53rd Legislature
1993 Regular Session
Passed by the House April 21, 1993 Yeas 87 Nays 6
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate April 15, 1993 Yeas 45 Nays 1 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1966 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1993 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By House Committee on Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Wineberry, Leonard, Appelwick, Foreman, Riley, Cooke, H. Myers, Lemmon, Basich, Kessler, Holm, J. Kohl and Anderson)
Read first time 03/03/93.
AN ACT Relating to implementation of the juvenile justice racial disproportionality study recommendations; amending RCW 2.56.030, 13.06.050, and 13.40.027; adding a new section to chapter 43.101 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 2.56 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 13.04 RCW; and creating new sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. Pursuant to the work of the juvenile justice task force created by the 1991 legislature to undertake a study of Washington state's juvenile justice system, the department of social and health services and the commission on African-American affairs commissioned an independent study of racial disproportionality in the state's juvenile justice system. The study team, which documented evidence of disparity in the treatment of juvenile offenders of color throughout the system, provided recommendations to the legislature on December 15, 1992. The study recommends cultural diversity training for juvenile court and law enforcement personnel, expanded data collection on juvenile offenders throughout the system, development of uniform prosecutorial standards for juvenile offenders, changes to the consolidated juvenile services program and funding formula, dissemination of information to families and communities regarding juvenile court procedures, and examination of juvenile disposition standards for racial and/or ethnic bias.
It is the intent of the legislature to implement the recommendations of this study in an effort to discourage differential treatment of youth of color and their families who come in contact with the juvenile courts in this state, and to promote racial and ethnic sensitivity and awareness throughout the juvenile court system.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The administrator for the courts shall develop a plan to improve the collection and reporting of information on juvenile offenders by all juvenile courts in the state. The information related to juvenile offenders shall include, but is not limited to, social, demographic, education, and economic data on juvenile offenders and where possible, their families. Development and implementation of the plan shall be accomplished in consultation with the human rights commission, the governor's juvenile justice advisory committee, superior court judges, juvenile justice administrators, and interested juvenile justice practitioners and researchers. The plan shall include a schedule and budget for implementation and shall be provided to the office of financial management by September 15, 1993.
Sec. 3. RCW 2.56.030 and 1992 c 205 s 115 are each amended to read as follows:
The administrator for the courts shall, under the supervision and direction of the chief justice:
(1) Examine the administrative methods and systems employed in the offices of the judges, clerks, stenographers, and employees of the courts and make recommendations, through the chief justice, for the improvement of the same;
(2) Examine the state of the dockets of the courts and determine the need for assistance by any court;
(3) Make recommendations to the chief justice relating to the assignment of judges where courts are in need of assistance and carry out the direction of the chief justice as to the assignments of judges to counties and districts where the courts are in need of assistance;
(4) Collect and compile statistical and other data and make reports of the business transacted by the courts and transmit the same to the chief justice to the end that proper action may be taken in respect thereto;
(5) Prepare and submit budget estimates of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the judicial system and make recommendations in respect thereto;
(6) Collect statistical and other data and make reports relating to the expenditure of public moneys, state and local, for the maintenance and operation of the judicial system and the offices connected therewith;
(7) Obtain reports from clerks of courts in accordance with law or rules adopted by the supreme court of this state on cases and other judicial business in which action has been delayed beyond periods of time specified by law or rules of court and make report thereof to supreme court of this state;
(8) Act as secretary of the judicial conference referred to in RCW 2.56.060;
(9) Formulate and submit to the judicial council of this state recommendations of policies for the improvement of the judicial system;
(10) Submit annually, as of February 1st, to the chief justice and the judicial council, a report of the activities of the administrator's office for the preceding calendar year;
(11) Administer programs and standards for the training and education of judicial personnel;
(12) Examine the need for new superior court and district judge positions under a weighted caseload analysis that takes into account the time required to hear all the cases in a particular court and the amount of time existing judges have available to hear cases in that court. The results of the weighted caseload analysis shall be reviewed by the board for judicial administration and the judicial council, both of which shall make recommendations to the legislature by January 1, 1989. It is the intent of the legislature that weighted caseload analysis become the basis for creating additional district court positions, and recommendations should address that objective;
(13) Provide staff to the judicial retirement account plan under chapter 2.14 RCW;
(14) Attend to such other matters as may be assigned by the supreme court of this state;
(15) Within available funds, develop a curriculum for a general understanding of child development, placement, and treatment resources, as well as specific legal skills and knowledge of relevant statutes including chapters 13.32A, 13.34, and 13.40 RCW, cases, court rules, interviewing skills, and special needs of the abused or neglected child. This curriculum shall be completed and made available to all juvenile court judges, court personnel, and service providers by July 1, 1988. The curriculum shall be updated yearly to reflect changes in statutes, court rules, or case law;
(16) Develop a curriculum for a general understanding of crimes of malicious harassment, as well as specific legal skills and knowledge of RCW 9A.36.080, relevant cases, court rules, and the special needs of malicious harassment victims. This curriculum shall be completed and made available to all superior court and court of appeals judges and to all justices of the supreme court by July 1, 1989;
(17) Develop, in consultation with the criminal justice training commission and the commissions established under chapters 43.113, 43.115, and 43.117 RCW, a curriculum for a general understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity and its implications for working with youth of color and their families. The curriculum shall be completed and made available to all superior court judges and court commissioners assigned to juvenile court, and other court personnel by October 1, 1993. Ethnic and cultural diversity training shall be provided annually so as to incorporate cultural sensitivity and awareness into the daily operation of juvenile courts state-wide.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 43.101 RCW to read as follows:
The criminal justice training commission shall develop, in consultation with the administrator for the courts and the commissions established under chapters 43.113, 43.115, and 43.117 RCW, a curriculum for a general understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity and its implications for working with youth of color and their families. The curriculum shall be developed by October 1, 1993. The commission shall ensure that ethnic and diversity training becomes an integral part of the training of law enforcement personnel so as to incorporate cultural sensitivity and awareness into the daily activities of law enforcement personnel.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 2.56 RCW to read as follows:
The administrator for the courts shall, in cooperation with juvenile courts, develop informational materials describing juvenile laws and juvenile court processes and procedures related to such laws, and make such information available to the public. Similar information shall also be made available for the non-English speaking youth and their families.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 13.04 RCW to read as follows:
The administrator of juvenile court shall obtain interpreters as needed consistent with the intent and practice of chapter 2.43 RCW, to enable non-English speaking youth and their families to participate in detention, probation, or court proceedings and programs.
Sec. 7. RCW 13.06.050 and 1983 c 191 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
No county shall be entitled to receive any state funds provided by this chapter until its application and plan are approved, and unless and until the minimum standards prescribed by the department of social and health services are complied with and then only on such terms as are set forth in this section. In addition, any county making application for state funds under this chapter that also operates a juvenile detention facility must have standards of operations in place that include: Intake and admissions, medical and health care, communication, correspondence, visiting and telephone use, security and control, sanitation and hygiene, juvenile rights, rules and discipline, property, juvenile records, safety and emergency procedures, programming, release and transfer, training and staff development, and food service.
(1) The distribution of funds to a county or a group of counties shall be based on criteria including but not limited to the county's per capita income, regional or county at-risk populations, juvenile crime or arrest rates, rates of poverty, size of racial minority populations, existing programs, and the effectiveness and efficiency of consolidating local programs towards reducing commitments to state correctional facilities for offenders whose standard range disposition does not include commitment of the offender to the department and reducing reliance on other traditional departmental services.
(2) The secretary will reimburse a county upon presentation and approval of a valid claim pursuant to the provisions of this chapter based on actual performance in meeting the terms and conditions of the approved plan and contract. Funds received by participating counties under this chapter shall not be used to replace local funds for existing programs.
(3) The secretary, in conjunction with the human rights commission, shall evaluate the effectiveness of programs funded under this chapter in reducing racial disproportionality. The secretary shall investigate whether implementation of such programs has reduced disproportionality in counties with initially high levels of disproportionality. The analysis shall indicate which programs are cost-effective in reducing disproportionality in such areas as alternatives to detention, intake and risk assessment standards pursuant to RCW 13.40.038, alternatives to incarceration, and in the prosecution and adjudication of juveniles. The secretary shall report his or her findings to the legislature by December 1, 1994, and December 1 of each year thereafter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. The administrator for the courts shall convene a working group to develop standards and guidelines for the prosecution of juvenile offenders under Title 13 RCW, review any racial disproportionality in diversion, and review the use of detention facilities in a way to reduce racial disproportionality. The administrator shall appoint:
(1) One defense attorney familiar with juvenile justice, and three prosecuting attorneys familiar with juvenile justice;
(2) One superior court judge;
(3) One court commissioner;
(4) One juvenile court administrator;
(5) One representative of the juvenile disposition standards board;
(6) One representative of the department of social and health services;
(7) One social researcher with expertise in juvenile or criminal justice;
(8) Two representatives of child advocacy groups recommended by the governor; and
(9) Two persons recommended jointly by the Washington state minority commissions.
The work group shall develop and submit its recommended standards and guidelines to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 1994.
Sec. 9. RCW 13.40.027 and 1992 c 205 s 103 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It is the responsibility of the commission
to: (a)(i) Evaluate the effectiveness of existing disposition standards and
related statutes in implementing policies set forth in RCW 13.40.010 generally
((and)), (ii) specifically review the guidelines relating to the
confinement of minor and first offenders as well as the use of diversion,
and (iii) review the application of current and proposed juvenile sentencing
standards and guidelines for potential adverse impacts on the sentencing
outcomes of racial and ethnic minority youth; (b) solicit the comments and
suggestions of the juvenile justice community concerning disposition standards;
and (c) make recommendations to the legislature regarding revisions or
modifications of the disposition standards in accordance with RCW 13.40.030.
The evaluations shall be submitted to the legislature ((by December 1, 1992,
and)) on December 1 of each even-numbered year thereafter.
(2) It is the responsibility of the department to: (a) Provide the commission with available data concerning the implementation of the disposition standards and related statutes and their effect on the performance of the department's responsibilities relating to juvenile offenders; (b) at the request of the commission, provide technical and administrative assistance to the commission in the performance of its responsibilities; and (c) provide the commission and legislature with recommendations for modification of the disposition standards.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1993, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act shall be null and void.
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