S-1337.2 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Trade, Technology & Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators M. Rasmussen, Bluechel, Skratek, Erwin, Deccio, Roach, Sheldon, Williams, Moore, Loveland, Sutherland, Bauer and Winsley)
Read first time 02/08/93.
AN ACT Relating to trade and economic development; adding a new section to chapter 43.31 RCW; creating a new section; and making an appropriation.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that developing trade in the Pacific Rim is essential to the long-term growth of Washington state. The Russian Far East is an area of vast resources with great opportunities in trade and business for Washington state. The Russian Far East consists of the Primorski, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin, Yakutsk, Amur, Magadan, and Kamchatka regions. The Russian Far East is the Pacific gateway to the great resources of Russia and a major center for shipping. The Pacific Northwest and Russian Far East are neighbors with a shared economic future. Trade and business with the Russian Far East are essential to attain Washington's goal of promoting and being the conduit for Pacific Rim trade.
The legislature recognizes that Russia's decision to open a consulate general in Seattle and the United States' decision to open a consulate general in Vladivostok demonstrate American and Russian commitment to business, trade, cultural, and governmental relations with one another. The Pacific Northwest is in a prime position to benefit from these openings and is key in developing these relations.
Further, the legislature finds that many medium-sized and small businesses in Washington state are missing opportunities in Russia because of a lack of accessible information and an inability to maintain a constant presence in Russia to seek out and develop business opportunities.
The legislature finds that the establishment of a trade office in the Russian Far East would help Washington businesses take advantage of present and future trade and business opportunities. The trade office is intended to demonstrate Washington's long-term commitment to the region and ensure that viable business relations are found and developed to increase trade and business between Washington state and the Russian Far East.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 43.31 RCW to read as follows:
The department shall establish a Washington state trade office in the Russian Far East.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The sum of one hundred fifty-five thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the biennium ending June 30, 1995, from the general fund to the department of trade and economic development for the purposes of this act.
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