S-1128.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Ecology & Parks (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen, Winsley and Erwin)
Read first time 02/10/93.
AN ACT Relating to noise pollution; amending RCW 70.107.020, 70.107.040, 70.107.050, 70.107.060, 46.10.090, and 43.21B.300; and reenacting and amending RCW 43.21B.110.
Sec. 1. RCW 70.107.020 and 1974 ex.s. c 183 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) "Department" means the department
of ((ecology)) health.
(2) "((Director)) Secretary"
means ((director of the department)) secretary of ((ecology))
(3) "Local government" means county or city government or any combination of the two.
(4) "Noise" means the intensity, duration and character of sounds from any and all sources.
(5) "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, governmental body, state, or other entity whatsoever.
Sec. 2. RCW 70.107.040 and 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 s 164 are each amended to read as follows:
The ((director)) secretary shall
name a technical advisory committee to assist the department in the
implementation of this chapter. Committee members shall be entitled to
reimbursement for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060((,
as now existing or hereafter amended)).
Sec. 3. RCW 70.107.050 and 1987 c 103 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any person who violates any rule adopted by the department under this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars imposed by local government pursuant to this section. An action under this section shall not preclude enforcement of any provisions of the local government noise ordinance.
Penalties shall become due and payable thirty
days from the date of receipt of a notice of penalty unless within such time
said notice is appealed in accordance with the administrative procedures of the
local government, or if it has no such administrative appeal, to the ((pollution
control hearings board pursuant to the provisions of chapter 43.21B RCW and
procedural rules adopted thereunder)) state board of health under
procedures adopted by the board. In cases in which appeals are timely
filed, penalties sustained by the local administrative agency or the ((pollution
control hearings board)) state board of health shall become due and
payable on the issuance of said agency or board's final order in the appeal.
(2) Whenever penalties incurred pursuant to this section have become due and payable but remain unpaid, the attorney for the local government may bring an action in the superior court of the county in which the violation occurred for recovery of penalties incurred. In all such actions the procedures and rules of evidence shall be the same as in any other civil action.
Sec. 4. RCW 70.107.060 and 1987 c 103 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to deny, abridge or alter alternative rights of action or remedies in equity or under common law or statutory law, criminal or civil.
(2) Nothing in this chapter shall deny, abridge or alter any powers, duties and functions relating to noise abatement and control now or hereafter vested in any state agency, nor shall this chapter be construed as granting jurisdiction over the industrial safety and health of employees in work places of the state, as now or hereafter vested in the department of labor and industries.
(3) Standards and other control measures
adopted by the department under this chapter shall be exclusive except as
hereinafter provided. A local government may impose limits or control sources
differing from those adopted or controlled by the department upon a finding
that such requirements are necessitated by special conditions. Noise limiting
requirements of local government which differ from those adopted or controlled
by the department shall be invalid unless first approved by the department. If
the department of ((ecology)) health fails to approve or
disapprove standards submitted by local governmental jurisdictions within
ninety days of submittal, such standards shall be deemed approved. If
disapproved, the local government may appeal the decision to the ((pollution
control hearings board)) state board of health, which shall decide
the appeal on the basis of the provisions of this chapter, and the applicable
regulations, together with such briefs, testimony, and oral argument as the ((hearings
board)) state board of health in its discretion may require. The
department determination of whether to grant approval shall depend on the
reasonableness and practicability of compliance. Particular attention shall be
given to stationary sources located near jurisdictional boundaries, and
temporary noise producing operations which may operate across one or more
jurisdictional boundaries.
(4) In carrying out the rule-making authority provided in this chapter, the department shall follow the procedures of the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW, and shall take care that no rules adopted purport to exercise any powers preempted by the United States under federal law.
Sec. 5. RCW 46.10.090 and 1980 c 148 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It is a traffic infraction for any person to operate any snowmobile:
(a) At a rate of speed greater than reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions.
(b) In a manner so as to endanger the property of another.
(c) Without a lighted headlight and taillight between the hours of dusk and dawn, or when otherwise required for the safety of others.
(d) Without an adequate braking device which may be operated either by hand or foot.
(e) Without an adequate and operating muffling
device which shall effectively blend the exhaust and motor noise in such a
manner so as to preclude excessive or unusual noise, and, (i) on snowmobiles
manufactured on or before January 4, 1973, which shall effectively limit such
noise at a level of eighty-six decibels, or below, on the "A" scale
at fifty feet, and (ii) on snowmobiles manufactured after January 4, 1973,
which shall effectively limit such noise at a level of eighty-two decibels, or
below, on the "A" scale at fifty feet, and (iii) on snowmobiles
manufactured after January 1, 1975, which shall effectively limit such noise at
a level of seventy-eight decibels, or below, as measured on the "A"
scale at a distance of fifty feet, under testing procedures as established by
the department of ((ecology)) health; except snowmobiles used in
organized racing events in an area designated for that purpose may use a bypass
or cutout device. This section shall not affect the power of the department of
((ecology)) health to adopt noise performance standards for
snowmobiles. Noise performance standards adopted or to be adopted by the
department of ((ecology)) health shall be in addition to the
standards contained in this section, but the department's standards shall
supersede this section to the extent of any inconsistency.
(f) Upon the paved portion or upon the shoulder or inside bank or slope of any public roadway or highway, or upon the median of any divided highway, except as provided in RCW 46.10.100 and 46.10.110.
(g) In any area or in such a manner so as to expose the underlying soil or vegetation, or to injure, damage, or destroy trees or growing crops.
(h) Without a current registration decal affixed thereon, if not exempted under RCW 46.10.030 as now or hereafter amended.
(2) It is a misdemeanor for any person to operate any snowmobile so as to endanger the person of another or while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or habit-forming drugs.
Sec. 6. RCW 43.21B.110 and 1992 c 174 s 13 and 1992 c 73 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The hearings board shall only have jurisdiction to hear and decide appeals from the following decisions of the department, the director, the administrator of the office of marine safety, and the air pollution control boards or authorities as established pursuant to chapter 70.94 RCW, or local health departments:
(a) Civil penalties imposed pursuant to RCW
70.94.431, 70.105.080, ((70.107.050,)) 88.46.090, 90.03.600, 90.48.144,
90.56.310, and 90.56.330.
(b) Orders issued pursuant to RCW 43.27A.190, 70.94.211, 70.94.332, 70.105.095, 86.16.020, 88.46.070, 90.14.130, and 90.48.120.
(c) The issuance, modification, or termination of any permit, certificate, or license by the department or any air authority in the exercise of its jurisdiction, including the issuance or termination of a waste disposal permit, the denial of an application for a waste disposal permit, or the modification of the conditions or the terms of a waste disposal permit.
(d) Decisions of local health departments regarding the grant or denial of solid waste permits pursuant to chapter 70.95 RCW.
(e) Decisions of local health departments regarding the issuance and enforcement of permits to use or dispose of biosolids under RCW 70.95J.080.
(f) Any other decision by the department, the administrator of the office of marine safety, or an air authority which pursuant to law must be decided as an adjudicative proceeding under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) The following hearings shall not be conducted by the hearings board:
(a) Hearings required by law to be conducted by the shorelines hearings board pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW.
(b) Hearings conducted by the department pursuant to RCW 70.94.332, 70.94.390, 70.94.395, 70.94.400, 70.94.405, 70.94.410, and 90.44.180.
(c) Proceedings by the department relating to general adjudications of water rights pursuant to chapter 90.03 or 90.44 RCW.
(d) Hearings conducted by the department to adopt, modify, or repeal rules.
(3) Review of rules and regulations adopted by the hearings board shall be subject to review in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
Sec. 7. RCW 43.21B.300 and 1992 c 73 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any civil penalty provided in RCW
70.94.431, 70.105.080, ((70.107.050,)) 88.46.090, 90.03.600, 90.48.144,
90.56.310, and 90.56.330 shall be imposed by a notice in writing, either by
certified mail with return receipt requested or by personal service, to the
person incurring the penalty from the department, the administrator of the
office of marine safety, or the local air authority, describing the violation
with reasonable particularity. Within fifteen days after the notice is
received, the person incurring the penalty may apply in writing to the
department, the administrator, or the authority for the remission or mitigation
of the penalty. Upon receipt of the application, the department, the
administrator, or authority may remit or mitigate the penalty upon whatever
terms the department, the administrator, or the authority in its discretion
deems proper. The department or the authority may ascertain the facts
regarding all such applications in such reasonable manner and under such rules
as it may deem proper and shall remit or mitigate the penalty only upon a
demonstration of extraordinary circumstances such as the presence of
information or factors not considered in setting the original penalty.
(2) Any penalty imposed under this section may be appealed to the pollution control hearings board in accordance with this chapter if the appeal is filed with the hearings board and served on the department, the administrator, or authority thirty days after receipt by the person penalized of the notice imposing the penalty or thirty days after receipt of the notice of disposition of the application for relief from penalty.
(3) A penalty shall become due and payable on the later of:
(a) Thirty days after receipt of the notice imposing the penalty;
(b) Thirty days after receipt of the notice of disposition on application for relief from penalty, if such an application is made; or
(c) Thirty days after receipt of the notice of decision of the hearings board if the penalty is appealed.
(4) If the amount of any penalty is not paid to the department or the administrator within thirty days after it becomes due and payable, the attorney general, upon request of the department or the administrator, shall bring an action in the name of the state of Washington in the superior court of Thurston county, or of any county in which the violator does business, to recover the penalty. If the amount of the penalty is not paid to the authority within thirty days after it becomes due and payable, the authority may bring an action to recover the penalty in the superior court of the county of the authority's main office or of any county in which the violator does business. In these actions, the procedures and rules of evidence shall be the same as in an ordinary civil action.
(5) All penalties recovered shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the general fund except those penalties imposed pursuant to RCW 70.94.431, the disposition of which shall be governed by that provision, RCW 70.105.080, which shall be credited to the hazardous waste control and elimination account, created by RCW 70.105.180, and RCW 90.56.330, which shall be credited to the coastal protection fund created by RCW 90.48.390.
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