Z-0509.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Fraser, Wojahn, Prentice, Haugen, von Reichbauer, Williams, Winsley, Roach and McAuliffe; by request of Office of Financial Management, Washington State Historical Society and State Capital Historical Association
Read first time 01/14/93. Referred to Committee on Government Operations.
AN ACT Relating to consolidation of the state capital historical association and the Washington state historical society; amending RCW 27.34.010, 27.34.020, 27.34.040, 27.34.250, 27.34.900, and 43.03.028; creating new sections; repealing RCW 27.34.090; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that:
(1) There is a strong community of interest between the Washington state historical society and the state capital historical association. This community of interest is expressed through many common goals, missions, and heritage programs, as well as a close geographic proximity between these two state historical agencies.
(2) The capacity to preserve our state's rich and diverse heritage and the unique political and cultural history of the state capital will be strengthened if the programs of both agencies are combined into a single, cohesive entity.
(3) In a time of limited state resources, operational efficiencies and savings can be achieved if the programs and personnel of both agencies are managed by a single entity.
It is, therefore, the purpose of this act to transfer the powers and duties of the state historical agency known as the state capital historical association to the Washington state historical society. However, it is the intent of the legislature that as the consolidation of these two agencies occurs, the unique missions and programs of the state capital historical association and the state capital historical museum be preserved.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The state capital historical association is abolished and its powers, duties, and functions are transferred to the Washington state historical society.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or written material in the possession of the state capital historical association shall be delivered to the custody of the Washington state historical society. All cabinets, furniture, office equipment, motor vehicles, and other tangible property employed by the state capital historical association shall be made available to the Washington state historical society. All funds, credits, or other assets held by the state capital historical association shall be assigned to the Washington state historical society.
Any appropriations made to the state capital historical association shall, on the effective date of this act, be transferred and credited to the Washington state historical society.
Whenever any question arises as to the transfer of any personnel, funds, books, documents, records, papers, files, equipment, or other tangible property used or held in the exercise of the powers and the performance of the duties and functions transferred, the director of financial management shall make a determination as to the proper allocation and certify the same to the state agencies concerned.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. All employees of the state capital historical association are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Washington state historical society. All employees classified under chapter 41.06 RCW, the state civil service law, are assigned to the Washington state historical society to perform their usual duties upon the same terms as formerly, without any loss of rights, subject to any action that may be appropriate thereafter in accordance with the laws and rules governing state civil service.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. All rules and all pending business before the state capital historical association shall be continued and acted upon by the Washington state historical society. All existing contracts and obligations shall remain in full force and shall be performed by the Washington state historical society.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. The transfer of the powers, duties, functions, and personnel of the state capital historical association shall not affect the validity of any act performed before the effective date of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. If apportionments of budgeted funds are required because of the transfers directed by sections 3 through 6 of this act, the director of financial management shall certify the apportionments to the agencies affected, the state auditor, and the state treasurer. Each of these shall make the appropriate transfer and adjustments in funds and appropriation accounts and equipment records in accordance with the certification.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. Nothing contained in sections 1 through 7 of this act may be construed to alter any existing collective bargaining unit or the provisions of any existing collective bargaining agreement until the agreement has expired or until the bargaining unit has been modified by action of the personnel board as provided by law.
Sec. 9. RCW 27.34.010 and 1983 c 91 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The legislature finds
that those articles and properties which illustrate the history of the state of
Washington should be maintained and preserved for the use and benefit of the
people of the state. It is the purpose of this chapter to designate the ((three))
two state historical societies as trustees of the state for these
purposes, and to establish:
(1) A comprehensive and consistent state-wide policy pertaining to archaeology, history, historic preservation, and other historical matters;
(2) State-wide coordination of historical programs; and
(3) A coordinated budget for all state historical agencies.
Sec. 10. RCW 27.34.020 and 1986 c 266 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter:
(1) "Advisory council" means the advisory council on historic preservation.
(2) "Department" means the department of community development.
(3) "Director" means the director of community development.
(4) "Federal act" means the national historic preservation act of 1966 (Public Law 89-655; 80 Stat. 915).
(5) "Heritage council" means the Washington state heritage council.
(6) "Historic preservation" includes the protection, rehabilitation, restoration, identification, scientific excavation, and reconstruction of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American and Washington state history, architecture, archaeology, or culture.
(7) "Office" means the office of archaeology and historic preservation within the department of community development.
(8) "Preservation officer" means the state historic preservation officer as provided for in RCW 27.34.210.
(9) "Project" means programs leading to the preservation for public benefit of historical properties, whether by state and local governments or other public bodies, or private organizations or individuals, including the acquisition of title or interests in, and the development of, any district, site, building, structure, or object that is significant in American and Washington state history, architecture, archaeology, or culture, and property used in connection therewith, or for its development.
(10) "State historical agencies" means the state historical societies and the office of archaeology and historic preservation within the department of community development.
(11) "State
historical societies" means the Washington state historical society((,))
and the eastern Washington state historical society((, and the state
capital historical association)).
(12) "Cultural resource management plan" means a comprehensive plan which identifies and organizes information on the state of Washington's historic, archaeological, and architectural resources into a set of management criteria, and which is to be used for producing reliable decisions, recommendations, and advice relative to the identification, evaluation, and protection of these resources.
Sec. 11. RCW 27.34.040 and 1983 c 91 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
The heritage council shall consist of:
(1) A member of the Washington state historical society nominated by the governing board of the society and confirmed by the governor;
(2) A member of the eastern Washington state historical society nominated by the governing board of the society and confirmed by the governor;
(3) ((A member of
the state capital historical association nominated by the governing board of
the association and confirmed by the governor;
(4))) The secretary of state; and
(((5))) (4)
Five persons appointed by the governor who are experienced and knowledgeable in
historical and archaeological matters.
The council shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The secretary of state shall serve as an ex officio member of the council. The remaining council members shall serve four-year terms except initial members whose terms shall be as follows: Two members appointed for four years, two members appointed for three years, two members appointed for two years, and two members appointed for one year. Any vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments for the balance of the unexpired term. The secretary of state shall serve on the council without additional compensation. All other council members shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of the council as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. The council shall meet at least once a quarter and at the call of the chairperson. Five members of the council shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 12. RCW 27.34.250 and 1983 c 91 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) There is hereby established an advisory council on historic preservation, which shall be composed of nine members appointed by the governor as follows:
(a) The director of a
state historical society or the director's designee to be selected from (i) the
director of the Washington state historical society((,)) and (ii)
the director of the Eastern Washington state historical society, ((and (iii)
the director of the state capital historical society,)) to each serve on
the council for one year on a rotating basis, the order of rotation to be
determined by the governor;
(b) Six members of the public who are interested and experienced in matters to be considered by the council including the fields of history, architecture, and archaeology;
(c) The director of the Washington archaeological research center or the director's designee; and
(d) A native American.
(2) Each member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b) and (d) of this section shall serve a four-year term, except that those members first appointed shall serve for terms of from one to four years as designated by the governor at the time of appointment, it being the purpose of this subsection to assure staggered terms of office.
(3) A vacancy in the council shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the balance of the unexpired term.
(4) The chairperson of the council shall be designated by the governor.
(5) Five members of the council shall constitute a quorum.
(6) The council shall cease to exist on June 30, 1993, unless extended by law for an additional fixed period of time.
Sec. 13. RCW 27.34.900 and 1981 c 253 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
The building and
grounds designated as Block 2, Grainger's Addition to the City of Olympia,
County of Thurston, acquired by the state under senate joint resolution No. 18,
session of 1939, is hereby designated a part of the state capitol, to be known
as the state ((capitol)) capital historical museum. This
structure is to be used to house and interpret the collection of the ((association))
Washington state historical society. This section does not limit the ((association's))
society's use of other structures.
Sec. 14. RCW 43.03.028 and 1991 c 3 s 294 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) There is hereby created a state committee on agency officials' salaries to consist of seven members, or their designees, as follows: The president of the University of Puget Sound; the chairperson of the council of presidents of the state's four-year institutions of higher education; the chairperson of the State Personnel Board; the president of the Association of Washington Business; the president of the Pacific Northwest Personnel Managers' Association; the president of the Washington State Bar Association; and the president of the Washington State Labor Council. If any of the titles or positions mentioned in this subsection are changed or abolished, any person occupying an equivalent or like position shall be qualified for appointment by the governor to membership upon the committee.
(2) The committee shall study the duties and salaries of the directors of the several departments and the members of the several boards and commissions of state government, who are subject to appointment by the governor or whose salaries are fixed by the governor, and of the chief executive officers of the following agencies of state government:
The arts commission;
the human rights commission; the board of accountancy; the board of pharmacy;
((the capitol historical association and museum;)) the eastern
Washington historical society; the Washington state historical society; the
interagency committee for outdoor recreation; the criminal justice training
commission; the department of personnel; the state finance committee; the state
library; the traffic safety commission; the horse racing commission; the advisory
council on vocational education; the public disclosure commission; the state
conservation commission; the commission on Hispanic affairs; the commission on
Asian-American affairs; the state board for volunteer fire fighters; the
transportation improvement board; the public ((employees)) employment
relations commission; the forest practices appeals board; and the energy
facilities site evaluation council.
The committee shall report to the governor or the chairperson of the appropriate salary fixing authority at least once in each fiscal biennium on such date as the governor may designate, but not later than seventy-five days prior to the convening of each regular session of the legislature during an odd-numbered year, its recommendations for the salaries to be fixed for each position.
(3) Committee members shall be reimbursed by the department of personnel for travel expenses under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. RCW 27.34.090 and 1991 sp.s. c 13 s 36, 1985 c 57 s 7, & 1983 c 91 s 9 are each repealed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1993.
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