53rd Legislature
1993 Regular Session
Passed by the House April 25, 1993 Yeas 97 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate April 25, 1993 Yeas 37 Nays 10 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1509 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1993 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Locke, Sommers, Silver, Jacobsen, Ludwig and Bray)
Read first time 03/08/93.
AN ACT Relating to increasing flexibility of institutions of higher education to manage personnel, construction, purchasing, printing, and tuition; amending RCW 43.19.190, 43.19.1906, 43.78.030, 43.78.100, 43.78.110, 28B.50.330, 28B.10.350, 28B.10.355, 39.04.020, 39.04.150, 28B.15.031, 28B.15.202, 28B.15.402, 28B.15.502, 41.58.020, 28B.16.040, 41.06.070, 28B.16.200, and 41.06.280; reenacting and amending RCW 41.56.030; adding a new section to chapter 28B.10 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 43.78 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28B.15 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 41.56 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 41.06 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28B.16 RCW; creating new sections; repealing RCW 28B.15.824; making an appropriation; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature acknowledges the academic freedom of institutions of higher education, and seeks to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out their missions. By this act, the legislature intends to increase the flexibility of institutions of higher education to manage personnel, construction, purchasing, printing, and tuition.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 101. A new section is added to chapter 28B.10 RCW to read as follows:
(1) An institution of higher education may exercise independently those powers otherwise granted to the director of general administration in chapter 43.19 RCW in connection with the purchase and disposition of all material, supplies, services, and equipment needed for the support, maintenance, and use of the respective institution of higher education. Property disposition policies followed by institutions of higher education shall be consistent with policies followed by the department of general administration. Purchasing policies and procedures followed by institutions of higher education shall be in compliance with chapters 39.19, 39.29, and 43.03 RCW, and RCW 43.19.1901, 43.19.1906, 43.19.1911, 43.19.1917, 43.19.1937, 43.19.534, 43.19.685, 43.19.700 through 43.19.704, and 43.19.550 through 43.19.637. The community and technical colleges shall comply with RCW 43.19.450. Except for the University of Washington, institutions of higher education shall comply with RCW 43.19.1935, 43.19.19363, and 43.19.19368. If an institution of higher education can satisfactorily demonstrate to the director of the office of financial management that the cost of compliance is greater than the value of benefits from any of the following statutes, then it shall be exempt from them: RCW 43.19.685; 43.19.534; and 43.19.637. Any institution of higher education that chooses to exercise independent purchasing authority for a commodity or group of commodities shall notify the director of general administration. Thereafter the director of general administration shall not be required to provide those services for that institution for the duration of the general administration contract term for that commodity or group of commodities.
(2) An institution of higher education may exercise independently those powers otherwise granted to the public printer in chapter 43.78 RCW in connection with the production or purchase of any printing and binding needed by the respective institution of higher education. Purchasing policies and procedures followed by institutions of higher education shall be in compliance with chapter 39.19 RCW. Any institution of higher education that chooses to exercise independent printing production or purchasing authority shall notify the public printer. Thereafter the public printer shall not be required to provide those services for that institution.
Sec. 102. RCW 43.19.190 and 1991 c 238 s 135 are each amended to read as follows:
The director of general administration, through the state purchasing and material control director, shall:
(1) Establish and staff such administrative organizational units within the division of purchasing as may be necessary for effective administration of the provisions of RCW 43.19.190 through 43.19.1939;
(2) Purchase all material, supplies, services,
and equipment needed for the support, maintenance, and use of all state institutions,
colleges, community colleges, technical colleges, college districts, and
universities, the offices of the elective state officers, the supreme court,
the court of appeals, the administrative and other departments of state
government, and the offices of all appointive officers of the state: PROVIDED,
That the provisions of RCW 43.19.190 through 43.19.1937 do not apply in any
manner to the operation of the state legislature except as requested by said
legislature: PROVIDED, That primary authority for the purchase of specialized
equipment, instructional, and research material for their own use shall rest
with the colleges, community colleges, and universities: PROVIDED FURTHER,
That universities operating hospitals and the state purchasing and material
control director, as the agent for state hospitals as defined in RCW 72.23.010,
and for health care programs provided in state correctional institutions as
defined in RCW 72.65.010(3) and veterans' institutions as defined in RCW
72.36.010 and 72.36.070, may make purchases for hospital operation by
participating in contracts for materials, supplies, and equipment entered into
by nonprofit cooperative hospital ((service)) group purchasing
organizations ((as defined in section 501(e) of the Internal Revenue Code,
or its successor)): PROVIDED FURTHER, That primary authority for the
purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment for resale to other than public
agencies shall rest with the state agency concerned: PROVIDED FURTHER, That
authority to purchase services as included herein does not apply to personal
services as defined in chapter 39.29 RCW, unless such organization specifically
requests assistance from the division of purchasing in obtaining personal
services and resources are available within the division to provide such
assistance: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the authority for the purchase of insurance
and bonds shall rest with the risk manager under RCW 43.19.1935 ((as now or
hereafter amended)): PROVIDED FURTHER, That, except for the authority of
the risk manager to purchase insurance and bonds, the director is not required
to provide purchasing services for institutions of higher education that choose
to exercise independent purchasing authority under section 101 of this act;
(3) Provide the required staff assistance for the state supply management advisory board through the division of purchasing;
(4) Have authority to delegate to state
agencies authorization to purchase or sell, which authorization shall specify
restrictions as to dollar amount or to specific types of material, equipment,
services, and supplies: PROVIDED, That acceptance of the purchasing
authorization by a state agency does not relieve such agency from conformance
with other sections of RCW 43.19.190 through 43.19.1939, ((as now or
hereafter amended,)) or from policies established by the director after
consultation with the state supply management advisory board: PROVIDED
FURTHER, That delegation of such authorization to a state agency, including an
educational institution to which this section applies, to purchase or
sell material, equipment, services, and supplies shall not be granted, or
otherwise continued under a previous authorization, if such agency is not in
substantial compliance with overall state purchasing and material control
policies as established herein;
(5) Contract for the testing of material, supplies, and equipment with public and private agencies as necessary and advisable to protect the interests of the state;
(6) Prescribe the manner of inspecting all deliveries of supplies, materials, and equipment purchased through the division;
(7) Prescribe the manner in which supplies, materials, and equipment purchased through the division shall be delivered, stored, and distributed;
(8) Provide for the maintenance of a catalogue library, manufacturers' and wholesalers' lists, and current market information;
(9) Provide for a commodity classification system and may, in addition, provide for the adoption of standard specifications after receiving the recommendation of the supply management advisory board;
(10) Provide for the maintenance of inventory records of supplies, materials, and other property;
(11) Prepare rules and regulations governing the relationship and procedures between the division of purchasing and state agencies and vendors;
(12) Publish procedures and guidelines for compliance by all state agencies, including those educational institutions to which this section applies, which implement overall state purchasing and material control policies;
(13) Conduct periodic visits to state agencies, including those educational institutions to which this section applies, to determine if statutory provisions and supporting purchasing and material control policies are being fully implemented, and based upon such visits, take corrective action to achieve compliance with established purchasing and material control policies under existing statutes when required.
Sec. 103. RCW 43.19.1906 and 1992 c 85 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
Insofar as practicable, all purchases and sales
shall be based on competitive bids, and a formal sealed bid procedure shall be
used as standard procedure for all purchases and contracts for purchases and
sales executed by the state purchasing and material control director and under
the powers granted by RCW 43.19.190 through 43.19.1939((, as now or
hereafter amended)). This requirement also applies to purchases and
contracts for purchases and sales executed by agencies, including educational
institutions, under delegated authority granted in accordance with provisions
of RCW 43.19.190 ((as now or hereafter amended)) or under section 101
of this act. However, formal sealed bidding is not necessary for:
(1) Emergency purchases made pursuant to RCW 43.19.200 if the sealed bidding procedure would prevent or hinder the emergency from being met appropriately;
(2) Purchases not exceeding five thousand
dollars, or subsequent limits as calculated by the office of financial
management: PROVIDED, That the state director of general administration shall
establish procedures to assure that purchases made by or on behalf of the
various state agencies shall not be made so as to avoid the five thousand
dollar bid limitation, or subsequent bid limitations as calculated by the
office of financial management: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the state purchasing
and material control director is authorized to reduce the formal sealed bid
limits of five thousand dollars, or subsequent limits as calculated by the
office of financial management, to a lower dollar amount for purchases by
individual state agencies((, including purchases of specialized equipment,
instructional, and research equipment and materials by colleges and universities,))
if considered necessary to maintain full disclosure of competitive procurement
or otherwise to achieve overall state efficiency and economy in purchasing and
material control. Quotations from four hundred dollars to five thousand
dollars, or subsequent limits as calculated by the office of financial
management, shall be secured from enough vendors to assure establishment of a
competitive price and may be obtained by telephone or written quotations, or
both. Immediately after the award is made, the bid quotations obtained shall
be recorded and open to public inspection and shall be available by telephone
inquiry. A record of competition for all such purchases from four hundred
dollars to five thousand dollars, or subsequent limits as calculated by the
office of financial management, shall be documented for audit purposes on a
standard state form approved by the forms management center under the
provisions of RCW 43.19.510. Purchases up to four hundred dollars may be made
without competitive bids based on buyer experience and knowledge of the market
in achieving maximum quality at minimum cost: PROVIDED, That this four hundred
dollar direct buy limit without competitive bids may be increased incrementally
as required to a maximum of eight hundred dollars with the approval of at least
ten of the members of the state supply management advisory board, if warranted
by increases in purchasing costs due to inflationary trends;
(3) Purchases which are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply and purchases involving special facilities, services, or market conditions, in which instances the purchase price may be best established by direct negotiation;
(4) Purchases of insurance and bonds by the
risk management office under RCW 43.19.1935 ((as now or hereafter amended));
(5) Purchases and contracts for vocational rehabilitation clients of the department of social and health services: PROVIDED, That this exemption is effective only when the state purchasing and material control director, after consultation with the director of the division of vocational rehabilitation and appropriate department of social and health services procurement personnel, declares that such purchases may be best executed through direct negotiation with one or more suppliers in order to expeditiously meet the special needs of the state's vocational rehabilitation clients;
(6) Purchases by universities for hospital
operation or biomedical teaching or research purposes and by the state
purchasing and material control director, as the agent for state hospitals as
defined in RCW 72.23.010, and for health care programs provided in state
correctional institutions as defined in RCW 72.65.010(3) and veterans'
institutions as defined in RCW 72.36.010 and 72.36.070, made by participating
in contracts for materials, supplies, and equipment entered into by nonprofit
cooperative hospital ((service)) group purchasing organizations
((as defined in section 501(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, or its
(7) Purchases by institutions of higher
education not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars ((that are funded by
research grant or contract funds, or other nonstate appropriated funds)):
PROVIDED, That for purchases between two thousand five hundred dollars and
fifteen thousand dollars quotations shall be secured from enough vendors to
assure establishment of a competitive price and may be obtained by telephone or
written quotations, or both. A record of competition for all such purchases
made from two thousand five hundred to fifteen thousand dollars shall be
documented for audit purposes ((on a standard state form approved by the
forms management center under provisions of RCW 43.19.510)); and
(8) Beginning on July 1, ((1989)) 1995,
and on July 1 of each succeeding odd-numbered year, the ((five thousand))
dollar limits specified in ((subsection (2) of)) this section
shall be adjusted as follows: The office of financial management shall
calculate such limits by adjusting the previous biennium's limits
by the appropriate federal inflationary index reflecting the rate of inflation
for the previous biennium. Such amounts shall be rounded to the nearest one
hundred dollars.
Sec. 104. RCW 43.78.030 and 1988 c 102 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The public printer shall print and bind the
session laws, the journals of the two houses of the legislature, all bills,
resolutions, documents, and other printing and binding of either the senate or
house, as the same may be ordered by the legislature; and such forms, blanks,
record books, and printing and binding of every description as may be ordered
by all state officers, boards, commissions, and institutions, and the supreme
court, and the court of appeals and officers thereof, as the same may be
ordered on requisition, from time to time, by the proper authorities. This
section shall not apply to the printing of the supreme court and the court of
appeals reports, ((or)) to the printing of bond certificates or bond
offering disclosure documents, or to any printing done or contracted for by
institutions of higher education: PROVIDED, That institutions of higher
education, in consultation with the public printer, develop vendor selection
procedures comparable to those used by the public printer for contracted
printing jobs. Where any institution or institution of higher learning of
the state is or may become equipped with facilities for doing such work, it may
do any printing: (1) For itself, or (2) for any other state institution when
such printing is done as part of a course of study relative to the profession
of printer. Any printing and binding of whatever description as may be needed
by any ((institution of higher learning,)) institution or agency of the
state department of social and health services not at Olympia, or the supreme
court or the court of appeals or any officer thereof, the estimated cost of
which shall not exceed one thousand dollars, may be done by any private
printing company in the general vicinity within the state of Washington so
ordering, if in the judgment of the officer of the agency so ordering, the
saving in time and processing justifies the award to such local private
printing concern. ((Further, where any printing or binding needed by an
institution of higher education is to be paid for from research grant or
contract funds, short course revenues, or other nonstate appropriated funding
source, such printing or binding may be done by any private printing company in
the state of Washington, irrespective of the dollar limit specified in this
section, when in the judgment of the officer of the institution so ordering,
the saving in time or cost justifies the award to such local private printing
Beginning on July 1, 1989, and on July 1 of each succeeding odd-numbered year, the dollar limit specified in this section shall be adjusted as follows: The office of financial management shall calculate such limit by adjusting the previous biennium's limit by an appropriate federal inflationary index reflecting the rate of inflation for the previous biennium. Such amounts shall be rounded to the nearest fifty dollars.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 105. A new section is added to chapter 43.78 RCW to read as follows:
The public printer may use the state printing plant for the purposes of printing or furnishing materials under RCW 43.78.100 if an interlocal agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW has been executed between an institution of higher education and the public printer.
Sec. 106. RCW 43.78.100 and 1965 c 8 s 43.78.100 are each amended to read as follows:
The public printer shall furnish all paper, stock, and binding materials required in all public work, and shall charge the same to the state, as it is actually used, at the actual price at which it was purchased plus five percent for waste, insurance, storage, and handling. This section does not apply to institutions of higher education.
Sec. 107. RCW 43.78.110 and 1982 c 164 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
Whenever in the judgment of the public printer
certain printing, ruling, binding, or supplies can be secured from private
sources more economically than by doing the work or preparing the supplies in
the state printing plant, ((he)) the public printer may obtain
such work or supplies from such private sources. ((The public printer shall
notify day training centers, group training homes, and sheltered workshops
providing printing and related trade services under RCW 43.19.532 of the
opportunity to bid on the provision of such work or supplies under this
In event any work or supplies are secured on behalf of the state under this section the state printing plant shall be entitled to add up to five percent to the cost thereof to cover the handling of the orders which shall be added to the bills and charged to the respective authorities ordering the work or supplies. The five percent handling charge shall not apply to contracts with institutions of higher education.
Sec. 108. RCW 28B.50.330 and 1991 c 238 s 48 are each amended to read as follows:
The boards of trustees of college districts are
empowered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter to provide for the
construction, reconstruction, erection, equipping, demolition, and major
alterations of buildings and other capital assets, and the acquisition of
sites, rights-of-way, easements, improvements, or appurtenances for the use of
the aforementioned colleges as authorized by the college board in accordance
with RCW 28B.50.140; to be financed by bonds payable out of special funds from
revenues hereafter derived from income received from such facilities, gifts,
bequests, or grants, and such additional funds as the legislature may provide,
and payable out of a bond retirement fund to be established by the respective
district boards in accordance with rules and regulations of the state board.
With respect to building, improvements, or repairs, or other work, where the
estimated cost exceeds ((fifteen)) twenty-five thousand dollars,
complete plans and specifications for such work shall be prepared ((and such
work shall be prepared)) and such work shall be put out for public bids and
the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder if in accordance
with the bid specifications: PROVIDED, That when such building,
construction, renovation, remodeling, or demolition involves one trade or craft
area and the estimated cost exceeds ten thousand dollars, complete plans and
specifications for such work shall be prepared and such work shall be put out
for public bids, and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
if in accordance with the bid specifications. This subsection shall not apply
when a contract is awarded by the small works procedure authorized in RCW
39.04.150: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any project regardless of dollar amount
may be put to public bid.
Where the estimated cost to any college of any
building, improvements, or repairs, or other work, is less than ((five))
twenty-five thousand dollars, the publication requirements of RCW
39.04.020 ((and 39.04.070)) shall be inapplicable.
Sec. 109. RCW 28B.10.350 and 1985 c 152 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) When the cost to The Evergreen State College, any regional university, or state university, of any building, construction, renovation, remodeling, or demolition other than maintenance or repairs will equal or exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, complete plans and specifications for such work shall be prepared and such work shall be put out for public bids and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder if in accordance with the bid specifications: PROVIDED, That when the estimated cost of such building, construction, renovation, remodeling, or demolition equals or exceeds the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, such project shall be deemed a public works and "the prevailing rate of wage," under chapter 39.12 RCW shall be applicable thereto: PROVIDED FURTHER, That when such building, construction, renovation, remodeling, or demolition involves one trade or craft area and the estimated cost exceeds ten thousand dollars, complete plans and specifications for such work shall be prepared and such work shall be put out for public bids, and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder if in accordance with the bid specifications. This subsection shall not apply when a contract is awarded by the small works procedure authorized in RCW 28B.10.355.
(2) The Evergreen State College, any regional university, or state university may require a project to be put to public bid even when it is not required to do so under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) Where the estimated cost to The Evergreen
State College, any regional university, or state university of any building,
construction, renovation, remodeling, or demolition is less than twenty-five
thousand dollars or the contract is awarded by the small works procedure
authorized in RCW 28B.10.355, the publication requirements of RCW 39.04.020 ((and
39.04.090)) shall be inapplicable.
(4) In the event of any emergency when the public interest or property of The Evergreen State College, regional university, or state university would suffer material injury or damage by delay, the president of such college or university may declare the existence of such an emergency and reciting the facts constituting the same may waive the requirements of this section with reference to any contract in order to correct the condition causing the emergency: PROVIDED, That an "emergency," for the purposes of this section, means a condition likely to result in immediate physical injury to persons or to property of such college or university in the absence of prompt remedial action or a condition which immediately impairs the institution's ability to perform its educational obligations.
Sec. 110. RCW 28B.10.355 and 1985 c 152 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Each board of regents of the state universities
and each board of trustees of the regional universities and The Evergreen State
College may establish a small works roster. The small works roster authorized
by this section may be used for any public works project for which the
estimated cost is less than ((fifty)) one hundred thousand
dollars. Each board shall adopt rules to implement this section.
The roster shall be composed of all responsible contractors who have requested to be on the list. Each board shall establish a procedure for securing telephone or written quotations from the contractors on the small works roster to assure establishment of a competitive price and for awarding contracts to the lowest responsible bidder. This procedure shall require either that a good faith effort be made to request quotations from all contractors on the small works roster who have indicated the capability of performing the kind of public works being contracted or that the board shall solicit quotations from at least five contractors in a manner that will equitably distribute the opportunity among contractors on the roster. Immediately after an award is made, the bid quotations obtained shall be recorded, open to public inspection and available by telephone inquiry. Each board may adopt a procedure to prequalify contractors for inclusion on the small works roster. No board may be required to make available for public inspection or copying under chapter 42.17 RCW financial information required to be provided by the prequalification procedure.
The small works roster shall be revised at least once each year by publishing notice of such opportunity in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the state. Responsible contractors shall be added to the list at any time they submit a written request.
Sec. 111. RCW 39.04.020 and 1986 c 282 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Whenever the state((,)) or any
municipality shall determine that any public work is necessary to be done,
it shall cause plans, specifications, or both thereof and an estimate of the
cost of such work to be made and filed in the office of the director, supervisor,
commissioner, trustee, board, or agency having by law the authority to
require such work to be done. The plans, specifications, and estimates of cost
shall be approved by the director, supervisor, commissioner, trustee, board, or
agency and the original draft or a certified copy filed in such office before
further action is taken.
If the state((,)) or such municipality
shall determine that it is necessary or advisable that such work shall be
executed by any means or method other than by contract or by a small works
roster process, and it shall appear by such estimate that the probable cost of
executing such work will exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars or the
amounts specified in RCW 28B.10.350 or 28B.10.355 for colleges and
universities, or the amounts specified in RCW 28B.50.330 or 39.04.150 for
community colleges and technical colleges, then the state or such
municipality shall at least fifteen days before beginning work cause such
estimate, together with a description of the work, to be published at least
once in a legal newspaper of general circulation published in or as near as
possible to that part of the county in which such work is to be done:
PROVIDED, That when any emergency shall require the immediate execution of such
public work, upon a finding of the existence of such emergency by the authority
having power to direct such public work to be done and duly entered of record,
publication of description and estimate may be made within seven days after the
commencement of the work.
Sec. 112. RCW 39.04.150 and 1988 c 36 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) As used in this section, "agency" means the department of general administration, the department of fisheries, the department of wildlife, and the state parks and recreation commission.
(2) In addition to any other power or authority that an agency may have, each agency, alone or in concert, may establish a small works roster consisting of all qualified contractors who have requested to be included on the roster.
(3) The small works roster may make distinctions between contractors based on the geographic areas served and the nature of the work the contractor is qualified to perform. At least once every year, the agency shall advertise in a newspaper of general circulation the existence of the small works roster and shall add to the roster those contractors who request to be included on the roster.
(4) Construction, repair, or alteration projects estimated to cost less than fifty thousand dollars, or less than one hundred thousand dollars for projects managed by the department of general administration for community colleges and technical colleges, as defined under chapter 28B.50 RCW, are exempt from the requirement that the contracts be awarded after advertisement and competitive bid as defined by RCW 39.04.010. In lieu of advertisement and competitive bid, the agency shall solicit at least five quotations, confirmed in writing, from contractors chosen by random number generated by computer from the contractors on the small works roster for the category of job type involved and shall award the work to the party with the lowest quotation or reject all quotations. If the agency is unable to solicit quotations from five qualified contractors on the small works roster for a particular project, then the project shall be advertised and competitively bid. The agency shall solicit quotations randomly from contractors on the small works roster in a manner which will equitably distribute the opportunity for these contracts among contractors on the roster: PROVIDED, That whenever possible, the agency shall invite at least one proposal from a minority contractor who shall otherwise qualify to perform such work. Immediately after an award is made, the bid quotations obtained shall be recorded, open to public inspection, and available by telephone request.
(5) The breaking down of any public work or improvement into units or accomplishing any public work or improvement by phases for the purpose of avoiding the minimum dollar amount for bidding is contrary to public policy and is prohibited.
(6) The director of general administration shall adopt by rule a procedure to prequalify contractors for inclusion on the small works roster. Each agency shall follow the procedure adopted by the director of general administration. No agency shall be required to make available for public inspection or copying under chapter 42.17 RCW financial information required to be provided by the prequalification procedure.
(7) An agency may adopt by rule procedures to implement this section which shall not be inconsistent with the procedures adopted by the director of the department of general administration pursuant to subsection (6) of this section.
Sec. 201. RCW 28B.15.031 and 1987 c 15 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The term "operating fees" as used in
this chapter shall include the fees, other than building fees, charged all
students registering at the state's colleges and universities but shall not
include fees for short courses, self-supporting degree credit programs and
courses, marine station work, experimental station work, correspondence or
extension courses, and individual instruction and student deposits or rentals,
disciplinary and library fines, which colleges and universities shall have the
right to impose, laboratory, gymnasium, health, and student activity fees, or
fees, charges, rentals, and other income derived from any or all revenue
producing lands, buildings and facilities of the colleges or universities
heretofore or hereafter acquired, constructed or installed, including but not
limited to income from rooms, dormitories, dining rooms, hospitals,
infirmaries, housing or student activity buildings, vehicular parking
facilities, land, or the appurtenances thereon, or such other special fees as
may be established by any college or university board of trustees or regents
from time to time. All moneys received as operating fees at any institution of
higher education shall be ((transmitted to the state treasurer within
thirty-five days of receipt to be deposited in the state general fund)) deposited
in a local account containing only operating fees revenue and related interest:
PROVIDED, That two and one-half percent of ((moneys received as))
operating fees ((be exempt from such deposit and)) shall be retained
by the institutions, except the technical colleges, for the purposes of
RCW 28B.15.820((: PROVIDED FURTHER, That money received by institutions of
higher education from the periodic payment plan authorized by RCW 28B.15.411
shall be transmitted to the state treasurer within five days following the
close of registration of the appropriate quarter or semester)).
Sec. 202. RCW 28B.15.202 and 1992 c 231 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
Tuition fees and maximum services and activities fees at the University of Washington and at Washington State University for other than the summer term shall be as follows:
(1) For full time resident undergraduate students and all other full time resident students not in graduate study programs or enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, and doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be thirty-three percent of the per student undergraduate educational costs at the state universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be one hundred and twenty dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(2) For full time resident graduate and law students not enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, and doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be twenty‑three percent of the per student graduate educational costs at the state universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be one hundred and twenty dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(3) For full time resident students enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, and doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be one hundred sixty‑seven percent of such fees charged in subsection (2) of this section: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be three hundred and forty‑two dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(4) For full time nonresident undergraduate students and such other full time nonresident students not in graduate study programs or enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, or doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be one hundred percent of the per student undergraduate educational costs at the state universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be three hundred and fifty‑four dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(5) For full time nonresident graduate and law students not enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, and doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be sixty percent of the per student graduate educational costs at the state universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be three hundred and fifty‑four dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(6) For full time nonresident students enrolled in programs leading to the degrees of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery, and doctor of veterinary medicine, the total tuition fees shall be one hundred sixty‑seven percent of such fees charged in subsection (5) of this section: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be five hundred and fifty‑five dollars. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(7) The governing boards of the state universities shall charge to and collect from each student, a services and activities fee. The governing board may increase the existing fee annually, consistent with budgeting procedures set forth in RCW 28B.15.045, by a percentage not to exceed the annual percentage increase in resident undergraduate tuition fees: PROVIDED, That such percentage increase shall not apply to that portion of the services and activities fee previously committed to the repayment of bonded debt. The services and activities fee committee provided for in RCW 28B.15.045 may initiate a request to the governing board for a fee increase.
Sec. 203. RCW 28B.15.402 and 1992 c 231 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
Tuition fees and maximum services and activities fees at the regional universities and The Evergreen State College for other than the summer term shall be as follows:
(1) For full time resident undergraduate students and all other full time resident students not in graduate study programs, the total tuition fees shall be twenty-five percent of the per student undergraduate educational costs at the regional universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be seventy‑six dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(2) For full time resident graduate students, the total tuition fees shall be twenty‑three percent of the per student graduate educational costs at the regional universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be seventy‑six dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(3) For full time nonresident undergraduate students and all other full time nonresident students not in graduate study programs, the total tuition fees shall be one hundred percent of the per student undergraduate educational costs at the regional universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be two hundred and ninety‑five dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(4) For full time nonresident graduate students, the total tuition fees shall be seventy‑five percent of the per student graduate educational costs at the regional universities computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be two hundred and ninety‑five dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(5) The governing boards of each of the regional universities and The Evergreen State College shall charge to and collect from each student, a services and activities fee. The governing board may increase the existing fee annually, consistent with budgeting procedures set forth in RCW 28B.15.045, by a percentage not to exceed the annual percentage increase in resident undergraduate tuition fees: PROVIDED, That such percentage increase shall not apply to that portion of the services and activities fee previously committed to the repayment of bonded debt. The services and activities fee committee provided for in RCW 28B.15.045 may initiate a request to the governing board for a fee increase.
Sec. 204. RCW 28B.15.502 and 1992 c 231 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
Tuition fees and maximum services and activities fees at each community college for other than the summer term shall be set by the state board for community and technical colleges as follows:
(1) For full time resident students, the total tuition fees shall be twenty‑three percent of the per student educational costs at the community colleges computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be one hundred and twenty‑seven dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(2) For full time nonresident students, the total tuition fees shall be one hundred percent of the per student educational costs at the community colleges computed as provided in RCW 28B.15.067 and 28B.15.070: PROVIDED, That the building fees for each academic year shall be four hundred and three dollars and fifty cents. Beginning with the 1995-96 academic year the building fee for each academic year shall be a percentage of total tuition fees. This percentage shall be calculated by the higher education coordinating board and be based on the actual percentage the building fee is of total tuition in the 1994-95 academic year, rounded up to the nearest half percent.
(3) The governing boards of each of the state community colleges shall charge to and collect from each student a services and activities fee. Each governing board may increase the existing fee annually, consistent with budgeting procedures set forth in RCW 28B.15.045, by a percentage not to exceed the annual percentage increase in resident student tuition fees: PROVIDED, That such percentage increase shall not apply to that portion of the services and activities fee previously committed to the repayment of bonded debt. The services and activities fee committee provided for in RCW 28B.15.045 may initiate a request to the governing board for a fee increase.
(4) Tuition and services and activities fees consistent with subsection (3) of this section shall be set by the state board for community and technical colleges for summer school students unless the community college charges fees in accordance with RCW 28B.15.515.
Subject to the limitations of RCW 28B.15.910, each governing board may charge such fees for ungraded courses, noncredit courses, community services courses, and self‑supporting courses as it, in its discretion, may determine, consistent with the rules and regulations of the state board for community and technical colleges.
Before June 30, 1995, no individual waiver program under this section may be reduced by more than twice the percentage reduction required in operating fee foregone revenue from tuition waivers in the biennial state appropriations act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 205. A new section is added to chapter 28B.15 RCW to read as follows:
It is the intent of the legislature that:
In making appropriations from the state's general fund to institutions of higher education, each appropriation shall conform to the following:
(1) The appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of operating fees revenue estimated to be collected from students enrolled at the state-funded enrollment level specified in the omnibus biennial operating appropriations act and the estimated interest on operating fees revenue, minus obligations under RCW 28B.15.820 and 43.99I.040 and minus the amount of waived operating fees authorized under RCW 28B.15.910;
(2) The appropriation shall not be reduced by the amount of operating fees revenue collected from students enrolled above the state-funded level, but within the over-enrollment limitations, specified in the omnibus biennial operating appropriations act; and
(3) The general fund state appropriation shall not be reduced by the amount of operating fees revenue collected as a result of waiving less operating fees revenue than the amounts authorized under RCW 28B.15.910.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 206. RCW 28B.15.824 and 1992 c 231 s 36 are each repealed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 301. A new section is added to chapter 41.56 RCW to read as follows:
In addition to the entities listed in RCW 41.56.020, this chapter shall apply to institutions of higher education with respect to the employees included in a bargaining unit that has exercised the option specified in section 304 of this act.
Sec. 302. RCW 41.56.030 and 1992 c 36 s 2 and 1991 c 363 s 119 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter:
(1) "Public employer" means any
officer, board, commission, council, or other person or body acting on behalf
of any public body governed by this chapter ((as designated by RCW 41.56.020)),
or any subdivision of such public body. For the purposes of this section, the
public employer of district court or superior court employees for wage-related
matters is the respective county legislative authority, or person or body
acting on behalf of the legislative authority, and the public employer for
nonwage-related matters is the judge or judge's designee of the respective
district court or superior court.
(2) "Public employee" means any employee of a public employer except any person (a) elected by popular vote, or (b) appointed to office pursuant to statute, ordinance or resolution for a specified term of office by the executive head or body of the public employer, or (c) whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant or secretary necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the executive head or body of the applicable bargaining unit, or any person elected by popular vote or appointed to office pursuant to statute, ordinance or resolution for a specified term of office by the executive head or body of the public employer, or (d) who is a personal assistant to a district court judge, superior court judge, or court commissioner. For the purpose of (d) of this subsection, no more than one assistant for each judge or commissioner may be excluded from a bargaining unit.
(3) "Bargaining representative" means any lawful organization which has as one of its primary purposes the representation of employees in their employment relations with employers.
(4) "Collective bargaining" means the performance of the mutual obligations of the public employer and the exclusive bargaining representative to meet at reasonable times, to confer and negotiate in good faith, and to execute a written agreement with respect to grievance procedures and collective negotiations on personnel matters, including wages, hours and working conditions, which may be peculiar to an appropriate bargaining unit of such public employer, except that by such obligation neither party shall be compelled to agree to a proposal or be required to make a concession unless otherwise provided in this chapter. In the case of the Washington state patrol, "collective bargaining" shall not include wages and wage-related matters.
(5) "Commission" means the public employment relations commission.
(6) "Executive director" means the executive director of the commission.
(7) "Uniformed personnel" means (a) law enforcement officers as defined in RCW 41.26.030 as now or hereafter amended, of cities with a population of fifteen thousand or more or law enforcement officers employed by the governing body of any county with a population of seventy thousand or more, or (b) fire fighters as that term is defined in RCW 41.26.030, as now or hereafter amended.
(8) "Institution of higher education" means the University of Washington, Washington State University, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, The Evergreen State College, and the various state community colleges.
Sec. 303. RCW 41.58.020 and 1975 1st ex.s. c 296 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It shall be the duty of the commission, in order to prevent or minimize interruptions growing out of labor disputes, to assist employers and employees to settle such disputes through mediation and fact-finding.
(2) The commission, through the director, may
proffer its services in any labor dispute ((involving a political
subdivision, municipal corporation, or the community college system of the
state)) arising under a collective bargaining statute administered by
the commission, either upon its own motion or upon the request of one or
more of the parties to the dispute, whenever in its judgment such dispute
threatens to cause a substantial disruption to the public welfare.
(3) If the director is not able to bring the
parties to agreement by mediation within a reasonable time, ((he)) the
director shall seek to induce the parties to voluntarily seek other means
of settling the dispute without resort to strike or other coercion, including
submission to the employees in the bargaining unit of the employer's last offer
of settlement for approval or rejection in a secret ballot. The failure or
refusal of either party to agree to any procedure suggested by the director
shall not be deemed a violation of any duty or obligation imposed by this
(4) Final adjustment by a method agreed upon by the parties is declared to be the desirable method for settlement of grievance disputes arising over the application or interpretation of an existing collective bargaining agreement. The commission is directed to make its mediation and fact-finding services available in the settlement of such grievance disputes only as a last resort.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 304. A new section is added to chapter 41.56 RCW to read as follows:
(1) At any time after July 1, 1993, an institution of higher education and the exclusive bargaining representative of a bargaining unit of employees classified under chapter 28B.16 or 41.06 RCW as appropriate may exercise their option to have their relationship and corresponding obligations governed entirely by the provisions of this chapter by complying with the following:
(a) The parties will file notice of the parties' intent to be so governed, subject to the mutual adoption of a collective bargaining agreement permitted by this section recognizing the notice of intent. The parties shall provide the notice to the higher education personnel board or its successor and the commission;
(b) During the negotiation of an initial contract between the parties under this chapter, the parties' scope of bargaining shall be governed by this chapter and any disputes arising out of the collective bargaining rights and obligations under this subsection shall be determined by the commission. If the commission finds that the parties are at impasse, the notice filed under (a) of this subsection shall be void and have no effect; and
(c) On the first day of the month following the month during which the institution of higher education and the exclusive bargaining representative provide notice to the higher education personnel board or its successor and the commission that they have executed an initial collective bargaining agreement recognizing the notice of intent filed under (a) of this subsection, chapter 28B.16 or 41.06 RCW as appropriate shall cease to apply to all employees in the bargaining unit covered by the agreement.
(2) All collective bargaining rights and obligations concerning relations between an institution of higher education and the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees who have agreed to exercise the option permitted by this section shall be determined under this chapter, subject to the following:
(a) The commission shall recognize, in its current form, the bargaining unit as certified by the higher education personnel board or its successor and the limitations on collective bargaining contained in RCW 41.56.100 shall not apply to that bargaining unit.
(b) If, on the date of filing the notice under subsection (1)(a) of this section, there is a union shop authorized for the bargaining unit under rules adopted by the higher education personnel board or its successor, the union shop requirement shall continue in effect for the bargaining unit and shall be deemed incorporated into the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the bargaining unit.
(c) Salary increases negotiated for the employees in the bargaining unit shall be subject to the following:
(i) Salary increases shall continue to be appropriated by the legislature. The exclusive bargaining representative shall meet before a legislative session with the governor or governor's designee and the representative of the institution of higher education concerning the total dollar amount for salary increases and health care contributions that will be contained in the appropriations proposed by the governor under RCW 43.88.060;
(ii) The collective bargaining agreements may provide for salary increases from local efficiency savings that are different from or that exceed the amount or percentage for salary increases provided by the legislature in the omnibus appropriations act for the institution of higher education or allocated to the board of trustees by the state board for community and technical colleges, but the base for salary increases provided by the legislature under (c)(i) of this subsection shall include only those amounts appropriated by the legislature, and the base shall not include any additional salary increases provided under this subsection (2)(c)(ii);
(iii) Any provisions of the collective bargaining agreements pertaining to salary increases provided under (c)(i) of this subsection shall be subject to modification by the legislature. If any provision of a salary increase provided under (c)(i) of this subsection is changed by subsequent modification of the appropriations act by the legislature, both parties shall immediately enter into collective bargaining for the sole purpose of arriving at a mutually agreed upon replacement for the modified provision.
(3) Nothing in this section may be construed to permit an institution of higher education to bargain collectively with an exclusive bargaining representative concerning any matter covered by: (a) Chapter 41.05 RCW, except for the related cost or dollar contributions or additional or supplemental benefits as permitted by chapter .... (Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5304), Laws of 1993; or (b) chapter 41.32 or 41.40 RCW.
Sec. 305. RCW 28B.16.040 and 1990 c 60 s 201 are each amended to read as follows:
The following classifications, positions, and employees of institutions of higher education and related boards are hereby exempted from coverage of this chapter:
(1) Members of the governing board of each
institution and related boards, all presidents, vice presidents and their
confidential secretaries, administrative and personal assistants; deans,
directors, and ((chairmen)) chairpersons; academic personnel; and
executive heads of major administrative or academic divisions employed by
institutions of higher education; principal assistants to executive heads of
major administrative or academic divisions; other managerial or professional employees
in an institution or related board having substantial responsibility for
directing or controlling program operations and accountable for allocation of
resources and program results, or for the formulation of institutional policy,
or for carrying out personnel administration or labor relations functions,
legislative relations, public information, development, senior computer systems
and network programming, or internal audits and investigations; and any
employee of a community college district whose place of work is one which is
physically located outside the state of Washington and who is employed pursuant
to RCW 28B.50.092 and assigned to an educational program operating outside of
the state of Washington.
(2) Student, part time, or temporary employees, and part time professional consultants, as defined by the higher education personnel board, employed by institutions of higher education and related boards.
(3) The director, ((his)) the
director's confidential secretary, assistant directors, and professional
education employees of the state board for community and technical
colleges ((education)).
(4) The personnel director of the higher
education personnel board and ((his)) the director's confidential
(5) The governing board of each institution,
and related boards, may also exempt from this chapter, subject to the employees
right of appeal to the higher education personnel board, classifications
involving research activities, counseling of students, extension or continuing
education activities, graphic arts or publications activities requiring
prescribed academic preparation or special training, ((and principal
assistants to executive heads of major administrative or academic divisions,))
as determined by the higher education personnel board: PROVIDED, That no
nonacademic employee engaged in office, clerical, maintenance, or food and
trade services may be exempted by the higher education personnel board under
this provision.
Any classified employee having civil service status in a classified position who accepts an appointment in an exempt position shall have the right of reversion to the highest class of position previously held, or to a position of similar nature and salary.
A person occupying an exempt position who is terminated from the position for gross misconduct or malfeasance does not have the right of reversion to a classified position as provided for in this section.
Sec. 306. RCW 41.06.070 and 1993 c ... (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054) s 21 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
(a) The members of the legislature or to any employee of, or position in, the legislative branch of the state government including members, officers, and employees of the legislative council, legislative budget committee, statute law committee, and any interim committee of the legislature;
(b) The justices of the supreme court, judges of the court of appeals, judges of the superior courts or of the inferior courts, or to any employee of, or position in the judicial branch of state government;
(c) Officers, academic personnel, and employees of technical colleges;
(d) The officers of the Washington state patrol;
(e) Elective officers of the state;
(f) The chief executive officer of each agency;
(g) In the departments of employment security, fisheries, social and health services, the director and the director's confidential secretary; in all other departments, the executive head of which is an individual appointed by the governor, the director, his or her confidential secretary, and his or her statutory assistant directors;
(h) In the case of a multimember board, commission, or committee, whether the members thereof are elected, appointed by the governor or other authority, serve ex officio, or are otherwise chosen:
(i) All members of such boards, commissions, or committees;
(ii) If the members of the board, commission, or committee serve on a part-time basis and there is a statutory executive officer: The secretary of the board, commission, or committee; the chief executive officer of the board, commission, or committee; and the confidential secretary of the chief executive officer of the board, commission, or committee;
(iii) If the members of the board, commission, or committee serve on a full-time basis: The chief executive officer or administrative officer as designated by the board, commission, or committee; and a confidential secretary to the chair of the board, commission, or committee;
(iv) If all members of the board, commission, or committee serve ex officio: The chief executive officer; and the confidential secretary of such chief executive officer;
(i) The confidential secretaries and administrative assistants in the immediate offices of the elective officers of the state;
(j) Assistant attorneys general;
(k) Commissioned and enlisted personnel in the military service of the state;
(l) Inmate, student, part-time, or temporary employees, and part-time professional consultants, as defined by the Washington personnel resources board;
(m) The public printer or to any employees of or positions in the state printing plant;
(n) Officers and employees of the Washington state fruit commission;
(o) Officers and employees of the Washington state apple advertising commission;
(p) Officers and employees of the Washington state dairy products commission;
(q) Officers and employees of the Washington tree fruit research commission;
(r) Officers and employees of the Washington state beef commission;
(s) Officers and employees of any commission formed under chapter 15.66 RCW;
(t) Officers and employees of the state wheat commission formed under chapter 15.63 RCW;
(u) Officers and employees of agricultural commissions formed under chapter 15.65 RCW;
(v) Officers and employees of the nonprofit corporation formed under chapter 67.40 RCW;
(w) Liquor vendors appointed by the Washington state liquor control board pursuant to RCW 66.08.050: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That rules adopted by the Washington personnel resources board pursuant to RCW 41.06.150 regarding the basis for, and procedures to be followed for, the dismissal, suspension, or demotion of an employee, and appeals therefrom shall be fully applicable to liquor vendors except those part time agency vendors employed by the liquor control board when, in addition to the sale of liquor for the state, they sell goods, wares, merchandise, or services as a self-sustaining private retail business;
(x) Executive assistants for personnel administration and labor relations in all state agencies employing such executive assistants including but not limited to all departments, offices, commissions, committees, boards, or other bodies subject to the provisions of this chapter and this subsection shall prevail over any provision of law inconsistent herewith unless specific exception is made in such law;
(y) In each agency with fifty or more employees: Deputy agency heads, assistant directors or division directors, and not more than three principal policy assistants who report directly to the agency head or deputy agency heads;
(z) All employees of the marine employees' commission;
(aa) Up to a total of five senior staff positions of the western library network under chapter 27.26 RCW responsible for formulating policy or for directing program management of a major administrative unit. This subsection shall expire on June 30, 1997;
(2) The following classifications, positions, and employees of institutions of higher education and related boards are hereby exempted from coverage of this chapter:
(a) Members of the governing board of each institution of higher education and related boards, all presidents, vice-presidents and their confidential secretaries, administrative and personal assistants; deans, directors, and chairs; academic personnel; and executive heads of major administrative or academic divisions employed by institutions of higher education; principal assistants to executive heads of major administrative or academic divisions; other managerial or professional employees in an institution or related board having substantial responsibility for directing or controlling program operations and accountable for allocation of resources and program results, or for the formulation of institutional policy, or for carrying out personnel administration or labor relations functions, legislative relations, public information, development, senior computer systems and network programming, or internal audits and investigations; and any employee of a community college district whose place of work is one which is physically located outside the state of Washington and who is employed pursuant to RCW 28B.50.092 and assigned to an educational program operating outside of the state of Washington;
(b) Student, part-time, or temporary employees, and part-time professional consultants, as defined by the Washington personnel resources board, employed by institutions of higher education and related boards;
(c) The governing board of each institution,
and related boards, may also exempt from this chapter classifications involving
research activities, counseling of students, extension or continuing education
activities, graphic arts or publications activities requiring prescribed
academic preparation or special training((, and principal assistants to
executive heads of major administrative or academic divisions,)) as
determined by the board: PROVIDED, That no nonacademic employee engaged in
office, clerical, maintenance, or food and trade services may be exempted by
the board under this provision;
(d) Printing craft employees in the department of printing at the University of Washington;
(3) In addition to the exemptions specifically provided by this chapter, the Washington personnel resources board may provide for further exemptions pursuant to the following procedures. The governor or other appropriate elected official may submit requests for exemption to the Washington personnel resources board stating the reasons for requesting such exemptions. The Washington personnel resources board shall hold a public hearing, after proper notice, on requests submitted pursuant to this subsection. If the board determines that the position for which exemption is requested is one involving substantial responsibility for the formulation of basic agency or executive policy or one involving directing and controlling program operations of an agency or a major administrative division thereof, the Washington personnel resources board shall grant the request and such determination shall be final as to any decision made before July 1, 1993. The total number of additional exemptions permitted under this subsection shall not exceed one percent of the number of employees in the classified service not including employees of institutions of higher education and related boards for those agencies not directly under the authority of any elected public official other than the governor, and shall not exceed a total of twenty-five for all agencies under the authority of elected public officials other than the governor. The Washington personnel resources board shall report to each regular session of the legislature during an odd-numbered year all exemptions granted under subsections (1) (x) and (y) and (2) of this section, together with the reasons for such exemptions.
The salary and fringe benefits of all positions presently or hereafter exempted except for the chief executive officer of each agency, full-time members of boards and commissions, administrative assistants and confidential secretaries in the immediate office of an elected state official, and the personnel listed in subsections (1) (j) through (v) and (2) of this section, shall be determined by the Washington personnel resources board.
Any person holding a classified position subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, when and if such position is subsequently exempted from the application of this chapter, be afforded the following rights: If such person previously held permanent status in another classified position, such person shall have a right of reversion to the highest class of position previously held, or to a position of similar nature and salary.
Any classified employee having civil service status in a classified position who accepts an appointment in an exempt position shall have the right of reversion to the highest class of position previously held, or to a position of similar nature and salary.
A person occupying an exempt position who is terminated from the position for gross misconduct or malfeasance does not have the right of reversion to a classified position as provided for in this section.
Sec. 307. RCW 28B.16.200 and 1979 c 151 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) There is hereby created a fund
within the state treasury, designated as the "higher education personnel
board service fund," to be used by the board as a revolving fund for the
payment of salaries, wages, and operations required for the administration of
the provisions of this chapter, the budget for which shall be subject to review
and approval and appropriation by the legislature. Subject to the
requirements of subsection (2) of this section, an amount not to exceed
one-half of one percent of the salaries and wages for all positions in the
classified service shall be contributed from the operations appropriations of
each institution and the state board for community and technical colleges
((education)) and credited to the higher education personnel board
service fund as such allotments are approved pursuant to chapter 43.88 RCW.
Subject to the above limitations, such amount shall be charged against the
allotments pro rata, at a rate to be fixed by the director of financial
management from time to time, which will provide the board with funds to meet
its anticipated expenditures during the allotment period.
(2) If employees cease to be classified under this chapter pursuant to an agreement authorized by section 304 of this act, each institution of higher education and the state board for community and technical colleges shall continue, for six months after the effective date of the agreement, to make contributions to the higher education personnel board service fund based on employee salaries and wages that includes the employees under the agreement. At the expiration of the six-month period, the director of financial management shall make across-the-board reductions in allotments of the higher education personnel board service fund for the remainder of the biennium so that the charge to the institutions of higher education and state board based on the salaries and wages of the remaining employees classified under this chapter does not increase during the biennium, unless an increase is authorized by the legislature. The director of financial management shall report the amount and impact of any across-the-board reductions made under this section to the appropriations committee of the house of representatives and the ways and means committee of the senate, or appropriate successor committees, within thirty days of making the reductions.
(3) Moneys from the higher education personnel board service fund shall be disbursed by the state treasurer by warrants on vouchers duly authorized by the board.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 308. A new section is added to chapter 41.06 RCW to read as follows:
(1) There is hereby created a fund within the state treasury, designated as the "higher education personnel service fund," to be used by the board as a revolving fund for the payment of salaries, wages, and operations required for the administration of institutions of higher education and related boards, the budget for which shall be subject to review and approval and appropriation by the legislature. Subject to the requirements of subsection (2) of this section, an amount not to exceed one-half of one percent of the salaries and wages for all positions in the classified service shall be contributed from the operations appropriations of each institution and the state board for community and technical colleges and credited to the higher education personnel service fund as such allotments are approved pursuant to chapter 43.88 RCW. Subject to the above limitations, such amount shall be charged against the allotments pro rata, at a rate to be fixed by the director of financial management from time to time, which will provide the board with funds to meet its anticipated expenditures during the allotment period.
(2) If employees of institutions of higher education cease to be classified under this chapter pursuant to an agreement authorized by section 304 of this act, each institution of higher education and the state board for community and technical colleges shall continue, for six months after the effective date of the agreement, to make contributions to the higher education personnel service fund based on employee salaries and wages that includes the employees under the agreement. At the expiration of the six-month period, the director of financial management shall make across-the-board reductions in allotments of the higher education personnel service fund for the remainder of the biennium so that the charge to the institutions of higher education and state board for community and technical colleges based on the salaries and wages of the remaining employees of institutions of higher education and related boards classified under this chapter does not increase during the biennium, unless an increase is authorized by the legislature. The director of financial management shall report the amount and impact of any across-the-board reductions made under this section to the appropriations committee of the house of representatives and the ways and means committee of the senate, or appropriate successor committees, within thirty days of making the reductions.
(3) Moneys from the higher education personnel service fund shall be disbursed by the state treasurer by warrants on vouchers duly authorized by the board.
Sec. 309. RCW 41.06.280 and 1993 c ... (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054) s 34 are each amended to read as follows:
There is hereby created a fund within the state treasury, designated as the "department of personnel service fund," to be used by the board as a revolving fund for the payment of salaries, wages, and operations required for the administration of the provisions of this chapter, applicable provisions of chapter 41.04 RCW, and chapter 41.60 RCW. An amount not to exceed one and one-half percent of the approved allotments of salaries and wages for all positions in the classified service in each of the agencies subject to this chapter, except the institutions of higher education, shall be charged to the operations appropriations of each agency and credited to the department of personnel service fund as the allotments are approved pursuant to chapter 43.88 RCW. Subject to the above limitations, the amount shall be charged against the allotments pro rata, at a rate to be fixed by the director from time to time which, together with income derived from services rendered under RCW 41.06.080, will provide the department with funds to meet its anticipated expenditures during the allotment period, including the training requirements in RCW 41.06.--- and 41.06.--- (sections 9 and 12, chapter ... (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054), Laws of 1993).
The director of personnel shall fix the terms and charges for services rendered by the department of personnel pursuant to RCW 41.06.080, which amounts shall be credited to the department of personnel service fund and charged against the proper fund or appropriation of the recipient of such services on a quarterly basis. Payment for services so rendered under RCW 41.06.080 shall be made on a quarterly basis to the state treasurer and deposited by him in the department of personnel service fund.
Moneys from the department of personnel service fund shall be disbursed by the state treasurer by warrants on vouchers duly authorized by the board.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 310. A new section is added to chapter 28B.16 RCW to read as follows:
At any time after July 1, 1993, an institution of higher education and the exclusive bargaining representative of a bargaining unit of employees classified under this chapter or chapter 41.06 RCW as appropriate may exercise their option to have their relationship and corresponding obligations governed entirely by the provisions of chapter 41.56 RCW, by filing notice of the parties' intent to be so governed, subject to the mutual adoption of a collective bargaining agreement recognizing the notice of intent. The parties shall provide the notice to the board or its successor and the public employment relations commission. On the first day of the month following the month during which the institution of higher education and the exclusive bargaining representative provide notice to the board or its successor and the public employment relations commission that they have executed an initial collective bargaining agreement recognizing the notice of intent, this chapter shall cease to apply to all employees in the bargaining unit covered by the agreement, and all labor relations functions of the board or its successor with respect to these employees shall be transferred to the public employment relations commission.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 401. Section 305 of this act shall take effect if section 21 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054 is not signed into law by June 30, 1993.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 402. Section 306 of this act shall take effect if section 21 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054 is signed into law by June 30, 1993.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 403. Section 307 of this act shall take effect if section 68 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054 is not signed into law by June 30, 1993.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 404. Section 308 of this act shall take effect if sections 34 and 68 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054 are signed into law by June 30, 1993.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 405. Section 309 of this act shall take effect if section 34 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2054 is signed into law by June 30, 1993.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 406. The sum of . . . . dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the biennium ending June 30, 1995, from each public four-year institution's and the community colleges' operating fees account established in RCW 28B.15.824 to the respective institution's local account for the purposes of sections 201 through 205 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 407. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 408. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1993.
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