S-0829.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Hargrove, Owen, L. Smith and Anderson
Read first time 01/21/93. Referred to Committee on Ecology & Parks.
AN ACT Relating to toxics control accounts; amending RCW 70.105D.070; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the needs for cleanup of toxic substances far exceed available financial resources. As a result, the legislature seeks to reprioritize the allocation of state funding in order to meet the most urgent needs and ensure that the funding is used directly for the actual cleanup of hazardous materials.
Sec. 2. RCW 70.105D.070 and 1991 sp.s. c 13 s 69 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The state toxics control account and the local toxics control account are hereby created in the state treasury.
(2) The following moneys shall be deposited into the state toxics control account: (a) Those revenues which are raised by the tax imposed under RCW 82.21.030 and which are attributable to that portion of the rate equal to thirty-three one-hundredths of one percent; (b) the costs of remedial actions recovered under this chapter or chapter 70.105A RCW; (c) penalties collected or recovered under this chapter; and (d) any other money appropriated or transferred to the account by the legislature. Moneys in the account may be used only to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to the following activities:
(i) The state's responsibility for hazardous waste planning, management, regulation, enforcement, technical assistance, and public education required under chapter 70.105 RCW;
(ii) The state's responsibility for solid waste planning, management, regulation, enforcement, technical assistance, and public education required under chapter 70.95 RCW;
(iii) The hazardous waste cleanup program required under this chapter;
(iv) State matching funds required under the federal cleanup law;
(v) Financial assistance for local programs in accordance with RCW 70.95.130, 70.95.140, 70.95.220, 70.95.230, 70.95.530, 70.105.220, 70.105.225, 70.105.235, and 70.105.260;
(vi) State government programs for the safe reduction, recycling, or disposal of hazardous wastes from households, small businesses, and agriculture;
(vii) Hazardous materials emergency response training;
(viii) Water and environmental health protection and monitoring programs;
(ix) Programs authorized under chapter 70.146 RCW;
(x) A public participation program, including regional citizen advisory committees;
(xi) Public funding to assist potentially liable persons to pay for the costs of remedial action in compliance with cleanup standards under RCW 70.105D.030(2)(d) but only when the amount and terms of such funding are established under a settlement agreement under RCW 70.105D.040(4) and when the director has found that the funding will achieve both (A) a substantially more expeditious or enhanced cleanup than would otherwise occur, and (B) the prevention or mitigation of unfair economic hardship; and
(xii) Development and demonstration of alternative management technologies designed to carry out the top two hazardous waste management priorities of RCW 70.105.150.
(3) The following moneys shall be deposited into the local toxics control account: Those revenues which are raised by the tax imposed under RCW 82.21.030 and which are attributable to that portion of the rate equal to thirty-seven one-hundredths of one percent. Moneys deposited in the local toxics control account shall be used by the department for grants to local governments for the following purposes in descending order of priority: (a) Remedial actions; (b) hazardous waste plans and programs under RCW 70.105.220, 70.105.225, 70.105.235, and 70.105.260; and (c) solid waste plans and programs under RCW 70.95.130, 70.95.140, 70.95.220, and 70.95.230. Funds for plans and programs shall be allocated consistent with the priorities and matching requirements established in chapters 70.105 and 70.95 RCW.
(4) Except for unanticipated receipts under RCW 43.79.260 through 43.79.282, moneys in the state and local toxics control accounts may be spent only after appropriation by statute.
(5) ((One percent of the moneys deposited
into the state and local toxics control accounts shall be allocated only for
public participation grants to persons who may be adversely affected by a
release or threatened release of a hazardous substance and to not-for-profit
public interest organizations. The primary purpose of these grants is to
facilitate the participation by persons and organizations in the investigation
and remedying of releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances and to
implement the state's solid and hazardous waste management priorities. No
grant may exceed fifty thousand dollars though it may be renewed annually.
Moneys appropriated for public participation from either account which are not
expended at the close of any biennium shall revert to the state toxics control
No moneys deposited into either the state or local toxics control account may
be used for solid waste incinerator feasibility studies, construction,
maintenance, or operation.
(((7))) (6) The department shall
adopt rules for grant issuance and performance.
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