53rd Legislature
1993 Regular Session
Passed by the House March 13, 1993 Yeas 98 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate March 27, 1993 Yeas 39 Nays 0 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1790 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1993 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Representatives Patterson, Ballard, Wood, Ogden, Pruitt, Jones, King, Jacobsen, Basich, Wang, Kremen, Rayburn, Sehlin, Schoesler, Karahalios, Lemmon, H. Myers, Reams, Schmidt, Cooke and Stevens; by request of Department of Community Development
Read first time 02/08/93. Referred to Committee on Capital Budget.
AN ACT Relating to appropriations for projects recommended by the public works board; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. Pursuant to chapter 43.155 RCW, the following project loans recommended by the public works board are authorized to be made with funds previously appropriated from the public works assistance account:
(1) Alderwood Water District--sanitary sewer project--design and construct Phase IB and Phase II of a major trunk sewer in the Swamp Creek drainage basin.................................................. $3,500,000
(2) City of Anacortes--road project--reconstruct Anaco Beach Road from Sunset Avenue on the north to the south approximately 5,700 feet towards the southern corporate limits of Anacortes............... $351,225
(3) City of Arlington--domestic water project--construction of a 2.0 million gallon steel reservoir, a new municipal well, a pumping reduction valve station, approximately 7,000 lineal foot of 12-inch diameter and 3,500 lineal foot of 16-inch diameter mains, and booster pump station modifications............................................ $940,000
(4) City of Battle Ground--Capital Facilities Plan--develop a capital facilities plan that covers water, sanitary sewer, storm drain, and streets................................................... $30,000
(5) Beacon Hill Sewer District--sanitary sewer project--upgrade pumps, controls, and piping at Nevada Drive pump station. A 16-inch ductile iron pressure main will be installed to parallel existing 12-inch asbestos concrete pressure main................................... $361,225
(6) City of Bellevue Storm and Surface Water Utility--storm sewer project--construct a regional sedimentation basin on Coal
Creek.................................................... $434,480
(7) Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District--domestic water project--replacement of aged and leaking water mains.............. $220,860
(8) City of Centralia--sanitary sewer project--replace distribution and collection lines at Trailer Village location............. $364,118
(9) City of Centralia Waste Water Utility--sanitary sewer project--replace 8,230-feet of 8-inch diameter sewer lines in Basin 6 West collection system................................................... $692,660
(10) City of Centralia Water Utility--domestic water project--replace North Tower, K Street, and Washington Street ground water
wells.................................................... $507,600
(11) City of Chelan--domestic water project--construction of water treatment facilities to comply with the Surface Water Treatment Rule and provide a safe water supply to the City of Chelan...... $2,405,000
(12) City of Cheney--domestic water project--find additional well source and transmit the additional water to its reservoir and distribution system....................................................... $1,289,880
(13) Clark County Department of Public Services--sanitary sewer project--design and construct the effluent pump station and emergency generators at the treatment plant--delayed part of the plant's Phase 1B/2A expansion....................................................... $1,079,500
(14) Clear Lake Water District--Capital Facilities Plan--develop a capital facilities plan for the Clear Lake Water District......... $30,000
(15) City of Colfax--sanitary sewer project--replace area 12 sewer lines......................................................... $108,000
(16) City of Colville--Capital Facilities Plan--develop a capital facilities plan for the City of Colville.................. $30,000
(17) Town of Coupeville--domestic water project--construct new 500,000-gallon reservoir--raise elevation of Sunset Terrace reservoir and replace 10,000 feet of transmission line......................... $743,400
(18) Cowlitz County PUD Number 1--domestic water project--pump station improvement, water line replacement, and electronic controls $225,960
(19) Consolidated Diking Improvement District Number 3 of Cowlitz County--storm sewer project--replace existing storm water pump station with a new, higher-capacity pump station............................. $787,710
(20) Cross Valley Water District--domestic water project--upgrade Swan's Trail Water District's system to state and county
standards................................................ $409,500
(21) City of Davenport--sanitary sewer project--purchase land for an additional permanent spray irrigation site, build an additional lagoon cell, and upgrade the forcemain to accommodate additional
waste.................................................... $486,698
(22) City of Eatonville--sanitary sewer project--replace existing lines, add manholes, and construct a new pump station............ $99,000
(23) City of Everett Public Works--domestic water project--replace approximately 200 lineal feet each of three transmission line river crossings, 500 lineal feet each of two transmission line steep slope crossings, and 2,800 lineal feet replacement of a single transmission line....................................................... $3,500,000
(24) Town of Friday Harbor--Capital Facilities Plan--develop a combined capital facilities plan for growth........................ $30,000
(25) Grays Harbor County--Capital Facilities Plan--develop a utilities comprehensive plan Phase II............................... $30,000
(26) Highline Water District (formerly known as Water District #75)--domestic water project--add manganese filtration to the Des Moines well, increase height of North Hill Reservoir, and associated pipeline improvements........................................... $1,200,000
(27) City of Kennewick--road project--West 19th Avenue street reconstruction/rehabilitation, from Washington Street to Vancouver Street--South Vancouver Street widening from West 19th Avenue to West 16th Avenue....................................................... $1,293,486
(28) King County Water District Number 107--domestic water project--replace electronic system controls....................... $321,650
(29) City of Kirkland--sanitary sewer project--replace Lake Street sewer trunk line............................................... $823,368
(30) Liberty Lake Sewer District--Capital Facilities Plan--comprehensive wastewater facilities plan and capital facilities
plan...................................................... $30,000
(31) Manchester Water District--domestic water project--replace deteriorated water mains in Manchester area.............. $581,975
(32) City of Milton--domestic water project--construct a new 4 million gallon standpipe and connect to existing distribution
system................................................. $1,570,000
(33) City of Napavine--domestic water project--the project will add a new well, reservoir and transmission mains--replace and upgrade existing mains......................................................... $368,000
(34) City of Nooksack--domestic water project--replace the water transmission line from the city reservoir to the town.... $337,700
(35) City of North Bend--domestic water project--replace water line, storm sewer, curb and gutter, signalization, channelization, and pavement of street................................................... $125,240
(36) Okanogan County Department of Public Works--road project--reconstruction of B & O Road North, Road #9206........... $658,676
(37) City of Olympia--storm sewer project--construct a new storm water detention and treatment facility that will route flows from an existing 35-acre subdivision to an undeveloped glacial depression for infiltration......................................................... $188,600
(38) City of Olympia--storm sewer project--construct a 35-acre storm water management facility for the treatment and retention of flows from west Olympia................................................ $1,658,700
(39) Olympic View Water and Sewer District--domestic water project--replace 5,725 lineal feet of 8-inch steel water main..... $266,560
(40) City of Omak--domestic water project--install water meters city-wide and replace the Ridge Drive water main................... $810,000
(41) City of Orting--domestic water project--replace South Street Sewer Lines. This project will provide for the installation of water meters for all City of Orting water users and the installation of a 12-inch water main on Kansas Avenue.................................... $652,959
(42) City of Pateros--domestic water project--replace deteriorated and undersized water lines................................... $337,008
(43) City of Pomeroy--road project--replace retaining wall and sewer line adjacent to Pataha Street and repair street surface....... $75,937
(44) City of Port Angeles--storm sewer project--reconstruct a neighborhood facility to reduce local flooding........................ $760,000
(45) City of Redmond--road project--reconstruct roadway and provide drainage improvements on 148th Avenue Northeast........ $2,700,000
(46) City of Renton--sanitary sewer project--replace sewer lines in the North Renton neighborhood (Central Renton sub-basin)..... $643,622
(47) City of Renton--sanitary sewer project--replace existing sewer lines with interceptor to correct insufficient capacity problems and for protection of sole source aquifer...................... $2,542,704
(48) Saratoga Water District--domestic water project--the project consists of replacing approximately 4,500 feet of 50-year-old 2-inch steel main with new 8-inch ductile main............................. $244,260
(49) City of Seattle--road project--upgrade traffic signals, improve traffic flow, and upgrade street lighting.............. $1,280,000
(50) City of Seattle Water Department--domestic water project--cover and rehabilitate the 5.5 million gallon Magnolia Manor reservoir to resolve current water quality and corrosion problems........... $2,220,000
(51) Shoreline Water District--domestic water project--construct two new intertie pressure-reducing stations with the City of Mountlake Terrace--replace undersized water mains in critical locations throughout the district................................................. $615,600
(52) Skyway Water and Sewer District--domestic water--prepare design report and design/construction documents for 4,000,000-gallon joint Skyway-Seattle water reservoir, pump station, and transmission
mains.................................................... $211,500
(53) Southwest Suburban Sewer District--sanitary sewer project. This project includes repairing nine sewer mains. The lines will be repaired due to scouring, corrosion, cracks, slipped joints, infiltration, roots, and sags. Additional rehabilitation will be done at Pump Station #8 to replace the pumps, install new motor controls, and replace the A.C. force main of approximately 2,000
feet................................................... $1,211,000
(54) City of Spokane--bridge project--replace existing Post Street Bridge with a new Lincoln Street Bridge and completely remove the existing Post Street structure....................................... $1,600,000
(55) City of Spokane--domestic water project--construct a permanent cover over the 24 million gallon Lincoln Heights reservoir
basin.................................................. $1,900,000
(56) Public Utility District Number 1 of Stevens County--domestic water project--install water pipelines, service connections, water meters, fire hydrants, and build one 100,000-gallon gravity storage
tank..................................................... $850,400
(57) Public Utility District Number 1 of Stevens County--domestic water project--provide for pump, pipeline, and system control
improvement.............................................. $233,100
(58) City of Tumwater--domestic water project--abandon and replace existing city wells number 2 and number 10 with new wells, including pump, controls, piping, telemetry, and well house.............. $234,388
(59) Wahkiakum County PUD Number 1--Capital Facilities Plan--Western Wahkiakum water system reliability improvement study...... $30,000
(60) Whitworth Water District Number 2--domestic water project--1 million gallon reservoir and 14-inch transmission main north of Midway Road......................................................... $604,800
(61) City of Yakima--sanitary sewer project--replace, rehabilitate, or improve several existing wastewater treatment facility
components............................................. $3,221,708
(62) Emergency Public Works Loans--as authorized by RCW
43.155.065............................................. $1,000,000
(63) Capital Facilities Plan loans....................... $300,000
Total approved list................................... $52,359,758
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately.
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