H-0892.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Representatives Jacobsen, Brumsickle, Quall, Shin, Flemming, Carlson, Rayburn, Kessler, J. Kohl, Bray, Ogden, Wood, Horn and L. Johnson
Read first time 01/27/93. Referred to Committee on Higher Education.
WHEREAS, The Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board was created by chapter 370, Laws of 1985; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board was charged with responsibility for preparing a biennial update of the master plan for higher education in this state; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board conducted public meetings and held public hearings throughout the state, completed its study of Washington's system of postsecondary education, and submitted its update of the master plan for higher education to the Legislature on January 4, 1993; and
WHEREAS, Section 4, chapter 370, Laws of 1985, requires the Legislature, by concurrent resolution, to "approve or recommend changes" to the master plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, the Senate concurring, That the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board be commended for its high quality work, dedication, and commitment to the State of Washington in producing a revised update of the master plan for higher education titled "Commitment to Opportunity"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Legislature approve the following goals of the update of the master plan:
(1) That Washington continue progress toward achieving, state-wide, a level of upper division and graduate enrollment equal to the seventieth percentile in national participation rates and a system-wide enrollment goal equal to the ninetieth percentile in national participation rates by 2010;
(2) That Washington reaffirm its commitment toward increasing access for economically disadvantaged students by expanding state financial aid programs targeted first to the neediest students;
(3) That Washington continue to support efforts by the state institutions of postsecondary education and by the Higher Education Coordinating Board to increase access for and retention of persons of color and persons with disabilities;
(4) That Washington support an increase in upper division programs for persons in geographically isolated communities;
(5) That Washington's system of postsecondary education contribute directly to the achievement of the state's economic strength and competitiveness through ensuring that the state has a highly educated, skilled, and flexible work force capable of meeting the challenges of a changing economy;
(6) That Washington's system of postsecondary education has no more basic responsibility than to offer an education of the highest quality to undergraduate students;
(7) That Washington encourage and require evidence of improvements in the quality and effectiveness of undergraduate education at research universities and their branch campuses, comprehensive institutions, and community and technical colleges;
(8) That Washington encourage and support expansion of the assessment of program effectiveness and student competencies;
(9) That Washington's system of postsecondary education expand partnerships with the K-12 school system, community service organizations, and the business community;
(10) That Washington's system of postsecondary education has an obligation to contribute to educational reform at all levels by assisting in curriculum development, providing students opportunities to make smooth transitions as they move among education levels and sectors and into the workplace, and ensuring that tomorrow's teachers acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be effective educators for the twenty-first century;
(11) That Washington stabilize the budget base for postsecondary education and define a carry-forward essential requirements level that includes provisions for the state's population growth;
(12) That Washington require the Higher Education Coordinating Board, in cooperation with the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the public four-year institutions of higher education, to identify internal efficiency measures to increase both access to and the quality of education;
(13) That Washington require the Higher Education Coordinating Board to provide an annual report on postsecondary education to the citizens of the state; and
(14) That Washington require the Higher Education Coordinating Board to undertake a comprehensive study of tuition and fee policies to be submitted to the 1994 Legislature; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That by September 1, 1993, the Legislature and the Governor appoint a citizen-legislator task force to conduct a comprehensive study on funding policies and revenue sources for postsecondary education; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the citizen-legislator task force consist of at least two members from each caucus of the Senate and the House of Representatives, selected by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Director of the Office of Financial Management, a member of the Higher Education Coordinating Board, and up to six citizens appointed by the Governor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the citizen-legislator task force report its findings and recommendations by June 1, 1994, to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Higher Education Coordinating Board for inclusion in the 1995-97 operating budget for postsecondary education.
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