Chapter 128, Laws of 1992
52nd Legislature
1992 Regular Session
Passed by the Senate March 9, 1992 Yeas 48 Nays 0
President of the Senate
Passed by the House March 6, 1992 Yeas 96 Nays 0 |
I, Gordon Golob, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SENATE BILL 6033 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Speaker of the House of Representatives |
Approved March 31, 1992 |
March 31, 1992 - 12:29 p.m. |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1992 Regular Session
State of Washington 52nd Legislature 1992 Regular Session
By Senators West and Johnson
Read first time 01/13/92. Referred to Committee on Health & Long‑Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to emergency service medical personnel; amending RCW 18.71.205, 18.73.130, 18.73.140, 18.73.150, and 18.130.040; and adding a new section to chapter 18.73 RCW.
Sec. 1. RCW 18.71.205 and 1990 c 269 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The secretary of the department of health, in conjunction with the advice and assistance of the emergency medical services licensing and certification advisory committee as prescribed in RCW 18.73.050, and the board of medical examiners, shall prescribe:
(a) Minimum standards and performance requirements for the certification and recertification of physician's trained intravenous therapy technicians, airway management technicians, and mobile intensive care paramedics; and
(b) Procedures for certification, recertification, and decertification of physician's trained intravenous therapy technicians, airway management technicians, and mobile intensive care paramedics.
Initial certification shall be for a period of ((two)) three
Recertification shall be granted upon proof of continuing satisfactory
performance and education, and shall be for a period of ((two)) three
(4) As used in chapters 18.71 and 18.73 RCW, "approved medical program director" means a person who:
(a) Is licensed to practice medicine and surgery pursuant to chapter 18.71 RCW or osteopathy and surgery pursuant to chapter 18.57 RCW; and
(b) Is qualified and knowledgeable in the administration and management of emergency care and services; and
(c) Is so certified by the department of health for a county, group of counties, or cities with populations over four hundred thousand in coordination with the recommendations of the local medical community and local emergency medical services and trauma care council.
(5) The uniform disciplinary act, chapter 18.130 RCW, governs uncertified practice, the issuance and denial of certificates, and the disciplining of certificate holders under this section. The secretary shall be the disciplining authority under this section. Disciplinary action shall be initiated against a person credentialed under this chapter in a manner consistent with the responsibilities and duties of the medical program director under whom such person is responsible.
Sec. 2. RCW 18.73.130 and 1990 c 269 s 25 are each amended to read as follows:
An ambulance operator, ambulance director, aid vehicle operator or aid director may not operate a service in the state of Washington without holding a license for such operation, issued by the secretary when such operation is consistent with the state-wide and regional emergency medical services and trauma care plans established pursuant to chapter 70.168 RCW, indicating the general area to be served and the number of vehicles to be used, with the following exceptions:
(1) The United States government;
(2) Ambulance operators and ambulance directors providing service in other states when bringing patients into this state;
(3) Owners of businesses in which ambulance or aid vehicles are used exclusively on company property but occasionally in emergencies may transport patients to hospitals not on company property; and
(4) Operators of vehicles pressed into service for transportation of patients in emergencies when licensed ambulances are not available or cannot meet overwhelming demand.
license shall be valid for a period of ((three)) two years and
shall be renewed on request provided the holder has consistently complied with
the regulations of the department and the department of licensing and provided
also that the needs of the area served have been met satisfactorily. The
license shall not be transferable.
Sec. 3. RCW 18.73.140 and 1987 c 214 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
secretary shall issue an ambulance or aid vehicle license for each vehicle so
designated. The license shall be for a period of ((one)) two
years and may be reissued on expiration if the vehicle and its equipment
meet requirements in force at the time of expiration of the license period.
The license may be revoked if the ambulance or aid vehicle is found to be
operating in violation of the regulations promulgated by the department or
without required equipment. The license shall be terminated automatically if
the vehicle is sold or transferred to the control of anyone not currently
licensed as an ambulance or aid vehicle operator or director. The license
number shall be prominently displayed on each vehicle.
Sec. 4. RCW 18.73.150 and 1979 ex.s. c 261 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
Any ambulance operated as such shall operate with sufficient personnel for adequate patient care, at least one of whom shall be an emergency medical technician under standards promulgated by the secretary. The emergency medical technician shall have responsibility for its operation and for the care of patients both before they are placed aboard the vehicle and during transit. If there are two or more emergency medical technicians operating the ambulance, a nondriving medical technician shall be in command of the vehicle. The emergency medical technician in command of the vehicle shall be in the patient compartment and in attendance to the patient.
The driver of the ambulance shall have at least a certificate of advance first aid qualification recognized by the secretary pursuant to RCW 18.73.120 unless there are at least two certified emergency medical technicians in attendance of the patient, in which case the driver shall not be required to have such certificate.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 18.73 RCW to read as follows:
The uniform disciplinary act, chapter 18.130 RCW, shall govern the issuance and denial of credentials, unauthorized practice, and the discipline of persons credentialed under this chapter. The secretary shall act as the disciplinary authority under this chapter. Disciplinary action shall be initiated against a person credentialed under this chapter in a manner consistent with the responsibilities and duties of the medical program director under whom such person is responsible.
Sec. 6. RCW 18.130.040 and 1990 c 3 s 810 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) This chapter applies only to the secretary and the boards having jurisdiction in relation to the professions licensed under the chapters specified in this section. This chapter does not apply to any business or profession not licensed under the chapters specified in this section.
(2)(a) The secretary has authority under this chapter in relation to the following professions:
(i) Dispensing opticians licensed under chapter 18.34 RCW;
(ii) Naturopaths licensed under chapter 18.36A RCW;
(iii) Midwives licensed under chapter 18.50 RCW;
(iv) Ocularists licensed under chapter 18.55 RCW;
(v) Massage operators and businesses licensed under chapter 18.108 RCW;
(vi) Dental hygienists licensed under chapter 18.29 RCW;
(vii) Acupuncturists certified under chapter 18.06 RCW;
(viii) Radiologic technologists certified under chapter 18.84 RCW;
(ix) Respiratory care practitioners certified under chapter 18.89 RCW;
(x) Persons registered or certified under chapter 18.19 RCW;
(xi) Persons registered as nursing pool operators;
(xii) Nursing assistants registered or certified under chapter 18.52B RCW;
Dietitians and nutritionists certified under chapter 18.138 RCW; ((and))
(xiv) Sex offender treatment providers certified under chapter 18.155 RCW; and
(xv) Persons licensed and certified under chapter 18.73 RCW or RCW 18.71.205.
(b) The boards having authority under this chapter are as follows:
The ((podiatry)) podiatric medical board as established in
chapter 18.22 RCW;
(ii) The chiropractic disciplinary board as established in chapter 18.26 RCW governing licenses issued under chapter 18.25 RCW;
(iii) The dental disciplinary board as established in chapter 18.32 RCW;
(iv) The council on hearing aids as established in chapter 18.35 RCW;
(v) The board of funeral directors and embalmers as established in chapter 18.39 RCW;
(vi) The board of examiners for nursing home administrators as established in chapter 18.52 RCW;
(vii) The optometry board as established in chapter 18.54 RCW governing licenses issued under chapter 18.53 RCW;
(viii) The board of osteopathic medicine and surgery as established in chapter 18.57 RCW governing licenses issued under chapters 18.57 and 18.57A RCW;
(ix) The medical disciplinary board as established in chapter 18.72 RCW governing licenses and registrations issued under chapters 18.71 and 18.71A RCW;
(x) The board of physical therapy as established in chapter 18.74 RCW;
(xi) The board of occupational therapy practice as established in chapter 18.59 RCW;
(xii) The board of practical nursing as established in chapter 18.78 RCW;
(xiii) The examining board of psychology and its disciplinary committee as established in chapter 18.83 RCW;
(xiv) The board of nursing as established in chapter 18.88 RCW; and
(xv) The veterinary board of governors as established in chapter 18.92 RCW.
(3) In addition to the authority to discipline license holders, the disciplining authority has the authority to grant or deny licenses based on the conditions and criteria established in this chapter and the chapters specified in subsection (2) of this section. However, the board of chiropractic examiners has authority over issuance and denial of licenses provided for in chapter 18.25 RCW, the board of dental examiners has authority over issuance and denial of licenses provided for in RCW 18.32.040, and the board of medical examiners has authority over issuance and denial of licenses and registrations provided for in chapters 18.71 and 18.71A RCW. This chapter also governs any investigation, hearing, or proceeding relating to denial of licensure or issuance of a license conditioned on the applicant's compliance with an order entered pursuant to RCW 18.130.160 by the disciplining authority.