a no-contact order as provided by RCW 10.99.040, a restraining order as provided by RCW 26.09.060, and an antiharassment protection order as provided by chapter 10.14 RCW.
(c) The order for protection form shall include, in a conspicuous location, notice of criminal penalties resulting from violation of the order, notice that the petitioner may not waive a provision of the order, and notice that it is the sole responsibility of the respondent to avoid or refrain from violating the provisions of the order.
(d) The court staff handbook shall allow for the addition of a community resource list by court staff.
(2) Court staff shall be required to obtain a community resource list from a domestic violence program, defined in RCW 70.123.020, serving the county in which the court is located. The community resource list shall include the names and telephone numbers of domestic violence programs serving the community in which the court is located, including law enforcement agencies, domestic violence agencies, sexual assault agencies, legal assistance programs, interpreters, multicultural programs, and batterers' treatment programs. The court shall make the community resource list available as part of or in addition to the informational brochures described in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The administrator for the courts
shall distribute a master copy of the petition and order forms ((and
instructional brochures to all court clerks)), instructions, and
informational brochures to the staff of all courts and shall distribute a
master copy of the petition and order forms to all superior, district, and
municipal courts.
Sec. 3. RCW 10.99.030 and 1984 c 263 s 21 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) All training relating to the handling of domestic violence complaints by law enforcement officers shall stress enforcement of criminal laws in domestic situations, availability of community resources, and protection of the victim. Law enforcement agencies and community organizations with expertise in the issue of domestic violence shall cooperate in all aspects of such training.
(2) The primary duty of peace officers, when responding to a domestic violence situation, is to enforce the laws allegedly violated and to protect the complaining party.
(3)(a) When a peace officer responds to a domestic violence call and has probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, the peace officer shall exercise arrest powers with reference to the criteria in RCW 10.31.100. The officer shall notify the victim of the victim's right to initiate a criminal proceeding in all cases where the officer has not exercised arrest powers or decided to initiate criminal proceedings by citation or otherwise. The parties in such cases shall also be advised of the importance of preserving evidence.
(b) A peace officer responding to a domestic violence call shall take a complete offense report including the officer's disposition of the case.
(4) When a peace officer responds to a domestic violence call, the officer shall advise victims of all reasonable means to prevent further abuse, including advising each person of the availability of a shelter or other services in the community, and giving each person immediate notice of the legal rights and remedies available. The notice shall include handing each person a copy of the following statement:
"IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, you can ask the city or county prosecuting attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to file a petition in superior, district, or municipal court requesting an order for protection from domestic abuse which could include any of the following: (a) An order restraining your abuser from further acts of abuse; (b) an order directing your abuser to leave your household; (c) an order preventing your abuser from entering your residence, school, business, or place of employment; (d) an order awarding you or the other parent custody of or visitation with your minor child or children; and (e) an order restraining your abuser from molesting or interfering with minor children in your custody. The forms you need to obtain a protection order are available in any municipal, district, or superior court.
Information about shelters and alternatives to domestic violence is available from a state-wide twenty-four-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-562-6025. The battered women's shelter and other resources in your area are . . . . . (include local information)"
(5) The peace officer may offer, arrange, or facilitate transportation for the victim to a hospital for treatment of injuries or to a place of safety or shelter.
(6) The law enforcement agency shall forward the offense report to the appropriate prosecutor within ten days of making such report if there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed, unless the case is under active investigation.
(7) Each law enforcement agency shall make as soon as practicable a written record and shall maintain records of all incidents of domestic violence reported to it.
(8) Records kept pursuant to subsections (3) and (7) of this section shall be made identifiable by means of a departmental code for domestic violence.
(9) Commencing January 1, 1994, records of incidents of domestic violence shall be submitted, in accordance with procedures described in this subsection, to the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs by all law enforcement agencies. The Washington criminal justice training commission shall amend its contract for collection of state-wide crime data with the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs:
(a) To include a table, in the annual report of crime in Washington produced by the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs pursuant to the contract, showing the total number of actual offenses and the number and percent of the offenses that are domestic violence incidents for the following crimes: (i) Criminal homicide, with subtotals for murder and nonnegligent homicide and manslaughter by negligence; (ii) forcible rape, with subtotals for rape by force and attempted forcible rape; (iii) robbery, with subtotals for firearm, knife or cutting instrument, or other dangerous weapon, and strongarm robbery; (iv) assault, with subtotals for firearm, knife or cutting instrument, other dangerous weapon, hands, feet, aggravated, and other nonaggravated assaults; (v) burglary, with subtotals for forcible entry, nonforcible unlawful entry, and attempted forcible entry; (vi) larceny theft, except motor vehicle theft; (vii) motor vehicle theft, with subtotals for autos, trucks and buses, and other vehicles; and (viii) arson;
(b) To require that the table shall continue to be prepared and contained in the annual report of crime in Washington until that time as comparable or more detailed information about domestic violence incidents is available through the Washington state incident based reporting system and the information is prepared and contained in the annual report of crime in Washington; and
(c) To require that, in consultation with interested persons, the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs prepare and disseminate procedures to all law enforcement agencies in the state as to how the agencies shall code and report domestic violence incidents to the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
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