Chapter 14, Laws of 1991
(partial veto)
52nd Legislature
1991 Special Session
Passed by the House June 29, 1991 Yeas 70 Nays 20
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate June 28, 1991 Yeas 32 Nays 14 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1427 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved June 30, 1991, with the exception of sections 5, 6(3)(b), (4)(d), 15(4), 19(62), 20(5), 24(17), line 8, page 105, (18), line 25, page 105, (22), line 23, page 106, 30(9)(b)(c)(d)(e), and section 58, which are vetoed. |
June 30, 1991 - 10:40 p.m. |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1991 1st Special Session
State of Washington 52nd Legislature 1991 1st Special Session
By House Committee on Capital Facilities & Financing (originally sponsored by Representatives H. Sommers and Schmidt; by request of Governor Gardner).
Read first time April 11, 1991.
AN ACT Adopting the capital budget; amending RCW 43.168.110; amending section 208, chapter 12, Laws of 1989 1st ex. sess. (uncodified); making appropriations and authorizing expenditures for the capital improvements; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A capital budget is hereby adopted and, subject to the provisions set forth in this act, the several dollar amounts hereinafter specified, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are hereby appropriated and authorized to be incurred for capital projects during the period ending June 30, 1993, out of the several funds specified in this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. As used in this act, the following phrases have the following meanings:
"CEP & RI Acct" means Charitable, Educational, Penal, and Reformatory Institutions Account;
"CWU Cap Proj Acct" means Central Washington University Capital Projects Account;
"Cap Bldg Constr Acct" means Capitol Building Construction Account;
"Cap Purch & Dev Acct" means Capitol Purchase and Development Account;
"Capital improvements" or "capital projects" means acquisition of sites, easements, rights of way, or improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, construction and initial equipment, reconstruction, demolition, or major alterations of new or presently owned capital assets;
"Common School Constr Fund" means Common School Construction Fund;
"Common School Reimb Constr Acct" means Common School Reimbursable Construction Account;
"Drug Enf & Ed Acct" means Drug Enforcement and Education Account;
"DSHS Constr Acct" means State Social and Health Services Construction Account;
"Energy Eff Constr Acct" means Energy Efficiency Construction Account;
"Energy Eff Svcs Acct" means Energy Efficiency Services Account;
"ESS Rail Assis Acct" means Essential Rail Assistance Account;
"ESS Rail Bank Acct" means Essential Rail Bank Account;
"EWU Cap Proj Acct" means Eastern Washington University Capital Projects Account;
"East Cap Constr Acct" means East Capitol Construction Account;
"East Cap Devel Acct" means East Campus Development Account;
"Fish Cap Proj Acct" means Fisheries Capital Projects Account;
"For Dev Acct" means Forest Development Account;
"Game Spec Wildlife Acct" means Game Special Wildlife Account;
"H Ed Constr Acct" means Higher Education Construction Account 1979;
"H Ed Reimb Constr Acct" means Higher Education Reimbursable Construction Account;
"H Ed Reimb S/T bonds Acct" means Higher Education Reimbursable Short‑Term Bonds Account;
"Hndcp Fac Constr Acct" means Handicapped Facilities Construction Account;
"L & I Constr Acct" means Labor and Industries Construction Account;
"LIRA" means State and Local Improvement Revolving Account;
"LIRA, DSHS Fac" means Local Improvements Revolving Account‑‑ Department of Social and Health Services Facilities;
"LIRA, Public Rec Fac" means State and Local Improvement Revolving Account‑‑Public Recreation Facilities;
"LIRA, Waste Disp Fac" means State and Local Improvement Revolving Account‑‑Waste Disposal Facilities;
"LIRA, Waste Fac 1980" means State and Local Improvement Revolving Account‑‑ Waste Disposal Facilities 1980;
"LIRA, Water Sup Fac" means State and Local Improvement Revolving Account‑‑Water supply facilities;
"Lapse" or "revert" means the amount shall return to an unappropriated status;
"Local Jail Imp & Constr Acct" means Local Jail Improvement and Construction Account;
"ORA" means Outdoor Recreation Account;
"ORV" means off road vehicle;
"Provided solely" means the specified amount may be spent only for the specified purpose. Unless otherwise specifically authorized in this act, any portion of an amount provided solely for a specified purpose which is unnecessary to fulfill the specified purpose shall lapse;
"Pub Fac Constr Loan Rev Acct" means Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving Account;
"Public Safety and Education Acct" means Public Safety and Education Account;
"Res Mgmt Cost Acct" means Resource Management Cost Account;
"Sal Enhmt Constr Acct" means Salmon Enhancement Construction Account;
"St Bldg Constr Acct" means State Building Construction Account;
"St Fac Renew Acct" means State Facilities Renewal Account;
"St H Ed Constr Acct" means State Higher Education Construction Account;
"State Emerg Water Proj Rev" means Emergency Water Project Revolving Account‑‑State;
"TESC Cap Proj Acct" means The Evergreen State College Capital Projects Account;
"UW Bldg Acct" means University of Washington Building Account;
"Unemp Comp Admin Acct" means Unemployment Compensation Administration Account;
"WA St Dev Loan Acct" means Washington State Development Loan Account;
"Wildlife Reimb Constr Acct" means Wildlife Reimbursable Construction Account;
"WSP Constr Acct" means Washington State Patrol Construction Account;
"WSP Highway Acct" means Washington State Patrol Highway Account;
"WSU Bldg Acct" means Washington State University Building Account;
"WWU Cap Proj Acct" means Western Washington University Capital Projects Account.
Numbers shown in parentheses refer to project identifier codes established by the office of financial management.
(1) Northwest Washington Regional Branch Archives: To design and construct the northwest Washington regional branch archives (90‑1‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,839,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 360,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 200,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,399,000
(2) Olympia Archives Building: To acquire and install moveable shelving in the Olympia archives building (92‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 60,800
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 60,800
(3) Birch Bay: To replace the roof and doors at the Birch Bay essential storage site (92‑3‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 22,200
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 22,200
(4) Puget Sound Regional Branch Archives: To preplan renovations and begin initial repair of a building adjacent to the existing Puget Sound branch archives (92-5-002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 52,400
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 500,000
TOTAL................................... $ 552,400
Washington State Court of Appeals Courthouse, Spokane: To upgrade the heating-ventilation-air conditioning system and convert a supply room into a secure vault for storage of court records and evidence
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 236,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 236,000
(1) Olympia eastside building repair: To replace the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
*Sec. 5 was vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
(1) Local jail facilities (88‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 308,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,692,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(2) For environmental cleanup related to underground storage tanks
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The moneys provided in this subsection shall be allocated to the agencies and institutions of the state for environmental cleanup projects related to underground storage tanks.
(b) No moneys appropriated in this subsection or in any subsection specifically referencing this subsection may be expended unless the office of financial management, in consultation with the department of general administration, has reviewed and approved the cost estimates for the project. Projects to replace underground storage tanks shall conform with guidelines to minimize the risk of environmental contamination and reduce unnecessary duplication of tanks. The guidelines shall be adopted by the department of general administration and shall provide for consideration of environmental risks associated with tank installations, interagency agreements for sharing fueling facilities, and the feasibility of alternative fueling systems.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,729,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 390,000
For Dev Acct.................................. $ 37,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 118,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 4,274,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,274,000
(3) For asbestos removal or abatement projects
The appropriations in this subsection are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The moneys provided in this subsection shall be allocated to agencies and institutions of the state for asbestos removal or abatement projects.
(b) No moneys appropriated in this subsection or in any subsection specifically referencing this subsection may be expended unless the project is required by (i) state law and approved by the office of financial management; (ii) an order of a court of competent jurisdiction; or (iii) federal law or regulation. The office of financial management shall approve the expenditure of moneys under this subsection only to the extent that the asbestos removal or abatement is incidental to, and necessitated by, a renovation, remodel, or other capital project. In all cases, only the minimum amount of asbestos work necessary to complete the improvement shall be approved. Asbestos removal or abatement shall not occur independently of other capital improvements except as provided under (i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection.
(c) Moneys may be allocated for an asbestos removal or abatement project only to the extent that the project is necessary to eliminate or reduce a hazard to human health and the project is completed in compliance with asbestos project standards adopted by the department of general administration. The department of general administration shall adopt standards to restrict the amount of asbestos removal to the minimum amount necessary.
(d) Subsections (3)(b) and (c) of this section do not apply to moneys reappropriated in this act for projects for which, before the effective date of this act, the design has been completed, bids have been requested, or a contract has been entered into.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,919,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 25,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 4,944,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 9,588,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 540,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 10,128,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 14,448,000
(4) Higher education: Branch campuses site acquisition and development (90‑5‑002)
The appropriations in this subsection are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The appropriations in this subsection are provided solely for the acquisition of land and/or construction of facilities for branch campuses recommended by the higher education coordinating board, and shall be allocated to appropriate public institutions of higher education upon approval of the board.
(b) Allocations from the appropriation in this subsection for land acquisition in the Spokane area shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 205, Laws of 1991 (House Bill No. 2198) and approval by the higher education coordinating board.
(c) No facility may be constructed on the Spokane riverfront property, other than the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute (SIRTI) building, until a master plan for facilities that incorporates the SIRTI building and provides for maximum joint use of facilities, is completed by the joint center board and approved by the higher education coordinating board.
(d) The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended for land acquisition in the Spokane area until an environmental study has been completed that indicates the property is free of toxic substances.
(e) Any allocations made from the appropriation in this subsection for construction projects costing more than $4,000,000 shall not be expended on design documents or construction until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 31,301,667
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 31,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 109,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 171,301,667
(5) Capital plan improvements: To develop state-wide capital cost standards, planning guidelines and policies, and internal rent strategies
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 282,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 282,000
*Sec. 6 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
(1) Life and safety projects: To improve life and safety deficiencies and correct code violations on the capitol campus (88‑1‑006)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 23,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 90,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 113,000
(2) Minor works: To complete minor works and other projects, including inadequate building systems (88-2-008), Northern State facility repairs (90-1-012), boiler plant structural repairs (90-1-016), building exterior repairs (90-2-006), mechanical system repairs (90-2-009), and building interior repairs (90-2-010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,621,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,178,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 8,799,000
(3) Capitol Campus minor works: To complete minor works and other projects on the Capitol Campus, including boiler plant structural repairs (88-1-003), sidewalk and street repairs (90-2-005), building exterior repairs (90-2-006), and Capitol Lake shoreline repairs (90-3-013)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 1,278,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,587,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,865,000
(4)Burien criminal justice training center: To complete renovations to the Burien criminal justice training center (90‑3‑025)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,000,000
(5)Natural Resources Building: To complete construction of the Natural Resources Building (90‑5‑003)
East Cap Constr Acct.......................... $ 45,400,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 27,600,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 73,000,000
(6)Remodel of the John A. Cherberg Building (88-2-040)
The reappropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: The project shall include review and development of program requirements for current and future facilities needs, including furnishings and equipment, for the Washington State Senate whose offices are currently located in the Institutions, Legislative, and John A. Cherberg Buildings. The project shall also include review and redesign, as necessary, of the proposed John A. Cherberg Building remodel, including construction and the acquisition of all furnishings and equipment required.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(7)Northern State Multi-Service Center: To complete the design for and to construct a sixteen-bed evaluation and treatment facility at the Northern State Multi-Service Center to provide care for the mentally ill consistent with chapter 71.24 RCW (90-5-027)
The reappropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) No moneys from this reappropriation may be expended for construction until the department secures a lease with a county or a group of counties for use of the facility. The lease shall provide for payment to the department for all operations and management costs associated with the facility and a space rental charge. In establishing the space rental charge, the department shall consider fair market rent or lease rates charged for comparable facilities used by regional support networks.
(b) No moneys from this reappropriation may be expended for furnishings or equipment with a useful life expectancy of less than twenty years.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 50,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,750,000
(8)Olympia Archives Storage Building: To complete design and construction of the archives storage building at Olympia Airdustrial Park (90‑4‑024)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,800,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 671,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 215,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,686,000
(9)Small and emergency repairs: For unexpected small and emergency repairs on the Capitol Campus, and at other general administration facilities throughout the state (92-1-001) (92-2-002)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 645,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 261,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 906,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,571,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,477,000
(10)Underground storage tanks: To remove and replace underground storage tanks on the Capitol Campus and at the Northern State multi-service center (92‑1‑005)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(2) of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 140,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,371,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,511,000
(11)Highway-Licenses Building: To complete the design for and to renovate the Highway-Licenses Building on the Capitol Campus (88-5-011) (92‑2‑003)
The new appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) No moneys may be spent for construction until the department of general administration develops a space rental charge to be assessed to agencies occupying the building being renovated with this appropriation. The space rental charge shall be sufficient to fully reimburse the annual debt service costs of the new appropriation in this subsection, and shall be assessed until the department has developed and implemented space rental charges for facilities owned by the department on a state-wide basis.
(b) No moneys may be spent until preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
(c) $133,000 is provided solely to plan for and manage the temporary relocation and housing of tenants of the building renovated with this appropriation.
Cap Purch & Dev Acct.......................... $ 150,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 22,438,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 350,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 22,938,000
(12)General Administration Building: To preplan renovation of the General Administration Building (92‑2‑005)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 1,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 22,101,000
TOTAL................................... $ 23,301,000
(13)Minor works preplanning: To develop preplans and studies of minor works projects on the Capitol Campus (92-2-026)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 750,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 750,000
(14)Capitol Lake: To develop a dredging plan and dredge Capitol Lake, to repair lake dam gates, and to repair shoreline areas damaged by erosion (92‑2‑015) (92-3-019)
$200,000 of the appropriation in this subsection is provided solely to develop a management plan and to implement projects to reduce sedimentation and other pollution in the Deschutes river watershed. Eligible projects shall include, but are not limited to, stream corridor conservation, bank stabilization, agricultural soil conservation, silvicultural soil conservation, and sedimentation and pollution monitoring. When implementing this subsection, the department shall coordinate with the departments of natural resources, ecology, fisheries, wildlife, and transportation, and with affected local governments and Indian tribes.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,125,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,125,000
(15)Minor works: For minor works, repair, and improvement projects on the Capitol Campus and at other facilities owned by the department, including campus high voltage loop improvements, plaza garage elevator repairs, Capitol Campus control system improvements, Governor's Mansion structural repairs, utilities and grounds improvements, interior and exterior building repairs, and building mechanical and electrical system improvements (92-2-008) (92-2-009) (92-2-013) (92-2-014) (92-2-016) (92-2-017) (92-2-018) (92-2-020) (92-2-024)
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 7,889,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,595,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 10,484,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 13,188,000
TOTAL................................... $ 23,672,000
(16)Northern State facility repairs: To repair the boiler and steam distribution system, trim trees, and repair roofing at the Northern State multi-service center (92‑2‑021)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,278,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,558,000
(17)State facilities planning: To develop designs and plans to accommodate agency housing needs in Thurston county (92-5-100) (92-5-101) (92‑5‑108) (92-5-102)
Of the appropriation in this subsection:
(a) $750,000 is provided solely to develop master plans for satellite campuses to be located in the cities of Lacey and Tumwater;
(b) $300,000 is provided solely to develop a facility implementation strategy for Thurston county. The implementation strategy shall include, but not be limited to, identification of agency space requirements and opportunities for co-location with other agencies, and an organizational process for developing specific project proposals and establishing implementation timelines;
(c) $250,000 is provided solely to develop a master plan for light industrial facility needs in Thurston county; and
(d) $200,000 is provided solely for a geotechnical and hydrological survey of the Capitol Campus.
The master plans and implementation strategy developed under this subsection shall incorporate transportation management and housing density principles designed to reduce commuter congestion and reliance on single-occupancy automobiles.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 500,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,000,000
(18)Thurston county landbank: To purchase, option, or otherwise control real property adjacent to the department of ecology in the city of Lacey for future state facilities (92-5-000)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 8,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 8,000,000
(19)Heritage Park: To acquire property and begin planning for a park between the Capitol Campus and Budd Inlet (92-5-105)
The appropriation in this subsection may not be spent to acquire the property parcel located in Olympia south of Seventh Avenue and approximately two and seven-tenths acres in size if such property parcel is sold to a party other than the state after January 1, 1991, and the state's acquisition price is substantially greater than the acquisition price paid by the other party.
The department shall report to the fiscal committees of the house of representatives and the senate by December 15, 1991, on the status of property acquisitions and plans for the park. The report shall also describe the status of any projects being developed by local governments or other state agencies that affect the design or development of the park. Any expenditure made under this appropriation shall conform to the capital campus master plan.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 13,800,000
TOTAL................................... $ 20,500,000
(20)Condition assessment: To develop a prototype condition assessment methodology, assess the condition of facilities owned by the department of general administration, and prepare a facility maintenance strategy that emphasizes preventative maintenance (92-2-007)
The appropriations in this subsection may not be spent until a detailed scope of work consistent with the recommendations of the capital forum has been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management.
Cap Bldg Constr Acct.......................... $ 591,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 1,091,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,091,000
(21)Ventilation system repair: John L. O'Brien Building
To replace existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 650,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 650,000
(1) Minor works: For minor works, repair, and improvement projects, including roof repair, exterior painting, facility upgrades, renovating heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, grounds and roads improvements, and support of federal construction projects (86-1-005) (86-1-006) (88-3-006) (88-3-007) (88-3-004) (86-2-004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 438,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,291,000
General Fund--Federal......................... $ 1,125,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 3,416,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,355,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 8,691,000
TOTAL................................... $ 18,900,000
(2) Life and safety code compliance: To improve life and safety deficiencies and correct code violations at armories throughout the state (88‑1‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 303,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 485,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 497,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,535,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,820,000
(3) Underground storage tanks: To remove underground storage tanks and remediate contaminated soils (88‑1‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 270,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 550,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 373,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,193,000
(4)Buckley Armory: To construct an armory in the city of Buckley (90‑2‑011)
General Fund-Federal.......................... $ 1,728,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,127,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 2,855,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 163,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,018,000
(5)Grandview Armory: To construct an armory in the city of Grandview (88-2-013)
General Fund-Federal.......................... $ 1,602,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,102,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 2,704,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 155,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,859,000
(6)Moses Lake: To construct an armory in the city of Moses Lake (90‑2‑013)
General Fund-Federal.......................... $ 1,804,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,206,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 3,010,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 170,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,180,000
(1) Preplanning liquor distribution center with materials handling system (92‑1‑001)
Liquor Revolving Acct......................... $ 120,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 120,000
(End of part)
For the purposes of this section, "capital cost" means land acquisition and project design and construction. All projects funded in this section, except those under subsection (5) of this section, shall comply with section 54 of this act.
(1) Development loan fund (88‑2‑002)
The appropriation in this subsection shall be used for loans in timber-dependent communities as defined in Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1341.
WA St Dev Loan Acct........................... $ 2,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,000,000
(2) Grays Harbor dredging (88‑3‑006)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The appropriation is provided solely for the state's share of costs for Grays Harbor dredging, dike construction, bridge relocation, and related expenses.
(b) Expenditure of moneys from this appropriation is contingent on the authorization of $40,000,000 and an initial appropriation of at least $13,000,000 from the United States army corps of engineers and the authorization of at least $10,000,000 from the local government for the project. Up to $3,500,000 of the local government contribution for the first year on the project may be composed of property, easements, rent adjustments, and other expenditures specifically for the purposes of this appropriation if approved by the army corps of engineers. State funds shall be disbursed at a rate not to exceed one dollar for every four dollars of federal funds expended by the army corps of engineers and one dollar from other nonstate sources.
(c) Expenditure of moneys from this appropriation is contingent on a cost-sharing arrangement and the execution of a local cooperation agreement between the Port of Grays Harbor and the army corps of engineers pursuant to Public Law 99-662, the federal water resources development act of 1986, whereby the corps of engineers will construct the project as authorized by that federal act.
(d) The Port of Grays Harbor shall make the best possible effort to acquire additional project funding from nonstate public grants and/or other governmental sources other than those in (b) of this subsection. Any money, up to $10,000,000 provided from such sources other than those in (b) of this subsection, shall be used to reimburse or replace state building construction account money. In the event the project cost is reduced, any resulting reduction or reimbursement of nonfederal costs realized by the Port of Grays Harbor shall be shared proportionally with the state.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,840,318
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,159,682
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 10,000,000
(3) Housing capital programs: To construct, acquire, and rehabilitate low-income housing (88‑5‑015)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) $8,000,000 is provided solely for the affordable housing program. The department may not approve a request for assistance under this subsection for projects located in cities and counties that do not have an affordable housing needs assessment approved by the department. The department shall by rule establish the content of the affordable housing needs assessment and criteria for the approval of the affordable housing needs assessment.
(b) $8,000,000 is provided solely for the low-income weatherization program under chapter 70.164 RCW.
(c) $34,000,000 is provided solely for the housing assistance program. Effective July 1, 1992, the department may not approve loan or grant requests for projects under this subsection that are inconsistent with the city's or county's and state's comprehensive housing affordability strategy, as required under Title I, section 105, of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990.
(d) The Washington housing trust fund appropriation is provided solely for the department to contract with the University of Washington college of architecture for: (i) A study of regulatory impediments to affordable housing; (ii) a study on various innovative design techniques that can be used to increase housing density; (iii) a recommendation to the legislature for a new building code and associated regulations that will substantially reduce the cost of housing. No indirect costs of the contracting agent may be paid from this appropriation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,000,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 50,000,000
Washington Housing Trust Fund................. $ 150,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 50,149,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 8,000,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 100,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 168,149,500
(4) Columbia county courthouse (89‑4‑004)
The appropriations in this subsection are provided solely to repair and restore the Columbia county courthouse and shall be matched by at least $100,000 in private donations and local funds from Columbia county.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 600,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 60,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 660,000
(5) Public works trust fund (90‑2‑001)
$7,000,000 of the appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the purposes of chapter 314, Laws of 1991, (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1341, timber-dependent communities).
Public Works Assist........................... $ 85,734,000
Public Works Assist........................... $ 88,491,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 54,534,447
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 231,877,000
TOTAL................................... $ 460,636,447
(6) Seventh Street Hoquiam Theatre (90‑2‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 250,000
(7) Tall ships tourist attraction: To design and construct a tall ship tourist attraction
The reappropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The reappropriation is provided solely to contract with the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority to design and construct a tall ship tourist attraction.
(b) The reappropriation shall be matched by at least $513,105 from nonstate sources provided solely for capital costs of the project. The match may include cash and in-kind contributions, but may not include cash or in-kind contributions used to match other state moneys provided to the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority.
(c) The department shall ensure that the state's interest is protected by requiring that if the tall ship tourist attraction is sold or its use is changed, the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority shall return to the state of Washington an amount equal to the state's total contribution to the project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 513,105
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 486,895
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,000,000
(8) Port of Klickitat dredge spoils: For site preparation and transport and deposit of Columbia river dredge spoils (90-2-013)
The reappropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The port of Klickitat shall sign an agreement to repay the reappropriation plus simple interest at three percent in eight annual installments beginning July 1, 1993; and
(b) Expenditure of money from this reappropriation is contingent on at least $300,000 from port district funds being provided for the project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 250,000
(9) Historic community theaters (90‑5‑014)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for grants to preserve historic community theatres. No portion of the reappropriation in this subsection may be spent unless an equal amount from nonstate sources is provided for the same purposes. No more than $50,000 of the reappropriation shall be expended for renovation of the Admiral Theatre in west Seattle.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 250,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(10)Emergency management building minor works (92‑2‑009)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 180,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 180,000
(11)Columbia river dredging: For completing a study on the feasibility of deepening the navigation channel from Astoria to Vancouver (92‑5‑006)
Expenditure of this appropriation is contingent on $1,200,000 from the federal government and $600,000 from the state of Oregon being appropriated for the same purpose.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(12)Building for the arts: For grants to local performing arts and art museum organizations for facility improvements or additions (92‑5‑100)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) Grants are limited to the following projects:
Estimated Total State State
Capital Cost Grant Portion
Seattle Children's Theatre $ 8,000,000 $ 1,200,000 15%
Admiral Theatre (Bremerton)$ 4,261,000 $ 639,000 15%
Spokane Symphony $ 1,500,000 $ 225,000 15%
Pacific Northwest Ballet $ 7,500,000 $ 1,125,000 15%
Seattle Symphony $ 54,000,000 $ 8,100,000 15%
Seattle Repertory Theatre $ 4,000,000 $ 600,000 15%
Intiman Theatre $ 800,000 $ 120,000 15%
Broadway Theatre District
(Tacoma) $ 8,400,000 $ 1,260,000 15%
Allied Arts of Yakima $ 500,000 $ 75,000 15%
Spokane Art School $ 454,000 $ 68,000 15%
Seattle Art Museum $ 4,862,500 $ 729,000 15%
Total $ 94,277,500 $ 14,141,000
(b) The state grant may provide no more than fifteen percent of the estimated total capital cost or actual total capital cost of the project, whichever is less. The remaining portions of project capital costs shall be a match from nonstate sources. The match may include cash and land value.
(c) State funding shall be distributed to projects in the order in which matching requirements have been met.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,738,900
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,402,100
TOTAL................................... $ 14,141,000
(13)Columbia Gorge interpretive center: For construction of a facility in Stevenson with exhibits, classrooms, and a research library (92-5-101)
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $5,000,000 from nonstate sources provided for capital costs of the project. The match may include cash, land value, and other in-kind contributions.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,000,000
(14)Seattle Center redevelopment: For upgrading the Coliseum, the International Fountain mall, Memorial Stadium, the Center House, the Pacific Arts Center, the Opera House, and central plant; converting the northwest rooms to a conference and exhibit facility; adding parking; renovating and developing open space areas; making improvements to mechanical, electrical, and other high-priority building systems; and making general improvements to the site, including signs, fountains, portable stages, and fencing
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by moneys from nonstate sources sufficient to pay at least seventy-five percent of the total capital costs of these projects.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 8,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 8,500,000
(15)Spokane Food Bank: For construction of a freezer/cooler
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 125,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 150,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 275,000
(16)Carolyn Downs Family Medical Center: To construct a new medical facility on the Odessa Brown Children's Clinic campus
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $2,050,000 provided from nonstate sources for capital costs of this project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(17)Nordic Heritage Museum: For building acquisition and improvements (90-2-007)
The reappropriation in this section is contingent on the expenditure for the same purpose of at least two dollars from nonstate sources for each dollar spent from this reappropriation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(18)Thorp Grist Mill: Restoration (90-5-010)
The reappropriation in this section is contingent on the expenditure for the same purpose of at least two dollars from nonstate sources for each dollar spent from this reappropriation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 20,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 30,000
(19)Bremerton naval heritage redevelopment project
The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) This reappropriation is provided solely for capital improvements to the naval destroyer U.S.S. Turner Joy, in conjunction with the Bremerton naval heritage redevelopment project.
(b) No portion of this reappropriation may be expended unless an equal amount from nonstate and nonfederal sources is expended for the same purpose.
(c) Prior to the expenditure of this reappropriation, the recipient of the grant shall prepare and submit to the director of community development, for the director's approval, a financial plan that identifies the revenue sources for the completion of the project and for the long-term operation of the project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 190,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 66,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 256,000
(20)Marine science center construction
The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) This reappropriation is provided solely for a grant to the city of Poulsbo for construction of a marine science center to be operated by educational service district no. 114.
(b) Expenditure of this reappropriation is contingent on site acquisition and at least $300,000 of construction costs contributed from nonstate sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 498,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,500
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(21)A Contemporary Theater (90-1-006)
The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) This reappropriation is provided solely for the construction of a new theater in Seattle.
(b) No portion of this reappropriation may be expended unless at least $9,000,000 from nonstate sources, including the value of land, is provided for the same purpose.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,000,000
(22)Liberty Theater: To restore and rehabilitate Liberty Theater in Walla Walla
The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) Expenditure of moneys from this reappropriation is contingent on the expenditure for the same purpose of at least one dollar from nonstate sources, including in-kind contributions, for each four dollars spent from this reappropriation.
(b) The reappropriation is provided solely for a grant to a nonprofit corporation for rehabilitation and restoration of the historic Liberty Theater building in Walla Walla.
(c) The owner of the building shall grant to the state an historic preservation easement prior to the expenditure of any funds from this reappropriation.
(d) The nonprofit corporation shall submit to the director of community development, for the director's approval, a financial plan for the long-term operation of the building.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(23)Yakima county: For construction and expansion of jail facilities in Yakima county
The reappropriation in this subsection may not exceed eighty percent of the total capital cost of the project. The remaining portion of project capital costs shall be a match from nonstate sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,400,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,400,000
(24)Resource Center for the Handicapped: To acquire the building in which the center currently operates
The appropriaton in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limiations:
(a) The appropriation may be used only to purchase the facility declared surplus by the Shoreline school district in which the center operates a program as of the effective date of this section; and
(b) No expenditure shall be made until an equal amount of private, nongovernmental moneys dedicated to the purchase of the facility have been raised.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(25)Columbia river waterfront: Planning and coordinating existing and future land use, park, transportation, historical, and utility improvements along the shoreline of the Columbia river between the flushing channel and the Interstate 205 bridge
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $100,000 from nonstate sources provided for the same purpose.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 100,000
(26)Asian Resource Center: To construct an Asian Resource Center in Seattle
This appropriation shall be matched by at least $600,000 in cash provided from nonstate sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(27)Pike Place Market: For a grant to the city of Seattle (the "city") for the Pike Place Market preservation and development authority (the "authority") to acquire the interests of what is known as the urban group partnerships (the "partnerships") in eleven properties located in the Pike Place Market historical district (the "district")
(a) No portion of the appropriation in this subsection may be expended until the city certifies to the department that:
(i) The settlement proposal agreement dated June 6, 1991, concerning the properties in the district is confirmed, including but not limited to provisions that:
(A) The partnerships will receive not more than a total of $2,250,000 under the agreement;
(B) All rights, clear title, and interest in the market property will be relinquished by the partnerships and conveyed to the authority; and
(C) All pending litigation and related disputes will be dismissed with prejudice or otherwise finally resolved;
(ii) The city has amended the authority's charter to preclude any future sales of interests in authority properties in the district that could result in loss of authority management responsibilities;
(iii) The authority has executed and recorded a conservation easement, which has been approved by the department, providing protection for the character-defining features of the district. The term of the easement shall extend until the year 2012 or until the bonds sold to provide for this appropriation are retired, whichever is later. The easement shall inure to the benefit of the state.
(b) The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $750,000 provided from nonstate sources for the same purpose as this appropriation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(28)Keyport Naval Undersea Museum: To complete an auditorium in the museum
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 500,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 800,000
(29)Marcus Whitman Statue: To provide a duplicate casting of the official statue of Marcus Whitman and to erect this statue in Walla Walla county
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 53,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 53,000
(30)Mystic Lake flood assistance: For mitigation of development-induced flooding of the lake
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 53,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 53,000
(31)Maritime Museum: For exhibit, architecture, and facility planning for a maritime museum on the Seattle waterfront
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(32)Tacoma educational enrichment center
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by a contribution of at least $2,200,000 provided from the Tacoma school district or other local government entity for capital costs of this project. The appropriation in this subsection is provided to the Tacoma school district for a facility to be operated under contract by the metropolitan park district of Tacoma. No funds may be expended until a facility plan has been jointly approved by the Tacoma school district and the metropolitan park district.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,200,000
(33)Meeker Mansion: For acquisition of property adjacent to the Ezra Meeker mansion in Puyallup
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The appropriation shall be matched by at least $200,000 provided from the Ezra Meeker Historical Society for land acquisition and development.
(b) None of the appropriation may be spent until the Ezra Meeker Historical Society demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that it will be able to raise $200,000 through pledges and contributions.
(c) The department shall consult with the Washington State Historical Society before expending any portion of this appropriation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(34)Almira and Coulee-Hartline school districts: To make improvements to the Coulee-Hartline facility needed for a cooperative high school program with the Almira school district
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) No moneys may be expended until the boards of directors of the two school districts have provided to the department written confirmation that the moneys will be used solely to upgrade the Hartline facility for the purpose of implementing a cooperative high school district under chapter 28A.340 RCW;
(b) The appropriation shall be matched by at least $100,000 provided by the Almira and Coulee-Hartline school districts for capital costs of the project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 240,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 240,000
(35)Yakima criminal justice facility: For a grant to the city of Yakima for the construction of a new criminal justice facility
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) Before receiving the grant, the city shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department an ability to complete the construction of the facility and fund its operation.
(b) The grant may not exceed sixty-six percent of the total project capital costs as determined by the department. The remaining portion of project capital costs shall be a match provided from nonstate sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(36)Bonney Lake Park: For a grant to the city of Bonney Lake for the acquisition and development of such facilities as it deems necessary for a park at Bonney Lake
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $35,000 from nonstate sources provided for the same purpose.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 35,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 35,000
(37)Snohomish county drainage district number 6: To purchase drainage district number 6 and construct a cross-levee on it, in order to decrease damaging flooding of adjacent lands and to reestablish wetlands
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $585,000 provided from nonstate sources for capital costs of this project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 350,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 350,000
(38)Tears of Joy Theatre: For construction of an international puppetry center in Vancouver
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by at least $1,950,000 from nonstate sources provided for capital costs of the project. The match may include cash, land value, and other in-kind contributions.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,950,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,950,000
(39)Flood control structures: Repair of damage from November 1990 floods
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the local share of matching funds required for federal assistance to repair flood control structures damaged in the November 1990 floods. Local government jurisdictions in the following counties may receive up to 36.5% of the required local match, or the amount listed below, whichever is less:
Chelan county $ ................................ 48,707
Clallam county ................................ 7,954
Grays Harbor county 2,755
Island county 656
Jefferson county 4,647
King county 209,337
Kitsap county 9,737
Kittitas county 30,914
Lewis county 14,802
Mason county 1,732
Pacific county 3,528
Pierce county 65,671
San Juan county 492
Skagit county 416,903
Snohomish county 188,005
Whatcom county 229,160
TOTAL 1,235,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,235,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,235,000
Sec. 11. 1989 1st ex.s. c 12 s 208 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Spokane public facilities (89-5-005)
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) The appropriation is provided solely for the purposes of RCW 36.100.030 and 36.100.060.
(2) ((If
the appropriation in this section is not expended by December 31, 1991, the
appropriation in this section shall lapse)) Any moneys from this
appropriation that are not expended by the Spokane public facilities district
by June 30, 1993, shall be returned to the department of community development
and shall lapse.
(3) This appropriation shall lapse if an appropriation is enacted for the same purpose in Substitute Senate Bill No. 6074 prior to June 30, 1989.
Reappropriation Appropriation
St Bldg Constr Acct 500,000
Prior Biennia Future Biennia Total
(1) Design and construct new agency headquarters in Olympia and Tumwater (90‑4‑004)
L & I Constr Acct............................. $ 44,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 18,300,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 63,000,000
(1) Rainier: Renovate Evergreen Center (79‑1‑017)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
DSHS Constr Acct.............................. $ 119,477
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 319,477
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,230,523
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,550,000
(2) Referendum 37: For handicapped facilities construction pursuant to chapter 43.99C RCW (79‑3‑001)
$9,529 of the appropriation may be used by Yakima county for improvements at the Community Center for the Deaf to permit increased service level to handicapped clients. This amount may be expended only if the final application for the project is submitted to the department by December 31, 1991, and approved by March 31, 1992.
Hndcp Fac Constr Acct......................... $ 253,531
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 33,371
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 286,902
(3) Child study center: Construct high school on the grounds of Western State Hospital (88‑1‑318)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 130,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 130,000
(4) Western State Hospital: Sanitary sewer (88‑2‑400)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,109,238
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,309,238
(5) Echo Glen: Renovate eleven living units at Echo Glen Children's Center (90‑1‑210)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 364,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,964,000
(6) Emergency capital repairs (90-1-007)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 25,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 444,578
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 469,578
(7) Western State Hospital: Ward renovations, phase 4 (90‑1‑312)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 192,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,192,000
(8)Eastern State Hospital: Ward renovations, phase 2 (90‑1‑339)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,510,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,510,400
(9)Minor capital renewal: Utilities and facilities (90‑2‑001), roads and grounds (90-2-002), roofs (90-2-003), fire and safety (90-1-004), and hazardous substances (90-1-005)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 850,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 450,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 1,300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,633,393
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,733,725
(10)Small repairs and improvements (90-2-008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 50,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 140,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 190,000
(11)Minor projects: Bureau of alcohol (90‑2‑010)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 350,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 92,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 442,400
(12)Minor projects: Juvenile rehabilitation division (90‑2‑020)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 200,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 25,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 225,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 285,781
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 510,781
(13)Minor projects: Mental health division (90‑2‑030) and (90-2-032)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
CEP & RI Acct....................................... $ 65,000
Subtotal Appropriation........................ $ 265,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 460,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 725,000
(14)Snohomish county: Mental health evaluation and treatment facility (90‑2‑033)
The reappropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) The reappropriation is provided solely for a mental health evaluation and treatment facility in Snohomish county.
(b) No moneys from the reappropriation may be expended until the department enters into an agreement with Snohomish county or a group of counties for the facility. The payments under the agreement shall be either at least equal to the facility component of the state average rate‑per‑patient day paid by the department to community mental health providers for comparable services, or at least equal to the amount of this reappropriation amortized over fifteen years.
(c) No moneys from the reappropriation may be expended before adoption of a plan to provide mental health services through a regional support network as required by chapter 205, Laws of 1989.
(d) Other counties or regions that adopt plans for mental health services as required by chapter 205, Laws of 1989, shall be eligible for application to the state for future evaluation and treatment facility moneys under the same conditions as are provided in subsections (a) and (b) of this subsection, as long as no applicant receives appropriated moneys from state sources exceeding one million dollars.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 200,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,000,000
(15)Minor projects: Developmental disabilities division (90‑2‑040)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 484,222
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 734,222
(16)Minor capital renewal, mental health (90‑2‑060)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 500,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,000,000
(17)Child care facilities (90‑2‑300)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 350,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 250,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(18)Eastern State: Electrical distribution system (90‑2‑345)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 771,600
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,371,600
(19)Lakeland Village: Steam plant replacement (90‑2‑425)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,063,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,063,000
(20)Preplanning (90‑4‑009)
The new appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for preplanning activities for the Administration Building at Lakeland Village, the security housing and treatment unit at Green Hill, and the vocational educational and administration buildings at Maple Lane.
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 50,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 273,300
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 141,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 464,700
(21)Maple Lane: To add twenty-four new level 2 security beds (90‑5‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 156,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,256,000
(22)Echo Glen: Perimeter fence (90‑5‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 106,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 956,000
(23)Fircrest: Food bank facility (90‑5‑011)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 88,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 788,000
(24)Minor capital renewal fire safety (92‑1‑004), utilities and facilities (92-2-001), roads and grounds (92-2-002), and roofs (92-2-003)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 3,284,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 7,136,000
TOTAL................................... $ 10,420,000
(25)Environmental: For minor works projects, including asbestos abatement, PCBs and other hazardous substances, and for planning functions pertaining to environmental/capital proposals (92‑1‑005)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 359,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 664,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,023,000
(26)Emergency and unanticipated projects: For emergency and unanticipated repairs to equipment, facilities, and infrastructures at state institutions (92‑1‑007)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 538,100
TOTAL................................... $ 788,100
(27)Underground storage tanks: To test, replace, and/or remove underground storage tanks state-wide (92‑1‑060)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 145,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 618,000
TOTAL................................... $ 673,000
(28)Western State Hospital: To complete phase 5 of 7 phases, including ward renovations, hospital administration and support spaces, and patient treatment areas (92‑1‑314)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 13,669,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 13,669,000
(29)Eastern State Hospital: To complete phase 3 of 5 phases, including ward treatment areas, hospital support space, and necessary utilities (92‑1‑340)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 7,578,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 7,578,000
(30)Small works: For miscellaneous projects under $25,000 each at the various institutions (92‑2‑008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 192,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 430,500
TOTAL................................... $ 622,500
(31)Minor projects, alcohol and substance abuse division: For miscellaneous minor repairs, safety, and electrical repairs at Northern State Hospital (92‑2‑010)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(32)Minor projects, juvenile rehabilitation division: For the upgrade of the water supply, sewer treatment, and security (92‑2‑020)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 957,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,849,731
TOTAL................................... $ 2,807,231
(33)Minor projects, mental health division: For minor projects including storm sewer, electrical system, air conditioning, food distribution system, loading dock cover, and new parking lots at Western State Hospital; administration renovation, window security screens, outdoor recreation restrooms at Eastern State Hospital; cemetery fence and kitchen improvements at the Portal facility (92‑2‑030)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 1,317,200
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,656,600
TOTAL................................... $ 3,973,800
(34)Minor projects, developmental disabilities division: For minor projects, including the "Y" Building renovation at Fircrest; replacement of living unit floors at Lakeland Village, a state-wide facilities and land use plan; renovation of bathroom and kitchen floors at Rainier School; and added support space and playground expansion at Yakima Valley School (92‑2‑040)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 912,400
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,472,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,384,400
(35)Maple Lane: To add sixty-four new level 1 security beds (92‑2‑225)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,715,800
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,715,800
(36)Maple Lane: To add forty-seven new level 2 security beds (92‑2‑230)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,107,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,107,000
(37)Child study: For construction of a new education center (high school) at the child study and treatment center (92‑2‑319)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,642,300
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,642,300
(38)Maintenance management: For completion of the maintenance management system at Medical Lake and Olympia (92‑3‑050)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 292,800
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 473,500
TOTAL................................... $ 766,300
(39)Resource conservation: For energy and water conservation projects (92‑4‑006)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 561,100
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 442,600
TOTAL................................... $ 1,003,700
(40)Child care facilities for state employees, including higher education employees (92‑4‑050)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,500,000
(41)Washington Institute for Mental Illness Research at Western State Hospital
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 700,000
(1) Referendum 38: Water bonds (86‑2‑099)
Improv-Water Supply........................... $ 6,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,100,000
(2) Implementation of 1980 master plan: For the design and construction of phase 1 of the public health laboratory expansion (92‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 18,500,000
TOTAL................................... $ 19,700,000
(3) Consolidated request: Emergency repairs (92‑2‑002)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 49,560
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 49,560
(4) Vaccine storage: For installation of a walk-in refrigeration and cold-storage unit (92‑2‑003)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 89,922
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 89,922
(5) Consolidated request: Small repairs and improvements (92‑2‑004)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 49,560
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 49,560
(6) Lab improvement: Pesticide and newborn screening (92‑2‑005)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 297,124
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 297,124
(7) Fume hood addition or replacement: For addition or replacement of the fume hood in the radiation chemistry lab (92‑2‑007)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 176,208
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 176,208
(8) Autoclave and sterilizing oven replacement: For replacement of aging equipment at the public health laboratory (92‑2‑008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 92,509
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 92,509
(9) Energy management system, phase 3 (92‑4‑006)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 99,117
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 99,117
(1) Minor works--Building improvements, phase 2: To complete minor works and other projects, including food service renovation (phase 2) and window replacement at the soldiers' home (90-2-008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 105,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 435,570
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 289,440
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 830,010
(2) Minor works--Roads, walkways, and grounds: To complete minor works and other projects, including widening roadway at the veterans' home, improving and repairing roads, parking lots, and walkways at the veterans' home, and soldiers' home, and installing outdoor lighting at the soldiers' home (90‑1‑005)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 50,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 304,129
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 100,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 454,129
(3) Building 9: To complete air quality improvements (phase 2), including window replacement in building 9 at the soldiers' home (90‑1‑009)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 281,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 277,951
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 313,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 871,951
(4) Design and renovate Garfield barracks (90-5-012)
The appropriation in this subsection is contingent on the office of financial management reporting to the legislature on the costs of constructing, maintaining, and operating the facility funded by the appropriation, compared to the cost of reimbursing Medicaid-certified nursing homes for the same services. In addition, the appropriation in this subsection may not be expended until the department has sought Medicaid certification for its existing facilities and has reported the results of these efforts to the legislature. Further, the appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
CEP & RI Acct-Federal......................... $ 2,878,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 1,550,000
Subtotal Appropriation..... $ 4,428,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 35,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,463,000
(5) Minor works: To upgrade underground storage tanks to meet federal requirements (92‑1‑001)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 60,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 353,784
TOTAL................................... $ 413,784
(6) Minor project: For asbestos removal projects (phase 2) at the veterans' and soldiers' homes (92‑1‑003)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 90,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 235,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 925,000
(7) Contingency for emergency repairs (92‑2‑002)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(8) Minor works--Mechanical: For minor projects, including air handling, steam radiator replacement, and heat exchanger replacement at the veterans' and soldiers' homes (92-2-006)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 307,282
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 307,282
(9)Minor works--Building repairs: For minor projects, including replacing the nurses' call system, replacing automatic doors, and replacing floor tiles at the veterans' and soldiers' homes (92-2-007)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 121,111
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 121,111
(10)Minor works--Building improvements, phase 2: Minor projects (phase 2), including expansion of the maintenance building, renovation of the commissary, and improvement of the laundry cart storage area (92-2-008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 299,592
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 88,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 387,592
(11)Minor works: For building feasibility studies, including the food service area at the soldiers' home, and the Chilson Hall/Roosevelt Barracks connection (92‑2‑011)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 13,414
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 145,605
TOTAL................................... $ 159,019
(12)Steam distribution study (92‑2‑024)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 22,200
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 3,409
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,117,406
TOTAL................................... $ 1,143,015
(13)Minor works--Building exteriors: For minor works, including roof repair/replacement and stucco repair (92‑3‑004)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 134,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 134,000
(14)Minor works: Covered walkway (92‑5‑008)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 38,038
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 38,038
(15)Preplanning for an Eastern Washington Veteran's Health Service Center including site analysis for potential sites, basic facility design, cost estimates, analysis of client workload and service needs, and analysis of the facility organization and operation (92-5-022)
In assessing the need for a facility the preplan shall recognize that the mission of the Eastern Washington Veteran's Health Service Center will be to focus on rehabilitation of veterans in order to enable them to return to independent living in their communities. The analysis of client workload and service needs shall examine the following options:
(a) Treatment and therapy for veterans suffering from substance abuse diseases;
(b) Rehabilitation and therapy that, upon completion, allow veterans to return to or remain in the home or an alternative community living situation;
(c) Alzheimers disease care;
(d) Outpatient service for community-based eligible veterans such as post-trauma stress disorder;
(e) Assisted living;
(f) Temporary living quarters for homeless veterans;
(g) Adult daycare;
(h) Referral and coordination of services for veterans in their communities; and
(i) Residential nursing care for functionally disabled veterans.
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 148,492
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 148,492
(16)Minor projects: Utilities and energy sewer project and the soldiers' home (90-4-006)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 80,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 464,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 544,000
*Sec. 15 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following condition and limitation: The department shall, to the extent possible, employ inmate labor in the construction of projects where such employment use will save money.
(1) Washington State Reformatory: Continuation of cellblock renovations, and expansion of the industries and production areas and the gym (83‑3‑048)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,800,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 9,687,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 19,513,213
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 9,281,500
TOTAL................................... $ 40,281,713
(2) Washington State Penitentiary: For improving security facilities and utilities (83‑3‑052)
The new appropriation in this subsection is provided solely to renovate perimeter walls and towers.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,300,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,609,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 11,536,721
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,274,000
TOTAL................................... $ 18,719,721
(3) McNeil Island Corrections Center: For replacement of water mains; installation of new telephone switch gear; purchase of an underwater power cable for emergency use; replacement of overhead power lines and poles; and projects related to regulation of the landfill (86‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,800,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,230,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,084,319
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,780,000
TOTAL................................... $ 14,894,819
(4) McNeil Island Corrections Center: For repairs of roads and sea walls (86‑1‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 700,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,922,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,400,879
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,737,000
TOTAL................................... $ 11,760,379
(5) McNeil Island Corrections Center: For repair of island homes, replacement of the emergency generator, and fire and safety improvements to institutional buildings (86‑1‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,100,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,040,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,084,008
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,805,000
TOTAL................................... $ 14,029,008
(6) State-wide wastewater system improvements: For improvements to the laboratory at the wastewater facilities at the Monroe Reformatory; for upgrades of the sewage pumping system at Twin rivers Correctional Center; and for renovation of sewer lines at several facilities (88‑1‑017)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 450,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,298,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 863,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,611,000
(7) State-wide water system improvements: To construct a new 120,000-gallon reservoir at Twin rivers Correctional Center; to upgrade storage tanks at the Washington Correctional Center at Shelton and the Larch Correctional Center; to drill a new well at Clearwater/Olympic Correctional Center; to increase reservoir capacity at Cedar Creek Correctional Center; and to upgrade water treatment and storage at the Washington State Reformatory Honor Farm (88‑1‑018)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 900,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,731,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 461,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,092,000
(8) McNeil Island Corrections Center: Continue major renovation and expansion of the McNeil Island Correction Center (88‑2‑003)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall be not expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 27,000,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 37,126,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,012,222
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 12,708,000
TOTAL................................... $ 81,846,222
(9) Work and training release relocation and expansion: To relocate and expand the work release facility currently located at Western State Hospital
No portion of this appropriation may be expended to purchase land until the department conducts a life-cycle cost analysis for the operating and capital costs of a facility to be located on the land and reports the results of the analysis to the fiscal committees of the legislature.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 415,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,415,400
(10)Washington Corrections Center for Women: For major renovation of existing facilities, including construction of thirty-bed special needs unit (88‑2‑006)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall be not expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 900,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,388,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 715,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 7,709,000
TOTAL................................... $ 12,712,000
(11)Hazardous materials management (90‑1‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 79,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 279,000
(12)Washington Corrections Center/Washington Corrections Center for Women: Perimeter security upgrade (90‑1‑007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,052,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,183,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,835,000
(13)State-wide minor projects (90‑1‑009)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 900,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,700,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 2,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,749,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,349,000
(14)State-wide small repairs and improvements (90-1-010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 456,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 756,000
(15)State-wide emergency repair projects (90‑1‑013)
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 150,000
CEP & RI Acct................................. $ 750,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 600,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 750,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,250,000
(16)New facilities: To design and construct a new 1,024-bed medium-security prison, and four minimum-security correctional facilities, for a total of 2,424 new beds (90‑2‑001)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 51,550,000
Drug Enf & Ed Acct............................ $ 5,900,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 57,450,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 96,036,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,038,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 156,524,000
(17)Washington State Penitentiary: For minimum security unit double bunking (90‑2‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,050,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 160,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,210,000
(18)Twin rivers Corrections Center: Double bunking (90‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 481,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,981,000
(19)Washington State Penitentiary: Medium-security complex double bunking (90‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 128,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,128,000
(20)Clearwater/Olympic Corrections Center: 100‑bed expansion (90‑2‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 538,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,738,000
(21)Cedar Creek Corrections Center: 100‑bed expansion (90‑2‑007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,450,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 187,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,637,000
(22)Washington State Penitentiary: Expand medium-security complex industries building (90‑2‑016)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 113,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,213,000
(23)State-wide roof repair: For reroofing projects at the Corrections Center at Shelton, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Indian Ridge Corrections Center, Clearwater/Olympic Corrections Center, Monroe Reformatory, and the Treatment Center for Women at Purdy facilities (90‑3‑011)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,631,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,350,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,131,000
(24)Clallam Bay Corrections Center: To expand program space and add three hundred forty-nine beds (90‑5‑026)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 23,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,301,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 25,301,000
(25)Camp labor pool funds (90-5-031)
Moneys from the reappropriation in this subsection shall made available to the department for expanded capacity projects in the event inmate labor cannot be employed.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 229,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 229,000
(26)Underground storage tanks: To test, replace, and/or remove underground storage tanks state-wide (92‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,300,000
(27)State-wide minor projects: For projects less than $500,000 pertaining to life safety/code compliance, property protection, or essential program support (92‑1‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 7,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,976,000
TOTAL................................... $ 12,476,000
(28)State-wide small repairs and improvements: For miscellaneous state-wide projects, each under $25,000 (92‑1‑013)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 497,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 497,000
(29)Washington Corrections Center: To retrofit the boiler at Shelton (92‑1‑026)
In retrofitting the boiler, the department shall consider using wood pellets or natural gas, whichever is the more economically competitive, as the primary fuel source for the boiler.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,164,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,164,000
(30)Washington State Penitentiary: To add space for recreation, legal libraries, medical/dental unit, property and a clothing room at medium-security facilities (92‑2‑021)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,443,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,443,000
(31)Washington State Penitentiary: To add space to the current gym, and upgrade systems for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, fire protection, lighting, and electricity (92‑2‑022)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 888,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 888,000
(32)Washington Corrections Center: For installation of a new underground steam distribution/condensation return system (92‑2‑028)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 729,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 729,000
(33)Washington State Reformatory: For initiation of a feasibility study for relocation of program and living space at the honor farm (92‑2‑029)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 230,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,230,000
(34)Washington State Reformatory: Restoration and repair of perimeter walls (92‑2‑031)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,084,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,084,000
(35)Pilot preventive maintenance program: For computer hardware and software for a computer-based preventative maintenance system (92‑4‑033)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: The department of corrections shall, every six months, submit a progress report on this project to the department of general administration, the office of financial management, the senate committee on ways and means, and the house of representatives committee on capital facilities and financing.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 325,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 325,000
(36)Cedar Creek Corrections Center upgrade: Core facilities improvements and dormitory expansion (92-2-024)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,426,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,426,000
(End of part)
(1) Energy partnership: Conservation capital projects for schools and state government facilities (92‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,729,400
Energy Eff Constr Acct........................ $ 15,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 217,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 331,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 347,946,400
(2) Energy partnership services: For project start-up
Energy Eff Svcs Acct.......................... $ 3,050,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,050,000
(1) Referendum 26: Waste disposal facilities (74‑5‑004)
LIRA, Waste Disp Fac.......................... $ 15,660,673
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 8,093,028
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 23,753,701
(2) Referendum 38: Water supply facilities (74‑5‑006)
LIRA, Water Sup Fac........................... $ 26,744,618
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,466,576
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 29,763,000
TOTAL................................... $ 58,974,194
(3) State emergency water project revolving account (76‑5‑003)
Emergency Water Proj.......................... $ 7,599,337
Emergency Water Proj.......................... $ 1,343,929
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 16,586,284
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 224,761
TOTAL................................... $ 25,754,311
(4) Referendum 39: Waste disposal facilities 1980 bond issue (82‑5‑005)
No expenditure from the reappropriation in this subsection shall be made for any grant valued over fifty million dollars to a city or county for solid waste disposal facilities unless the following conditions are met:
(a) The city or county agrees to comply with all the terms of the grant contract between the city or county and the department of ecology;
(b) The city or county agrees to implement curbside collection of recyclable materials as prescribed in the grant contract; and
(c) The city or county does not begin actual construction of the solid waste disposal facility until it has obtained a permit for prevention of significant deterioration as required by the federal clean air act.
LIRA, Waste Disp Fac.......................... $ 61,598,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 401,402,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 463,000,000
(5)Water quality account (86‑5‑007)
The appropriations in this subsection are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) In awarding grants, extending grant payments, or making loans from these appropriations for facilities that discharge directly into marine waters, the department shall:
(i) Give first priority to secondary wastewater treatment facilities that are mandated by both federal and state law;
(ii) Give second priority to projects that reduce combined sewer overflows; and
(iii) Encourage economies that are derived from any simultaneous projects that achieve the purposes of both (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(b) The following limitations shall apply to the department's total distribution of funds appropriated under this section:
(i) Not more than fifty percent for water pollution control facilities that discharge directly into marine waters;
(ii) Not more than twenty percent for water pollution control activities that prevent or mitigate pollution of underground waters and facilities that protect federally designated sole source aquifers with at least two-thirds for the Spokane-Rathdrum Prairie aquifer;
(iii) Not more than ten percent for water pollution control activities that protect freshwater lakes and rivers including but not limited to Lake Chelan and the Yakima and Columbia rivers;
(iv) Not more than ten percent for activities that control nonpoint source water pollution;
(v) Ten percent and such sums as may be remaining from the categories specified in (i) through (iv) of this subsection for water pollution control activities or facilities as determined by the department.
(c) In determining compliance schedules for the greatest reasonable reduction of combined sewer overflows, the department shall consider the amount of grant or loan moneys available to assist local governments in the planning, design, acquisition, construction, and improvement of combined sewer overflow facilities.
(d) $330,000 of the water quality account appropriation is provided solely for the department to evaluate water quality, solid and hazardous waste, and toxics cleanup needs of the state. The amount provided in this subsection represents the water quality account share of funding the evaluation. The department shall include in the evaluation information regarding existing needs and recommendations on how to address those needs within existing state financial assistance programs. The department shall also evaluate long-range financial options which take into account local financial resources. The evaluation shall be done in coordination with the state agency coordinating council established in Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1025 (Growth Management Strategies). If the bill is not enacted by July 31, 1991, the director of the department shall coordinate with the department of community development, the department of health, and the Puget Sound water quality authority as well as with other appropriate state and local agencies. By November 1, 1991, the department shall submit to the chairs of the house capital facilities and financing committee and the senate ways and means committee, a detailed work plan, budget, and schedule for completion of the evaluation.
Water Quality Acct............................ $ 134,422,504
Water Quality Acct............................ $ 85,607,310
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 53,036,533
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 157,835,000
TOTAL................................... $ 430,901,347
(6)Nisqually River Interpretive Center
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(7) Local toxics control account (88‑5‑008)
$270,000 of the new appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the evaluation required in subsection (5)(d) of this section.
$300,000 of the new appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for a pilot grant program to address remedial actions involving the contamination of drinking water supplies from hazardous substances. The pilot grant program is limited to remedial action where a responsible party has not been identified or held responsible. The department may establish an appropriate local match requirement for the pilot grant program. The department shall report to the appropriate committees of the legislature regarding the state-wide need for programs to clean up drinking water supplies contaminated by hazardous substances. This report shall be consolidated into the evaluation required in subsection (5)(d) of this section.
Local Toxics Control.......................... $ 27,653,297
Local Toxics Control.......................... $ 59,183,607
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 18,467,142
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 106,984,641
TOTAL................................... $ 212,288,687
(8) Methow Basin water conservation
This appropriation in this subsection shall be used to fund water use efficiency improvements in this Methow Basin, including the installation of headworks, weirs, and fish screens on existing irrigation diversions, metering of miscellaneous water uses, and lining of irrigation canals and ditches in identified high priority irrigation systems.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 400,000
LIRA, Water Sup Fac........................... $ 800,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 1,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,200,000
(1) State-wide: Water supply facilities (86‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,035,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,065,000
(2)Sewer Facilities: To complete sewer projects including state-wide projects (86-1-003 and 88-1-008), Camp Wooten sewer system renovation (89-1-122), and Ocean City municipal sewer connection (88-1-010)
LIRA, Waste Fac 1980.......................... $ 352,400
ORA-Federal................................... $ 20,007
ORA-State..................................... $ 22,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 145,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 539,407
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 756,764
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,296,171
(3) State-wide boating projects: To complete boating projects, including boating improvements (86-3-005), boating pumpout facilities (88-1-009), boating traffic control (88-1-013), boating facilities (88-2-011 and 88-2-012), and boating and marine construction (89-2-106)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 36,700
ORA-State..................................... $ 727,500
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 402,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 1,166,200
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 886,074
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,052,274
(4) State-wide: Landscape repairs (86‑1‑026)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 70,689
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 80,689
(5) West Hylebos: Acquisition and development (86‑4‑013)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 190,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,498
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 195,498
(6)Moran: Mt. Lake civilian conservation corps buildings renovation (87‑1‑049) and renovate mountain lake dam (89-1-110)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 180,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 161,265
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 341,265
(7)Flaming Geyser: Bridge relocation, phase 2 (87‑2‑029)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 279,000
ORA-Federal................................... $ 170,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 158,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 607,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 622,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,229,000
(8)Auburn game farm: Development (87‑3‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 235,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 271,085
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 526,085
(9)Green river gorge: Phased acquisition (87‑5‑010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 140,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 123,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 263,000
(10)Potable water supply: To complete potable water supply projects, including state-wide projects (88-1-003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Improv-Water Supply........................... $ 100,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 672,305
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 922,305
(11)Saint Edward: Light entrance trail and comfort station (88-1-041)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 210,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 12,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 222,000
(12)State-wide: Park facility renovation (88‑2‑025)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 226,146
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 256,146
(13)Camp Wooten: Comfort station (88‑2‑041)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 50,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 107,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 157,000
(14)Camano Island: Point Lowell road relocation (88‑3‑043)
Motor Vehicle Acct............................ $ 280,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 100,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 380,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 141,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 521,000
(15)Maryhill: Development (88‑5‑035)
Not more than $75,000 of the appropriation in this subsection may be used to contract with the department of community development to conduct archeological and cultural resource studies in connection with the development of property along the Columbia river.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 930,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 146,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,076,000
(16)Fort Worden: Thirty-unit campground and conference center (88-5-056)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 370,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 380,000
(17)Ocean beaches: Acquisition of ocean beaches (88‑5‑036)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 430,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 24,503
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 454,503
(18)Crystal Falls: Acquisition and development (88‑5‑057)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 25,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,799
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 28,799
(19)Blake Island: Fire protection system (89‑1‑050)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 108,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 10,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 118,000
(20)State-wide: Water supply and irrigation (89‑1‑101)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 190,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 85,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 275,000
(21)State-wide: Sanitary facilities (89‑1‑102)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 152,000
(22)Electrical code compliance: To complete electrical code compliance projects (89-1-103)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 140,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 45,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 185,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 109,700
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 394,700
(23)State-wide: Compliance with safe drinking water act (89‑1‑116)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 161,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 441,000
(24)Sacajawea: Modify river floats (89‑1‑129)
ORA-State..................................... $ 190,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 192,000
(25)General construction: To complete state-wide general construction projects (89‑2‑107 and 89-2-109)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 595,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 179,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 774,000
(26)Westhaven: Comfort station replacement (89‑2‑119)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 400,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 23,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 423,000
(27)Lake Sammamish: Boat launch repairs (89‑2‑139)
ORA-State..................................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 14,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 114,000
(28)State-wide: Site and environmental protection (89‑3‑104)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 20,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(29)State-wide: Weatherproofing (89‑3‑108)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 85,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 82,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 167,000
(30)Fort Worden: Rebuild boat launch breakwater (89‑3‑135)
ORA-State..................................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 15,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 315,000
(31)Larrabee: Development (89‑5‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 320,000
ORA-Federal................................... $ 140,540
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 460,540
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 20,350
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 480,890
(32)Acquisition projects: To complete acquisition projects, including state-wide acquisition (89-3-105), Spokane Centennial Trail acquisition and initial development (89-5-112), Fort Casey-- Keystone spit acquisition, phase 2 (89-5-113), and Belfair acquisition, phase 2 (89-5-114)
General Fund-Federal.......................... $ 3,500,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 172,000
ORA-Federal................................... $ 249,000 -----------
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 3,921,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,372,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 8,283,000
(33)Fort Canby: Initial development, Beard's Hollow (89‑5‑115)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 275,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 14,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 289,000
(34)Ocean beaches access: Comfort station and parking areas (89‑5‑120)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
ORA-Federal................................... $ 316,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 616,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 42,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 658,000
(35)Spokane Centennial Trail: Initial development, the islands (89‑5‑166)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 233,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 17,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 250,000
(36)Ohme Gardens: Acquisition, safety, and irrigation (89‑5‑169)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: This property shall be operated by Chelan county at county expense.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 765,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 765,000
(37)Snohomish county: Snohomish Centennial Trail (89‑5‑170)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 852,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 248,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,100,000
(38)Dougs Beach: Initial development, windsurfing access (90‑1‑171)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 120,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 120,000
(39)State-wide: Omnibus facility contingency (90‑2‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 239,400
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,232,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,471,400
(40)State-wide: Underground storage tank, environmental compliance, phase 1 (90‑2‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,900,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 7,900,000
(41)State-wide: Emergency and unforeseen needs (91‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 350,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 700,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,050,000
(42)Iron Horse: John Wayne Trail, tunnel (91‑1‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 185,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 11,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 196,000
(43)Colville Tribes Interpretive Center (90-5-172)
State General Fund............................ $ 25,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 25,000
(44)Iron Horse: Acquisition and trail safety (91‑1‑006)
Trust Land Purchase Acct...................... $ 18,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 182,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(45)State-wide: Omnibus minor projects, utilities (91‑2‑004) and general construction (91-2-005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,736,300
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,698,000
TOTAL................................... $ 10,434,300
(46)Deception Pass: Renovate park sewer system, phase 1 construction (91‑2‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 968,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 968,500
(47)Triton Cove: Renovation (91‑2‑008)
ORA-State..................................... $ 582,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 582,000
(48)State-wide: Omnibus minor works, boating and marine construction (91‑2‑009)
ORA-State..................................... $ 379,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,379,000
(49)Yakima: Acquisition, phased project (91‑5‑028)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 152,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 152,000
(50)Haley property: Initial development (91‑5‑030)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(51)Rasar: Initial development (91‑5‑032)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(52)Colbert House: Acquisition of two lots, renovation and preservation (91‑5‑052)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 57,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 57,000
(53)Lake Isabella: Acquisition, phase 2 (91‑5‑065)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 335,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 335,000
(54)Ocean beaches: Ocean beach access development (91‑5‑069 and 91-5-076)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 381,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 381,000
(55)Steamboat Rock: Random camp area, Jones Bay (95‑2‑182)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 143,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 8,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 151,000
(56)Iron Goat Trail: For the department to contract with a nonprofit organization to develop hiking trails on the abandoned Great Northern Railway crossing the Cascade mountains at Stevens Pass
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by $180,000 of nonstate sources of in-kind donations and cash.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 30,000
(57)Saltwater State Park: For flood control improvements to McSorley creek
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 497,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 497,000
(58)Omnibus facility contingency: For storm damage repair caused by November and December, 1990 storms, and January, 1991 storms (90-1-001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 360,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 700,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,060,000
(59)St. Edward: New gutters and drops
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 26,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 26,000
(60)St. Edward: Gym renovation and parking expansion
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 665,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 665,000
(61)Lewis and Clark state park: For planning an equestrian center at the park
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 200,000
(62)Olmstead Park: The revenues generated from the lease of state lands at Olmstead Park shall be expended exclusively for the purposes of improvements to Olmstead Park.
*Sec. 19 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
(1)Grants to public agencies (90‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 498,000
ORA-Federal................................... $ 637,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 1,911,000
Firearms Range Acct........................... $ 405,000 -----------
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 3,451,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,254,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 9,705,000
(2)Wildlife conservation and recreation (90‑5‑002)
ORA-State..................................... $ 22,000,000
Habitat Conservation Acct..................... $ 21,830,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 43,830,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 9,170,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 53,000,000
(3)Grants to public agencies (92‑2‑001)
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) $10,400,000 of the state building and construction account appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for matching grants to local governments for projects contained in the governor's Washington wildlife and recreation submittal list from categories designated for local governments. The committee shall require a match of at least fifty percent.
(b) $138,000 of the state outdoor recreation account may be used for additional program staff for administration.
ORA-Federal................................... $ 2,000,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 7,738,000
Firearms Range Acct........................... $ 222,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,400,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 20,360,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 21,764,000
TOTAL................................... $ 42,124,000
(4)Washington wildlife and recreation program
(a) One-half of the appropriation in this subsection shall be deposited into and is hereby appropriated from the habitat conservation account and one-half shall be deposited into and is hereby appropriated from the state outdoor recreation account, for the Washington wildlife and recreation program, as established under chapter 43.98A RCW.
(b) All land acquired by a state agency with moneys from this appropriation shall comply with class A, B, and C weed control provisions of chapter 17.10 RCW.
(c) The following projects are deleted from the approved list of projects established under chapter 43.98A RCW:
(i) Hatten-Tracy rock acquisitions (project #925033)
(ii) Yakima river canyon acquisition (project #925055)
(iii) Okanogan sharp-tailed grouse habitat (project #925040)
(iv) Southeast Washington critical habitat acquisition (project #925042)
(v) Esquaztel coulee acquisition (project #935064)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 50,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 105,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 155,000,000
(5)Clear Creek dam: To rebuild the dam according to plans approved by the United States bureau of reclamation
The appropriation in this subsection is contingent on at least $3,250,000 being provided from federal and local sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,750,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,750,000
*Sec. 20 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
(1) Community economic revitalization board (86‑1‑001)
$2,000,000 of the state building and construction account appropriation and the entire public facility construction loan revolving account appropriation in this subsection are provided solely for communities defined as timber-dependent under chapter 314, Laws of 1991 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1341). In allocating these funds, the community economic revitalization board shall give priority to communities experiencing high unemployment or high timber unemployment.
Pub Fac Constr Loan Rev Acct.................. $ 2,000,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,000,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 8,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,429,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 15,429,000
(2) Mt. St. Helens road and visitor center (90-5-002)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total project cost and is contingent on a contribution of at least $300,000 by Cowlitz county for the project.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,900,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,600,000
(3) Agricultural complex: Yakima (89-2-005)
The appropriation in this subsection is contingent on a contribution of an equal amount of funds from nonstate sources.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 843,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,157,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,000,000
(4) Washington Technology Center (88-1-003)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for transfer to and administration by the University of Washington.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,950,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 12,852,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 15,802,000
(5) Community economic revitalization board: For the unexpended balance of projects approved by the board during the 1989-91 biennium from the public facility construction loan revolving account, which was a nonappropriated fund at the time the projects were approved.
Pub Fac Constr Loan Rev Acct.................. $ 2,972,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,972,000
(6)Port infrastructure development projects
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the port of Grays Harbor for paving an existing cargo storage yard and construction of a cargo storage facility. This appropriation is subject to a favorable review by the department of a proposal prepared by the port of Grays Harbor describing how this project will: (a) Have a high probability of success using standard economic principles; (b) provide long-term economic benefits to the community; (c) include local participation; and (d) be consistent with the community's economic strategy and goals.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,600,000
(7) Economic assessment study for timber-dependent ports
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the department to contract for an economic assessment study of timber-dependent ports, limited to the ports of Grays Harbor, Port Angeles, and Longview. The study shall include the following: (a) A review and examination of the comparative advantage of each port's geographic and regional characteristics, and the characteristics of the three-port region, focusing on current and potential markets for exports and imports; (b) identification of specific diversification opportunities for the three-port region, including possibilities for expansion of nonlog export activities and opportunities; (c) identification of actions that each port can undertake to increase and develop business opportunities compatible with regional port resources and goals; (d) recommendations for long-term strategies for the three-port region focusing on market development, facilities development, and operations and financial requirements; (e) strategies to enhance cooperation in future development that would allow each of the three ports to diversify in areas that would complement each other, including an analysis of recent, present, or potential competition among the ports; and (f) joint marketing strategies and joint capital facilities planning.
Pub Fac Constr Loan Rev Acct.................. $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(1) Water quality account (90‑2‑001)
Water Quality Acct............................ $ 430,000
Water Quality Acct............................ $ 2,140,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,994,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,946,000
TOTAL................................... $ 8,510,000
(1) Habitat: Salmon enhancement program (77‑5‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 15,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,235,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 906,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,400,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,556,000
(2) Hood Canal Bridge: Public fishing access (79‑2‑011)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 22,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 52,000
(3) Safety, health, and code compliance (86‑1‑020)
$1,239,000 of the appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for pollution abatement programs at state salmon hatcheries necessary to meet requirements of state and federal clean water legislation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,589,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 559,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,800,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,248,000
(4) Towhead Island public access renovation (86‑3‑028)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 20,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 170,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 190,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 21,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 211,000
(5) Knappton boat launch (86‑3‑038)
ORA-Federal................................... $ 43,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 11,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 54,000
(6) McAllister: Improvements (88‑2‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 50,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 126,999
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 176,999
(7) Clam and oyster beach (88‑5‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,123,156
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,323,156
(8) Fish protection facilities (88‑5‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 445,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 221,100
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,296,100
(9) Coast and Puget Sound salmon enhancement (88‑5‑016)
Salmon Enhancement Acct....................... $ 608,320
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,500,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 3,108,320
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,353,517
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,750,000
TOTAL................................... $ 8,211,837
(10)Shorefishing access (88‑5‑018)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 550,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 521,946
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,071,946
(11)South Sound net pen support (90‑2‑007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 175,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 168,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 343,000
(12)Humptulips: Upgrade intake dam (90‑2‑010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 183,100
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 213,100
(13)Minor works projects: To complete minor works projects, including salmon culture minor works (90‑2‑011), field services minor works (90-2-015), and salmon culture minor capital projects (90-2-017)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 340,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,467,300
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,218,700
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,950,000
TOTAL................................... $ 5,976,000
(14)George Adams: Water supply (90‑2‑019)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 175,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 175,000
(15)Ilwaco boat access expansion (90‑2‑023)
ORA-State..................................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(16)Bonneville pool boat access (90‑2‑028)
ORA-State..................................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 100,000
(17)Hood Canal boat access development (86-3-035)
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations: If not expended by June 30, 1992, the appropriation in this section shall lapse.
ORA-Federal................................... $ 30,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 270,000
-----------Subtotal Reappropriation$300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(18)Habitat management shop building (90-2-012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 235,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 435,000
(19)Shellfish surveys and Point Whitney repairs (90‑3‑013)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 175,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 250,000
TOTAL................................... $ 525,000
(20)Property acquisition: To complete acquisition projects, including property acquisition project (90-3-009) and Strait of Juan de Fuca shoreline acquisition (90-5-025)
ORA-State..................................... $ 350,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 80,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 430,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 400,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 830,000
(21)Kingston boat launch (90‑5‑027)
ORA-State..................................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 100,000
(22)Fuel tanks: Code compliance program (92‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 225,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 825,000
(23)Repair and replace fishing reef buoys (92‑1‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 75,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 100,000
TOTAL................................... $ 175,000
(24)Develop pathogen-free water and isolation incubation systems (92‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 500,000
(25)Minter Creek hatchery: Reconstruction, phase 1 (92‑2‑016)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 800,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,100,000
(26)Willapa interpretive center (92‑2‑020)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(27)Construct and remodel coastal field station (92‑3‑009)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 750,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 750,000
(28)Water access and development (92‑3‑030)
ORA-State..................................... $ 1,250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,250,000
(29)Toutle river hatchery: For an engineering study to determine the cost and feasibility of reconstructing the hatchery
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 75,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 75,000
(1) Satsop river acquisition and development (86‑2‑029)
ORA-State..................................... $ 55,254
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 17,796
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 73,050
(2) Mineral Lake: Site improvements (86‑3‑028)
ORA-State..................................... $ 4,397
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 35,949
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 40,346
(3) Aberdeen fish hatchery expansion (89‑5‑017)
Game Spec Wildlife Acct....................... $ 8,699
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 731,301
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 740,000
(4) Health, safety, and code compliance (90‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 262,484
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 337,516
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(5) Minor repairs: To complete minor works and emergency repairs, including public fishing access minor works repair (90‑1‑014) and emergency repair and replacement (90-2-002)
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 40,000
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 32,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 72,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,103,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,174,990
(6) Hatchery renovation and improvement (90‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 335,000
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 200,000
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 150,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 685,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,565,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,250,000
(7)Public fishing access: To complete public fishing access projects, including redevelopment of public fishing access sites (90-2-007) and development of public fishing access sites (90‑2‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 288,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 936,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 1,224,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 332,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,556,000
(8)Wildlife area repair and development (90‑2‑016)
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 45,000
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 65,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 110,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 200,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 310,000
(9)Office repairs: To complete office repairs projects, including office repairs and improvements (90‑2‑020) and regional offices facility relocation (90-2-021)
There shall be no expenditure of moneys from the reappropriation in this subsection for the expansion, renovation, or remodeling of facilities in Olympia, except for remodeling the Olympia warehouse.
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 1,905,717
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 284,283
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,190,000
(10)State-wide fencing repair and replacement (90‑3‑015)
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 141,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 627,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 768,000
(11)Migratory waterfowl habitat acquisition (90‑5‑005)
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 150,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 350,000
(12)Acquisition of critical water access (90‑5‑009)
ORA-State..................................... $ 17,619
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 100,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 117,619
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,631
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 120,250
(13)Puyallup tribal settlement (90‑5‑100)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 794,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,500
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 800,000
(14)Health, safety, and code compliance (92‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,700,000
(15)Public fishing access minor works repair (92‑1‑004)
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 650,000
TOTAL................................... $ 950,000
(16)Public access toilet replacement (92‑1‑005)
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 800,000
(17)Repair projects: Wildlife area repair and development projects (92‑2‑007 and 92-2-023), emergency repair and facility small repair and replacement (92-2-002 and 92-2-003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 50,000
Wildlife Reimb Constr Acct.................... $ 1,002,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 1,202,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 250,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,241,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,693,000
(18)Hatcheries: Hatchery renovation and improvement (92‑2‑009 and 92-2-025)
$900,000 of these appropriations shall be spent solely for pollution abatement programs at state game fish hatcheries necessary to meet requirements of state and federal clean water legislation.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,045,600
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 1,000,000
Wildlife Reimb Constr Acct.................... $ 1,258,400
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 3,304,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 11,740,000
TOTAL................................... $ 15,044,000
(19)Mitigation and dedicated funding projects (92‑2‑011)
Wildlife Account-Federal...................... $ 3,100,000
Wildlife Account-Private/Local................ $ 4,850,000
Game Spec Wildlife Acct....................... $ 50,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 8,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 769,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 16,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 24,769,000
(20)Acquisition, development, and redevelopment (92‑2‑015)
ORA-State..................................... $ 694,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,750,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,444,000
(21)State-wide fencing repair and replacement (92‑3‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 75,000
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 425,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(22)Skagit wildlife area dike repair (92‑3‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 26,250
Wildlife Reimb Constr Acct.................... $ 145,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 171,250
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 171,250
(23)Migratory waterfowl habitat: Acquisition project (92-5-012) and habitat development (92‑5‑013)
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 450,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,400,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,550,000
(24)Acquisition of wildlife habitat surplus property (92‑5‑014)
$750,000 of the appropriation in this subsection may not be expended without first selling state-owned land of equal or greater value.
Wildlife Account-State........................ $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 600,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,600,000
(25)Acquisition and development of recreation sites at Luhrs Landing nature trail (92‑5‑016)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 450,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 294,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 744,000
(26)Habitat enhancement fund (92‑5‑022)
Wildlife Account-Private/Local................ $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(27)Grandy Creek hatchery (92‑5‑024)
Expenditure of the appropriation in this subsection is contingent on an in-kind match of dollars or services from nonstate sources equal to at least $200,000.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,684,166
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,684,166
*Sec. 24 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
(1) Aquatic land enhancement (86‑3‑020)
Aquatic Lands Acct............................ $ 3,924,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 301,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,225,000
(2) Natural area preserves--Property purchases (88-02-061)
This appropriation is provided solely for the purpose of purchasing property or a less-than-fee interest in property under chapter 79.70 RCW. Moneys from this appropriation may not be expended unless for every two dollars to be expended from this appropriation at least one dollar is spent from privately raised funds, contributions of real property or interest in real property, or services necessary to achieve the purpose of this subsection.
Conservation Area Acct........................ $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,191,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,471,000
(3) Woodard Bay natural resource conservation area fencing development (90‑3‑103)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 170,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 100,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 270,000
(4) Dishman Hills protection development (90‑3‑104)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 70,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 50,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 120,000
(5) Natural area preserves management (90‑3‑105)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 55,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 95,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(6) Construct and improve recreation sites (90‑5‑201)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 170,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 320,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 490,000
(7) Seattle waterfront, phase 1 development (90‑5‑202)
ORA-State..................................... $ 749,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 750,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(8) Woodard Bay health and safety development (90‑5‑203)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 70,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 200,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 270,000
(9) Long Lake, phase 2 development (90‑5‑204)
ORV Acct...................................... $ 140,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 140,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 185,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 465,000
(10)Underground storage tanks (92‑1‑103)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 147,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 472,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 181,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,960,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,760,000
(11)State-wide emergency repairs (92‑1‑104)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 14,300
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 53,700
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 32,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(12)Environmental protection (92‑1‑105)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 113,200
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 232,800
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 154,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 607,700
TOTAL................................... $ 1,107,700
(13)Office expansion: To complete office expansion projects, including design and construction for expanding the southwest region office (92‑1‑106), and design and construction for expanding the northwest region office (92-1-102)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 479,300
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 599,800
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 471,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 1,550,100
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,548,100
(14)Minor works: Building and compound (92‑1‑107)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 111,700
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 215,200
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 158,500
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 485,400
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,333,400
TOTAL................................... $ 2,818,800
(15)Facilities: Small repairs and improvements (92‑1‑108)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 21,800
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 53,300
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 25,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 100,100
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 194,000
TOTAL................................... $ 294,100
(16)Emergency repairs recreation sites (92‑1‑206)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(17)Environmental clean-up: Trust and forest board lands (92‑1‑404)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 150,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 350,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(18)Right of way acquisitions (92‑2‑401)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 200,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 590,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 790,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,035,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,825,000
(19)Regional seedling cold storage (92‑2‑406)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 165,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 202,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 367,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 367,000
TOTAL................................... $ 734,000
(20)Real estate property, small repairs and improvements (92‑2‑407)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 390,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 780,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,170,000
(21)Communication site repair and replacement (92‑2‑408)
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 66,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 264,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 330,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 150,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,080,000
(22)Irrigation pipeline replacement (92‑2‑409)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 595,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 532,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,727,000
(23)Roads and bridges (92‑2‑801)
ORV Acct...................................... $ 74,000
Forest Development Acct....................... $ 90,000
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 200,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 364,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,236,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,600,000
(24)Natural area preserves protection (92‑3‑202)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 119,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 300,000
TOTAL................................... $ 419,000
(25)Commercial development, local improvement district (92‑3‑402)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 910,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,820,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,730,000
(26)Emergency repairs: Irrigation (92‑3‑405)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 400,000
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(27)Aquatic land enhancement grants (92‑3‑501)
Aquatic Lands Acct............................ $ 3,020,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,040,000
TOTAL................................... $ 9,060,000
(28)Land bank (92‑4‑403)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 18,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 12,000,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 36,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 66,000,000
(29)Irrigation development (92‑2-410)
Res Mgmt Cost Acct............................ $ 609,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,167,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,776,000
(30)Construct and improve recreation sites (92‑5‑201)
ORV Acct...................................... $ 325,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 400,000
ORA-State..................................... $ 450,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 1,175,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,775,000
(31)Cedar river dredging: For dredging of the delta where the Cedar river flows into Lake Washington, for the purpose of flood control and improved safety at Renton airport
The appropriation in this subsection is contingent upon a match of at least $500,000 from nonstate sources. This appropriation does not imply any future state commitment to development, flood control or similar activities on the Cedar river.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 800,000
(32)Mountains to Sound: For acquisition of forest land on Rattlesnake Ridge across Interstate 90 from the Mount Si natural resources conservation area, that when connected with other publicly owned land will help create a continuous green belt or corridor and recreation area from Snoqualmie Pass to the Puget Sound
The appropriation in this subsection shall be matched by $3,500,000 in cash, land or other consideration from other sources provided for the same purpose. The acquired forest land shall be managed consistent with the purposes of chapter 79.71 RCW.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,000,000
(33)Garfield county antenna tower
The department of natural resources shall lease property to the Garfield county sheriff's office at not more than $160 per month, to enable the sheriff to operate an antenna tower on the property."
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) This appropriation is provided to the state parks and recreation commission ("commission") solely to acquire trust lands that have been identified by the department of natural resources ("department") as appropriate for state park use and development. Except as specifically otherwise provided in this section, the commission shall acquire the following parcels:
(a) Lord Hill, in Snohomish county, west of Monroe;
(b) Beacon Rock, in Skamania county, adjacent to Beacon Rock State Park;
(c) Larrabee Addition, (1 and 2) in Whatcom county, northeast of Larrabee State Park and Chuckanut Mountain;
(d) South Whidbey, in Island county, adjacent to South Whidbey State Park;
(e) Wallace Falls Addition, in Snohomish county, adjacent to Wallace Falls State Park;
(f) Soleduck corridor, in Clallam county, on the Soleduck river at Sappho;
(g) Dugualia Bay property, in Island county, on the northeast shore of Whidbey Island;
(h) Rasar property, in Skagit county, west of Birdsview, near the Skagit river;
(i) Wallace Falls Addition (Northwest) property, in Snohomish county, adjacent to the northwestern side of the designated park property;
(j) Wallace Falls Addition (Southwest) property, in Snohomish county, adjacent to the southwestern side of Wallace Falls State Park;
(k) Hoypus Hill in Island county south of Hoypus Point Natural Forest Area at Deception Pass State Park;
(l) Lake Easton in Easton in Kittitas county west of Lake Easton State park near the town of Easton;
(m) Diamond Point, in Clallam county, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca; and
(n) Skykomish river property, along Highway 2, near Index.
(2) The commission may expend moneys from this appropriation for acquisition of the Skykomish river property under subsection (1)(n) of this section only to the extent that moneys remain available after the commission has made all reasonable efforts to acquire the other properties identified in this subsection.
(3) To achieve the purposes of this section, intergrant exchanges between common school trust lands and parcels of noncommon school trust lands shall occur on an equal-value basis.
(4) Proceeds from the transfer of the timber shall be deposited by the department in the same manner as timber revenues from other common school trust lands. No deduction may be made for the resource management cost account under RCW 79.64.040. The proceeds from the transfer of the land shall be used by the department to acquire timber land of equal value to be managed as common school trust land and to maintain a sustainable yield.
(5) The department shall attempt to maintain an aggregate ratio of approximately 85:15 timber-to-land value in these transactions. If the aggregate value of timber-to-land varies by more than plus or minus five percent of that ratio, individual land acquisitions may be dropped in order to maintain the approximate ratio.
(6) It is the intent of the legislature that, insofar as feasible, the full parcels identified in subsection (1) of this section be acquired for park purposes. However, to the extent authorized by the commission, the boundaries of the Diamond Point property under subsection (1)(m) of this section may vary from the property boundaries as described in the joint study conducted by the commission and the department under section 4, chapter 163, Laws of 1985.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 50,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 50,000,000
(1) Project reserves and contingencies (89‑5‑001)
State Convention and Trade Center Acct........ $ 1,430,734
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,569,266
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(2) Conversion of retail space to meeting rooms (89‑5‑002)
State Convention and Trade Center Acct........ $ 3,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,697,364
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,197,364
(3) Expansion of the 900 level (89‑5‑003)
State Convention and Trade Center Acct........ $ 3,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,316,580
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 8,816,580
(4) Eagles Building and exterior cleanup (89‑5‑005)
State Convention and Trade Center Acct........ $ 287,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 13,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 300,000
(5) Develop low-income housing (90‑5‑001)
State Convention and Trade Center Acct........ $ 650,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 150,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 800,000
(End of part)
(1) Acquisition of dredge spoils sites (83‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,277,162
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,477,162
(2) Toutle river retention dam (87‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 10,722,118
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 11,222,118
(3) Essential rail assistance (90‑1‑001)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for distribution to county rail districts and port districts for capital expenditures for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, or improving branch lines as authorized by chapter 47.76 RCW. The reappropriation in this subsection shall not be used for operating expenses of rail systems, programs, or services.
ESS Rail Assis Acct........................... $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 200,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,200,000
(4) Essential rail banking (90‑1‑002)
(a) The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the purchase of unused rail rights of way as authorized by chapter 47.76 RCW and shall not be used for operating expenses of rail systems, programs, or services.
(b) Expenditures shall not be made until the department consults with the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of representatives and senate transportation committees, house of representatives capital facilities committee, and senate ways and means committee, concerning specific railroad rights of way that the department proposes to acquire or assist local governments in acquiring, and as required by chapter 43, Laws of 1990.
(c) The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely to acquire the Stampede Pass rail line and right of way and is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(i) The department of transportation is directed to negotiate an agreement with the city of Tacoma for the purchase by one or both parties of the rail line and right of way in anticipation of the carrier filing for abandonment. The department shall reimburse the state building construction account with moneys received under the agreement from the city of Tacoma and the reimbursed moneys shall lapse. The amount to be paid by the city of Tacoma under the agreement shall represent the value of that portion of the rail line and right of way lying within the city's Green river watershed, as determined by appraisal by the department.
(ii) The department shall not expend this appropriation unless the carrier has filed for abandonment or the department and the carrier have agreed on a purchase price prior to an abandonment filing.
(iii) If the filing of an abandonment application by the carrier precedes the execution of an agreement between the department and the city of Tacoma, the department is directed to purchase the rail line on behalf of the state's and city of Tacoma's interest.
(iv) It is the intent of the legislature that, when Interstate Commerce Commission regulations allow, the department shall sell an interest or fee title to the city of Tacoma for that portion of the rail line and right of way lying with the city's Green river watershed. The first $2,100,000 of the proceeds from the sale shall be deposited in the state building construction account and any additional amount shall be deposited one-third in the essential rail banking account and two-thirds in the state motor vehicle fund. The agreement shall ensure that joint corridor use requirements of the state and the city are met including the protection of the Green river watershed.
(v) This appropriation is contingent upon an appropriation of an additional $2,000,000 being provided in the omnibus transportation appropriations act, Reengrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1231 for the department of transportation to acquire the Stampede Pass rail line and/or right of way.
(vi) This appropriation shall not be used for operating expenses of rail systems, programs, or services.
ESS Rail Bank Acct............................ $ 1,100,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,200,000
(1) Crime laboratory, Tacoma: To design and construct a new eight thousand-square foot crime lab facility in Tacoma, to be co-located with the Washington State Patrol/Department of Licensing District headquarters (92‑1‑008)
The appropriation in this section shall not be expended for consolidation of laboratory services currently being performed in the Kelso and Kennewick crime laboratories.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,017,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 20,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,037,000
(2) Spokane crime laboratory: For safety enhancements (92-1-008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 192,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,500
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 196,500
(3) Headquarters: Design a new headquarters facility in Olympia (90-2-040)
WSP Highway Acct.............................. $ 3,400,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 250,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 45,323,000
TOTAL................................... $ 48,973,000
(4) Everett district headquarters--Crime laboratory (90-2-018)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 455,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 15,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 470,000
(End of part)
The appropriations in subsections (1) through (9) of this section are subject to the following condition and limitation: Total cash disbursed from the common school construction fund may not exceed the available cash balance.
(1) Public school building construction (79‑3‑002)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
... $ 500
(2) Public school building construction (83‑3‑001)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 110,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 490,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(3) Public school building construction (86‑4‑001)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 1,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,400,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,500,000
(4) Public school building construction (86‑4‑008)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 70,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 75,298
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 145,298
(5) Public school building construction (88‑2‑001)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 4,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 61,328,022
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 65,328,022
(6) Public school building construction (89‑2‑004)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 80,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,920,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(7) Public school building construction (90‑2‑001)
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 156,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 252,527,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 408,527,000
(8) Public school building construction (91‑2‑001)
The appropriations in this subsection are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) A maximum of $1,200,000 may be spent for state administration of school construction funding.
(b) A maximum of $225,000 may be expended for two full-time equivalent field staff with construction/architectural experience to assist in evaluating project requests and reviewing information reported by school districts.
(c) A maximum of $100,000 may be expended for development of a new priority system pursuant to (f) of this subsection.
(d) Funding for common school construction and modernization is provided for projects approved for state assistance by the state board as of January 26, 1991. Of the funds available for obligation by the state board after state administration costs and after the costs incurred under (b) and (c) of this subsection, fifty-eight percent is provided solely for approved new construction projects to serve unhoused students, four percent is provided solely for approved condemnation projects, and thirty-four percent is provided solely for approved modernization projects. The remaining funds shall be allocated at the discretion of the state board.
(e) Projects approved for state assistance by the state board after January 26, 1991, pursuant to WAC 180-25-040, shall be placed on a new priority system developed by the state board pursuant to (f) of this subsection.
(f)(i) The state board shall develop a new priority system for allocating state assistance for school construction and modernization projects. The priority system shall include evaluation of projects according to objective criteria established by the state board and a process for review of data submitted by school districts. In developing the system and the criteria, the state board shall consider the following factors: Type of space requested; current space availability, age, and condition; cost benefit considerations of new construction as compared to modernization; impacts of maintenance on the condition of facilities; impacts of delay of receipt of state assistance; and short and long-range demographic projections.
(ii) The state board shall present a progress report and implementation plan to the governor and the appropriate fiscal committees of the legislature by February 15, 1992.
(g) The common school reimbursable construction account appropriation in this section serves as compensation to the common school construction fund for any obligation owed the fund as a result of vocational technical institutes being transferred from the authority of a local school district and the superintendent of public instruction to the state board for community and technical colleges as directed by chapter 238, Laws of 1991 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5184, workforce training and education).
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 135,500,000
Common School Reimb Constr Acct............... $ 120,000,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 255,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 350,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 605,500,000
(9) Public school building construction (91-2-001)
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(a) This appropriation is subject to all conditions and limitations contained in subsection (8) of this section.
(b) The department of natural resources shall by September 1, 1991, adopt rules to replace the rules adopted by the governor's office to implement the federal forest resources conservation and shortage relief act of 1990. The rules proposed to be adopted by the department shall: (i) Carry out the federal law; (ii) minimize economic impact on the state trusts; (iii) provide a fair system to all elements of the timber industry, treating all elements with equity; (iv) provide for and allow the largest number of bidders for state timber.
(c) The department of revenue and the department of natural resources shall jointly prepare an enforcement plan for the federal forest resources conservation and shortage relief act.
(d) The department of natural resources and the department of revenue shall report to the legislature quarterly beginning July 1, 1991, on the impact of the federal forest resources conservation and shortage relief act of 1990 on the state trust land. The department of natural resources and the department of revenue shall as part of the quarterly report recommend interim measures to reduce the negative impacts of the federal act.
(e) The department of natural resources and the department of revenue shall jointly prepare a cost estimate of carrying out the federal forest resources conservation and shortage relief act of 1990 and shall submit a report to the legislature with this cost estimate by December 1, 1991.
Common School Constr Fund..................... $ 21,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 21,000,000
*Sec. 30 was partially vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
When the transfer of the vocational-technical institutes to the jurisdiction of the state board for community and technical colleges under chapter 238, Laws of 1991 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5184, workforce training and education) takes effect, remaining balances in the appropriations in this section shall be transferred to the state board for community and technical colleges.
(1)Clover Park Vocational Technical Institute business education complex renovation (91‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,500,000
(2) Bellingham Vocational Technical Institute student services and administration offices renovation (91‑3‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,612,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,612,000
(3) Lake Washington Vocational Technical Institute: For the administrative addition, classroom space, and aerospace laboratory
Expenditures from the appropriation in this subsection shall be reduced by any amount spent for the same purpose from the common school construction fund.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,316,645
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 10,116,645
(4) Renton Vocational Technical Institute: For a business technology building
Expenditures from the appropriation in this subsection shall be reduced by any amount spent for the same purpose from the common school construction fund.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,985,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 443,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,428,000
(1) Demolish Richardson Hall (92‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 255,149
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 255,149
(2) Demolish museum building (92‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 255,149
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 255,149
(3) Elevator in administration building (92‑1‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 384,461
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 384,461
(4) Automatic door: Kennedy Building (92‑1‑007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 36,020
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 36,020
(5) Reroof Ahlsten Cottage (92‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 209,488
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 209,488
(6) Irwin School electrical and communications upgrade (92‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 92,141
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 92,141
(7) Swimming pool renovation (92‑2‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 162,990
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 162,990
(8) Reroof Kennedy Building (92‑2‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 369,791
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 369,791
(1) Building reroof: Devine High School (92‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 581,119
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 581,119
(2) Building reroof: Northrup Elementary School (92‑2‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 218,182
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 218,182
(3) Building reroof: Clark Hall (92‑2‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 448,842
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 448,842
(4) Building reroof: McDonald Hall (92‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 135,737
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 135,737
(5) Building reroof: Deer Hall (92‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 98,298
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 98,298
(6) Replacement of outside doors at Devine High School, Northrup Primary, Deer Hall, McDonald Hall, and Dining Room (92‑2‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 71,624
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 71,624
(7) Devine High School air conditioner (92‑2‑007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 26,834
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 26,834
(8) Heating system repairs (92‑2‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 32,345
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 32,345
(1) Safety: Fire code, PCB, and life safety (86‑1‑001)
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 6,890,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,298,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 9,188,000
(2) Safety: Asbestos removal (86‑1‑002)
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 4,900,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 600,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,500,000
(3) Minor works: Building renewal (86‑1‑004)
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 6,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,983,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 12,183,000
(4) Health Science Center G Court, H Wing, and I Court addition (86‑2‑021) and H Wing renovation (88-2-015)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 43,508,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 3,500,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 47,008,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,856,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 54,864,000
(5) Minor works: Program renewal (86‑3‑005)
The reappropriations in this subsection are provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 3,800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 9,540,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 13,340,000
(6) Power plant boiler: To replace boiler number four with a gas and oil fixed boiler, including upgrades in the central heating plant (88‑2‑022)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 360,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 240,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 600,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 19,872,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 468,495
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 20,340,495
(7) K Wing addition (90‑1‑001)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided from the proceeds of state general obligation bonds reimbursed from university indirect cost revenues from federal research grants and contracts pursuant to RCW 43.99H.020(18).
H Ed Constr Acct.............................. $ 45,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 45,000,000
(8) Emergency power generation (90‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 610,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 11,110,000
(9) Physics: To construct and equip a new building for the physics and astronomy departments (90‑2‑009)
The project funded by the appropriations in this subsection shall be constructed on campus. The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,000,000
H Ed Reimb Constr Acct........................ $ 64,786,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,778,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 72,564,000
(10)Chemistry I: Design and construction (90‑2‑011)
The project funded by the reappropriation in this subsection shall be constructed on campus.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 37,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,952,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 39,152,000
(11)Electrical engineering and computer science building: To complete the design of a replacement building for the departments of electrical engineering and computer science and engineering (90‑2‑013) (92-2-024)
The project funded by the appropriations in this subsection shall be constructed on campus. Other than for preplanning, the reappropriation shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,450,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,147,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 5,597,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 661,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 93,500,000
TOTAL................................... $ 98,758,000
(12)Electrical distribution system (88-1-011), power plant chiller (88-1-012), power plant stack replacement (88-1-023)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 830,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 770,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 1,600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,539,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 9,139,000
(13)Safety: Fire code, PCB, and life safety projects including: Cleanup of asbestos, compliance with federal regulations for PCB removal and contaminated soil, and life safety and fire code regulations (92‑1‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,640,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 33,333,000
TOTAL................................... $ 43,973,000
(14)Minor capital renewal: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew or bring campus facilities into code compliance (92‑1‑005)
The appropriations in this subsection are provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,525,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 5,000,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 8,525,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 40,200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 48,725,000
(15)Communications Building Renovation (88-2-014)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,015,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 1,167,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 3,182,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,555,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,737,000
(16)Nuclear reactor decommission: To design the removal and decontamination of the nuclear reactor on campus (92‑1‑022)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 235,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,488,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,723,000
(17)Kincaid basement: To build twenty-two thousand-square feet of basement space between the Kincaid Building and the new Physics Building (92‑2‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,314,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,314,000
(18)Physics Hall renovation, program: To complete the design for renovation of the existing Physics Hall (92‑2‑008)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended on design documents until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,543,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 37,800,000
TOTAL................................... $ 40,343,000
(19)Chiller addition: To add one central power plant chiller unit (92‑2‑009)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,459,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,459,000
(20)Data communications: To complete several data communications projects involving infrastructure, wiring, and building modifications (92‑2‑010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,700,000
(21)Electrical distribution: To upgrade the campus electrical distribution (92‑2‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,300,000
(22)Other utility projects: To remove and decontaminate underground storage tanks and other repair projects (92‑2‑013)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(2) of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 460,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 20,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 20,460,000
(23)Comparative medicine facility: To construct an animal laboratory facility (92‑2‑017)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 700,000
(24)Minor capital improvements: To complete minor remodeling projects costing under $500,000 that improve space usage and make repairs for specific campus programs or buildings (92‑3‑006)
The appropriations in this subsection are provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,703,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 5,000,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 10,703,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 40,250,000
TOTAL................................... $ 50,953,000
(25)Parrington Hall exterior: To repair the exterior of Parrington Hall (92‑3‑018)
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 1,759,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,759,000
(26)Meany Hall exterior renovation: To replace the leaking exterior of Meany Hall (92‑3‑019)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended for design documents until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 7,238,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 7,238,000
(27)Denny Hall exterior repair: To repair and seismically improve the exterior of Denny Hall (92‑3‑020)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 215,000
UW Bldg Acct.................................. $ 1,670,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,885,000
(28)Fisheries II/utilities: To prepare plans for extending the utilities infrastructure to the west campus, constructing a new fisheries building, and replacing the facility for police and custodial units (92‑2‑027)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended on design documents until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
State Bldg Constr Acct........................ $ 1,850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 91,528,000
TOTAL................................... $ 93,378,000
(29)Olympic Natural Resources Center
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended for design documents until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,675,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,675,000
(30)Employee day care facility--Preplanning
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for the purpose of acquiring, preparing a site for meeting the needs identified in the November 1987 child-care study conducted for the higher education coordinating board. In acquiring a site, the University shall make every effort to locate the child-care facility within a two-mile radius of the main Seattle campus and shall give a high priority to the use of buildings owned, but not used by, the Seattle school district.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 150,000
(1) Science Hall renewal, phase 2 (86‑1‑006)
H Ed Constr Acct.............................. $ 400,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 10,804,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 11,204,000
(2) Minor capital improvements (90‑1‑001)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 1,788,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,212,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,000,000
(3) Minor capital renewal (90‑1‑002)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,950,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,050,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,000,000
(4) Washington higher education telecommunications system: To convert one of two analog channels to digital (90‑2‑021)
Any expenditure under this reappropriation shall be consistent with the plan being developed by the department of information services for the 1991 legislative session for the cost-effective, incremental implementation of a coordinated state-wide video telecommunications system.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 2,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 55,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,755,000
(5) Land acquisition (Branch Campus) (90‑5‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,095,333
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,345,333
(6) Tri-Cities University Center (90‑5‑901)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 9,548,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 12,398,000
(7)Minor capital improvements: To complete minor remodeling projects costing under $500,000 that improve space usage and make repairs for specific campus programs or buildings (92‑1‑001)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 6,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 21,300,000
TOTAL................................... $ 27,800,000
(8)Expansion of east campus substation: To provide an additional 15,000 KVA electrical power capacity to the existing east campus substation (92‑1‑015)
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 525,100
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 670,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,900
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,203,000
(9)Smith Gym electrical system replacement: To replace the entire building-wide electrical system (92‑1‑017)
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 638,300
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 542,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 9,700
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,190,000
(10)Hazardous, pathological, and radioactive waste handling facilities: To provide centralized facilities to prepare, package, and ship biomedical, pathological, hazardous, low-level, and nonradioactive waste (92‑1‑019)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 21,700
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,343,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 130,300
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 5,570,000
TOTAL................................... $ 7,065,000
(11)Asbestos removal: To remove asbestos contaminated fireproofing from the roof beams and support structures of the Coliseum (92‑1‑020)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(3) of this act.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 1,513,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,513,000
(12)Fulmer Hall: To design renovations of Fulmer Hall Annex to meet fire, safety, and handicap access code requirements and to make changes in functional use of space (92‑1‑023)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 957,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 7,943,000
TOTAL................................... $ 8,900,000
(13)Nuclear radiation center study (92‑1‑025)
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 13,400
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 39,600
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 53,000
(14)Minor capital renewal: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew or bring campus facilities into code compliance (92‑2‑002)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,500,000
(15)Preplanning: To complete preplanning documents for the following projects: Engineering teaching-research building, animal sciences laboratory building, Thompson Hall renewal, Heald Hall renewal, Holland Library renewal, Bohler Gym addition/renewal, Kimbrough Hall addition, and classroom auditorium building (92‑2‑003)
The preplanning document shall include but not be limited to projected workload, site conditions, user requirements, current space available, and an overall budget and cost estimate breakdown in a form prescribed by the office of financial management.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 869,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 869,000
(16)Holland Library addition: To furnish and equip the library addition (92‑2‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 29,500,000
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 48,600
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 29,548,600
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,580,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,992,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 37,121,000
(17)Veterinary teaching hospital: To construct and furnish a new teaching hospital for the department of veterinary medicine and surgery (92‑2‑013)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 970,000
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 110,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 1,080,000
H Ed Reimb Constr Acct........................ $ 26,835,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 747,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 28,662,000
(18)Child care facility: To design, construct, and furnish a child care facility by remodeling the vacated Rogers-Orton Dining Hall (92‑2‑014)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,171,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,171,000
(19)Carpenter Hall completion (renewal): To complete the renovation of Carpenter Hall (92‑2‑016)
H Ed Constr Acct.............................. $ 500,000
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 810,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,289,715
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 7,599,715
(20)Communication infrastructure renewal: To design and construct university-wide communications facilities for telephone, computer, and audio-visual services (92‑2‑018)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 10,000,000
(21)Todd Hall renewal: To renovate the entire building, including upgrading electrical and other building-wide systems, modernizing and refurnishing of classrooms and offices (92‑2‑021)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 37,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,143,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 145,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 14,795,000
TOTAL................................... $ 16,120,000
(22)Student services addition: To design and construct a building for consolidated student service functions (92‑2‑027)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 15,000,000
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 967,000
Subtotal Appropriation.................. $ 15,967,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 15,967,000
(23)Records, maintenance materials storage, and recycling, phase 1: To construct a storage structure for inactive records, physical plant storage, and recycling storage (92‑2‑028)
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 1,761,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,761,000
(24)WHETS expansion: To add a fourth channel to the network that serves the Tri-Cities, Spokane, and Vancouver branch campuses, to add two classrooms in Pullman, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver, to add one classroom in Spokane, and to extend the network and add one classroom at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee (92‑2‑908)
Any extension of educational telecommunications to the Wenatchee area shall be planned to allow for the possible future participation of multiple higher education institutions, especially those having direct program responsibility for the Wenatchee area. Implementation plans shall be approved by the higher education coordinating board, in conjunction with the department of information services.
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 2,321,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,321,000
(25)Dairy and forage facility: To design and construct a facility that includes a new dairy center and milking parlor, a freestall building, and offices and classrooms (92‑3‑024)
WSU Bldg Acct................................. $ 2,714,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,714,000
(26)Chilled water storage facility: To design and construct a 2,820,000-gallon chilled water storage tank (92‑4‑022)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,850,000
(1) Math, science, and technology: To design the remodeling of Sutton Hall for offices and classroom space (81‑2‑002)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 141,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 91,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,850,000
TOTAL................................... $ 5,232,000
(2) Science building addition and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning: To complete the remodeling of the existing science building (83‑1‑001)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 7,000,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 7,780,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 6,255,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 21,035,000
(3) Electrical system renewal (86‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 890,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,894,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,784,000
(4) Roof replacement: To replace roofs for the following buildings: Science, physical education activities, music, radio television center, theater, and Reid school (86‑1‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 213,000
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 985,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,500,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,698,000
(5) Minor capital improvements (86‑1‑010)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,100,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,363,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,463,000
(6) Small repairs projects (86‑1‑011)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 422,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,107,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,529,000
(7) Energy conservation (86‑2‑006)
St H Ed Constr Acct........................... $ 200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 554,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 754,000
(8) Life and safety code compliance, asbestos: To continue removal of asbestos on a phased basis (88‑1‑001)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(3) of this act.
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,283,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,500,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,633,000
(9) Fire suppression: To install fire suppression systems throughout the campus (88‑1‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,000
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 850,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 496,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,700,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,076,000
(10)Telecommunications, cable replacement: To replace the existing system with a complete data/video network (90‑2‑004)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 850,000 Appropriation:
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 230,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,080,000
(11)Seventh Street replacement (90‑3‑001)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 338,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 338,000
(12)Minor capital renewal (90‑3‑002)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 17,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,167,000
(13)Kennedy Library addition and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (90‑5‑003)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 56,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 109,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,200,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,365,000
(14)Minor capital improvements: To complete minor remodeling projects costing under $500,000 that improve space usage and make repairs for specific campus programs or buildings (92‑1‑001)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget, except that $125,000 may be used to acquire property from the Department of Natural Resources.
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 2,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,400,000
TOTAL................................... $ 6,600,000
(15)Small repair projects: To complete small repair projects costing less than $25,000 (92‑1‑002)
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 3,000,000
(16)Underground storage tanks, code compliance: To remove and/or replace underground storage tanks under EPA requirements (92‑1‑003)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(2) of this act.
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 250,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 250,000
(17)Minor capital renewal: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew or bring campus facilities into code compliance (92‑3‑004)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,000,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 3,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 5,000,000
(18)Eastern Washington University Spokane Center: To provide fire egress and remodel the interior areas
EWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,200,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,200,000
(1) Handicap modifications (88‑1‑007)
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 150,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 565,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 715,000
(2) Psychology animal research facility (90‑1‑060)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 447,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,147,000
(3) Telecommunications system, phase 2 (90‑2‑003)
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,182,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 261,600
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,443,600
(4) Shaw/Smyser Hall remodel (90‑2‑005)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,406,000
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 950,000
Subtotal Reappropriation................ $ 3,356,000
H Ed Reimb Constr Acct........................ $ 7,027,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 349,900
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 10,732,900
(5) Life and safety: To complete minor projects that correct code violations and hazards (92‑1‑030)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 700,000
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,989,482
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,189,482
(6) Asbestos and PCB abatement: To remove asbestos and PCB contaminated materials and replace with nonhazardous materials (92‑1‑040)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(3) of this act.
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 750,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 500,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 350,000
TOTAL................................... $ 1,600,000
(7) Barge Hall renovation: To complete the construction phase of the Barge Hall renovation (92‑2‑001)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 150,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,465,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 450,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 11,065,000
(8) Dean Science Building remodel and annex construction: To complete program preplanning documents for remodeling Dean Science Building and constructing an annex (92‑2‑002)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 193,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 17,608,000
TOTAL................................... $ 17,801,500
(9)Chilled water expansion: To extend the cooling system to additional buildings (92‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,600,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,400,000
(10)Minor capital projects: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew campus facilities or remodel specific areas (92‑2‑050)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 2,113,000
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 3,791,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,673,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,978,000
TOTAL................................... $ 16,555,000
(11)Electrical cable replacement: To partially replace the underground high voltage system (92‑3‑003)
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 800,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,700,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,500,000
(12)Nicholson Pavilion and athletic facilities remodel: To upgrade the pavilion's skylight, pool, gymnasium floor, locker rooms, and field and track surfaces
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 1,170,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,170,000
(13)Steamline phase II: To combine energy-related projects
CWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 828,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 828,000
(1) Failed systems (90‑2-001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 331,800
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 212,270
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 544,070
(2) Failed systems: Exterior building reseal and campus activity building settling and deck recaulk
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 53,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 192,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 245,000
(3) Lab annex remodel, metal and wood support shops: To provide a consolidated wood/metal studio in the visual arts program area (90‑5‑008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 972,100
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 972,100
(4) Life and safety and code compliance: To complete minor projects that correct code violations and hazards (92‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,766,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,766,500
(5) Underground storage tank replacement, phase 1: To replace six single-wall tanks with four double-wall lined tanks (92‑1‑003)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(2) of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 120,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 120,000
(6) Minor works, failed systems: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew or bring campus facilities into code compliance (92‑2‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 967,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 967,000
(7) Minor works, academics and program support: To complete minor remodeling projects costing under $500,000 that improve space usage and make repairs for specific campus programs or buildings (92‑2‑009)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 956,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 956,000
(8) Small repairs and improvements: To complete small repair projects costing less than $25,000 (92‑2‑010)
TESC Cap Proj Acct............................ $ 185,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 185,000
(9) Emergency repairs: To repair unforeseen breakdowns in building and utility systems (92‑2‑011)
TESC Cap Proj Acct............................ $ 162,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 162,000
(10)Heat, ventilation, and air conditioning repairs: To identify and repair problems in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in five buildings (92‑3‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 430,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 430,000
(1) Construct and equip science facility, phase 1 (90‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 20,300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,630,700
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 21,930,700
(2) Science facility, phase 2 (design) (90‑1‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 780,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 107,300
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 887,300
(3) Institute of Wildlife Toxicology (90‑2‑003)
WWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 744,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 756,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,500,000
(4) Construct and equip science facility, phase 2: To construct a new science building for biology, including classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices (92‑1‑007)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 21,374,300
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 21,374,300
(5) Science facility, phase 3: To complete the design for a new science building for the science education program, including lecture halls for all university science programs (92‑1‑008)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 707,500
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 9,371,400
TOTAL................................... $ 10,078,900
(6) Minor works capital projects: To complete minor projects costing under $500,000 that renew campus facilities or remodel specific areas (92‑1‑022)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
WWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 2,500,000
WWU Cap Proj Acct............................. $ 7,500,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,807,465
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 12,000,000
TOTAL................................... $ 29,807,465
(7) Land acquisition: To acquire additional land on the northern and southern campus boundaries and moorage facilities at Shannon Point Marine Center (92‑3‑021)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,450,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,450,000
(1) Library for the blind and physically handicapped planning (90‑5‑001)
The reappropriation in this section is provided solely to develop a plan for an alternative facility for the library for the blind and physically handicapped. The plan may anticipate that the state will contribute funds for a building to be owned and managed by the city of Seattle, in exchange for permanent rent-free space for library services for the blind and physically handicapped. The department of general administration, in cooperation with the state library, shall provide support for an analysis of facilities options and development of construction plans by the city of Seattle and the Seattle public library. The plan developed under this section shall include the recommendations of the department of general administration and the state library with respect to state participation in the project. If appropriate, the analysis may include consideration of alternatives to construction of a city-owned building, such as the purchase or lease of an existing facility. The plan shall address the interests of both the city and the state, how the facility will be used and managed, costs, and timing of the project. The plan shall be submitted to the governor and the legislature by December 1, 1991.
General Fund-State............................ $ 75,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 75,000
(1) Union Station: To design and construct a new exhibit center at Union Station (90‑5‑005)
(a) The Washington state historical society shall report to the appropriate committees of the legislature by November 1, 1992, on its plans to phase in installation of exhibitry and on its efforts to secure additional funding from nonstate sources for exhibitry and other components of the project.
(b) It is the intent of the legislature: That a portion of exhibitry costs be used to fulfill the requirement under section 48 of this act that one-half percent of construction costs be used for artwork; that the total state contribution for the design and construction of the new exhibit center not exceed $28,800,000; and that, in addition, at least $7,000,000 of the design and construction cost be paid from nonstate sources, for a total project cost of at least $35,800,000.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,955,000
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 610,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 125,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 25,110,000
TOTAL................................... $ 28,800,000
(2) Correction of code violations: To extend the existing fire sprinkler system to the entire building and to install smoke and ionization detectors throughout the museum building (92‑1‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 250,849
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 250,849
(3) Minor works for building repairs and educational and archeological collections
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: $222,424 is provided solely to repair the interior and exterior of the museum building.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 472,424
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 472,424
(4) Museum interior remodeling (88-3-004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 35,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,207,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,242,000
(1) To complete restoration of interior rooms, the conservatory, the veranda, and the exterior of the Campbell House (86‑1‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 746,211
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 542,832
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,289,043
(2) Cheney Cowles Museum: For an energy-efficient boiler system, a temperature/humidity system for the entire museum, and a clean-air filtration system (92‑2‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 424,279
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 424,279
(3) Cheney Cowles Museum: To replace outdated museum lighting (92‑2‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 56,727
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 56,727
(1) For replacement of building systems and for maintenance and improvements to the interior or exterior of the Lord Mansion and the Carriage House (92‑1‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 10,600
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 99,510
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 16,400
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 10,500
TOTAL................................... $ 137,010
(1)Extension facility (Puyallup) (86-3-021)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 99,211
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,276,789
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,376,000
(2)Tech building and remodeling (Skagit Valley) (86-3-022)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 30,085
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,369,915
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,400,000
(3)Heavy equipment building (South Seattle) (86-3-026)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 17,901
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,429,099
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,447,000
(4)Minor works (RMI) (88-2-001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 114,174
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,385,826
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,500,000
(5)Repairs, exterior walls (88-3-003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 218,614
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,045,386
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,264,000
(6)Repairs, mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (88-3-004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 500,121
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,574,879
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,075,000
(7)Minor improvements (88-3-005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 781,756
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 12,982,244
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 13,764,000
(8)Repairs, electrical (88-3-006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 114,986
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,277,014
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,392,000
(9)Sites and interiors (88-3-007)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 168,312
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,757,688
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,926,000
(10)Agri Tech building (Walla Walla) (88-3-008)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,000,539
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,114,461
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,115,000
(11)Plan, and construct library-student center (86‑2‑031)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 328,911
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 7,662,089
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 7,991,000
(12)Vocational shop (Wenatchee) (88‑3‑010)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 613,953
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 341,047
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 955,000
(13)Computer facility (Edmonds) (88‑3‑011)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 14,934
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,820,066
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,835,000
(14)Learning resource center (Clark) (88‑3‑012)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 620,017
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 5,759,983
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,380,000
(15)Extension center (Yakima Valley) (88‑3‑013)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 102,068
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,588,932
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,691,000
(16)Math and science building (Spokane Falls) (88‑3‑015)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 779,618
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,970,382
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,750,000
(17)Learning resource center (Spokane) (88‑3‑016)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 588,025
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,946,975
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 5,535,000
(18)Preplanning for 1989‑93 major projects (88‑4‑014)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 48,852
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 448,148
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 497,000
(19)Construct: Whidbey learning resource center: To house library and media services, computer science and office occupations programs, classrooms, and offices at Skagit Valley's Whidbey branch (Skagit Valley) (88‑5‑020)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 66,117
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,123,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 41,883
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,231,000
(20)Construct: A combination science, physical education, and instruction building (South Puget Sound) (88‑5‑021)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,998,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 256,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,254,000
(21)Construct: Early childhood education facility of eight thousand square feet (Shoreline) (88‑5‑022)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 20,747
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,307,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 57,253
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,385,000
(22)Construct: Library addition and remodel to reconfigure the library building and add ten thousand four hundred seventy-five square feet (Columbia Basin) (88‑5‑023)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 77,194
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,972,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 35,806
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,085,000
(23)Construct: Vocational shops for diesel, automotive, and woodworking classes (Centralia) (88‑5‑024)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 49,234
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,025,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 45,766
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,120,000
(24)Construct: Learning research center addition and remodel to add seven thousand two hundred square feet for information technology, media production, offices, and work areas (Tacoma) (88‑5‑025)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 76,722
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,746,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 13,278
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,836,000
(25)Construct: Vocational food addition to add twelve thousand two hundred fifty square feet to the student center for expansion of the food service program areas (Lower Columbia) (88‑5‑026)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 138,067
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,902,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,933
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,042,000
(26)Construct: Business Education Building to house office technology labs, computer labs, and related support activities (Spokane) (88‑5‑027)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 33,714
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,311,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 211,286
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,556,000
(27)Construct: Student activity and physical education facility (Seattle Central) (88‑5‑028)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 148,348
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 11,080,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 251,652
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 11,480,000
(28)Washington State University education center (Clark) (89‑5‑019)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 12,793
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,787,207
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,800,000
(29)Multipurpose child care center (Everett) (89‑5‑020)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 20,055
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 465,533
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 485,588
(30)Fire and security repairs (90‑1‑004)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 499,132
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 448,478
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 947,610
(31)Roof and structural repairs (90‑2‑002)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,336,671
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,321,329
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,658,000
(32)Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanical repairs (90‑2‑003)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,412,452
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 1,560,378
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,972,830
(33)Electrical repairs (90‑2‑005)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 126,639
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 244,601
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 371,240
(34)Small repairs and improvements (90‑3‑001)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,338,574
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,861,426
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,200,000
(35)Learning assistance resource center (Centralia) (90‑3‑006)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 66,076
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 4,147,924
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 4,214,000
(36)Facility repairs (90‑3‑007)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 740,342
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 3,107,838
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,848,180
(37)Technology laboratories (Highline) (90‑3‑023)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 554,817
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 2,213,183
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,768,000
(38)Minor improvements (90‑5‑009)
The reappropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 4,454,434
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 8,838,506
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 13,292,940
(39)Design: Technology center (Whatcom) (90‑5‑010)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 34,750
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 249,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 28,250
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,378,000
TOTAL................................... $ 6,690,000
(40)Design: Physical education facility (North Seattle) (90‑5‑011)
The appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 202,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 45,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,940,000
TOTAL................................... $ 7,187,000
(41)Design: Applied arts building (Spokane Falls) (90‑5‑012)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 33,157
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 34,843
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 5,213,000
TOTAL................................... $ 5,561,000
(42)Design: Industrial tech building (Spokane) (90‑5‑013)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 9,076
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 298,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 54,924
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,536,000
TOTAL................................... $ 6,898,000
(43)Design: Vocational art facility (Shoreline) (90‑5‑014)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 22,407
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 157,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 28,593
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,785,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,993,000
(44)Design: Business education building (Clark) (90‑5‑015)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 33,280
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 305,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 39,720
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 5,725,000
TOTAL................................... $ 6,103,000
(45)Design: Student center (South Seattle) (90‑5‑016)
The new appropriation in this subsection shall not be expended until project preplanning documents have been reviewed and approved by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 5,117
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 258,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 53,883
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 4,276,000
TOTAL................................... $ 4,593,000
(46)Design: Library addition (Skagit Valley) (90‑5‑017)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 116,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 44,000
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 1,896,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,056,000
(47)Acquisition: Purchase land for staff and student parking (Olympic) (92‑1‑601)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 105,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 105,000
(48)Acquisition: Purchase a two thousand four hundred-square-foot child care facility (Centralia) (92‑1‑602)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 78,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 78,000
(49)Acquisition: Purchase 1.76 acres and a five thousand seven hundred five-square-foot fire station for fire science training and additional college parking (Spokane) (92‑1‑603)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 498,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 498,000
(50)Acquisition: Purchase auto shop that is currently being leased (Olympic) (92‑1‑604)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 700,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 700,000
(51)Acquisition: Purchase 1.4 acres and an eight thousand-square-foot graphic arts facility currently being leased for the Whidbey branch (Skagit Valley) (92‑1‑605)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 280,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 280,000
(52)Acquisition: Purchase a fourteen thousand six hundred three-square-foot vocational facility adjacent to the college that is currently being leased (Whatcom) (92‑1‑606)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,893,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,893,000
(53)Underground tank repairs: To remove sixty-five underground storage tanks and any contaminated soil (92‑2‑102)
The appropriation in this subsection may be expended only after compliance with section 6(2) of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 650,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 650,000
(54)Life safety code repairs: To pay local improvement district assessments and make improvements to meet handicap and safety regulations (92‑2‑103)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,172,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,172,000
(55)Roof repairs: To replace or repair roofs at seventeen campuses (92‑2‑104)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 7,457,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 7,457,000
(56)Exterior and structural repairs: To repair structural or exterior problems at seven campuses (92‑2‑105)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 817,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 817,000
(57)Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning repairs: To repair or replace HVAC systems on ten campuses (92‑2‑106)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 3,074,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 3,074,000
(58)Electrical repairs: To repair or replace electrical wiring and equipment on twelve campuses (92‑2‑107)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,307,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,307,000
(59)Mechanical repairs: To repair or replace mechanical system components on eleven campuses (92‑2‑108)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 2,508,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 2,508,000
(60)Fire and security repairs: To repair or improve fire and security systems on four campuses (92‑2‑109)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 692,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 692,000
(61)Interior repairs: To repair or replace interior surfaces and equipment on twelve campuses (92‑2‑110)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,440,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,440,000
(62)Site repairs: To provide site improvements on eleven campuses (92‑2‑111)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 1,329,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 1,329,000
(63)Small repairs and improvements: To provide funds for each community college to make unforeseen repairs (92‑5‑001)
$45,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary, of the appropriation in this subsection is provided for an evaluation of the physical condition of the Seattle Vocational Institute formally the Washington Institute of Applied Technology (WIAT) facility.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 6,256,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 6,256,000
(64)Minor improvements: To complete fifty-seven minor improvement projects costing less than $500,000 each (92‑5‑200)
The appropriation in this subsection is provided solely for minor repairs, fixtures, and improvements to state buildings and facilities and shall not be used for computer equipment, land acquisition, or for other expenses that normally would be funded from the state operating budget.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 16,930,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 16,930,000
(65)Preplan: Puyallup, phase 2 (Pierce) (92‑5‑501)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 57,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 9,653,000
TOTAL................................... $ 9,710,000
(66)Preplan: Vocational building (Skagit Valley) (92‑5‑502)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 25,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 2,116,000
TOTAL................................... $ 2,141,000
(67)Preplan: Learning resource center, arts, and student center (Whatcom) (92‑5‑503)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 45,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 6,942,000
TOTAL................................... $ 6,987,000
(68)Preplan: Office and instructional building (Edmonds) (92‑5‑504)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 58,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 8,485,000
TOTAL................................... $ 8,543,000
(69)Preplan: Technical skills facility (South Puget Sound) (92‑5‑505)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 42,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 5,849,000
TOTAL................................... $ 5,891,000
(70)Preplan: Learning resource center and technical facility (Green river) (92‑5‑506)
Any preplanning documents developed using the appropriation in this subsection are subject to review by the office of financial management under section 59 of this act.
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 58,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 10,462,000
TOTAL................................... $ 10,520,000
(71)Preplan: New Campus One (92‑5‑701)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 300,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 14,800,000
TOTAL................................... $ 15,100,000
(72)Pool repairs (Pierce)
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 600,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 0
TOTAL................................... $ 600,000
(1)Higher education facilities inventory: To develop, through use of existing institutional records and information systems, and implement, on a pilot demonstration basis at Western Washington University, a state-wide facilities inventory, measuring and describing the volume, condition, and use levels of classroom, research labs, teaching labs, office, and library space at the public institutions of higher education. The board shall consult with the office of financial management in developing the facilities inventory
St Bldg Constr Acct........................... $ 120,000
Prior Biennia (Expenditures)........................ $ 0
Future Biennia (Projected Costs).................... $ 300,000
TOTAL................................... $ 420,000
(End of part)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 46. The estimated general fund--state debt service costs related solely to the new capital appropriations within this act are $26,220,000 during the 1991-93 fiscal period; $146,400,000 during the 1993-95 fiscal period; and $192,200,000 during the 1995-97 fiscal period.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 47. The following agencies may enter into financial contracts for the purpose indicated and in not more than the principal amounts indicated plus financing expenses and required reserves pursuant to chapter 39.94 RCW:
(1) Department of Social and Health Services to:
(a) Lease a multi-service center in Benton county for $2,592,450 during the 1991-93 biennium; and
(b) Lease a Spokane North Community Service Office for $980,000 during the 1991-93 biennium.
(2) Department of Corrections to:
(a) Lease-purchase a sixty-bed work-release facility in Benton county for $1,186,850 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(b) Lease-purchase a forty-bed work-release facility in Longview for $1,337,670 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(c) Lease-purchase twelve forty-bed work-release facilities in as-yet-undetermined locations state-wide for $1,337,670 each, for a total of $16,052,040 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(d) Lease-purchase a correctional industries building at Shelton for $1,892,153 during the 1991-93 biennium; and
(e) Lease-purchase a four hundred-passenger ferry, used tugboat, and new vehicle barge at McNeil Island for $1,760,963 during the 1991-93 biennium.
(3) State Board for Community College Education to:
(a) Lease-purchase a warehouse-type facility to house the electrician apprentice training program in Skagit county for an estimated cost of $200,000 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(b) Lease-purchase a facility to house the cosmetology training program at Everett for $60,000;
(c) Lease a facility to house the Bellevue Community College business office in Bellevue for $120,000 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(d) Lease a facility for the Green River Community College education and training center in Kent for $120,000 in the 1991-93 biennium;
(e) Lease-purchase office space for Edmonds Community College in Edmonds for $280,000 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(f) Lease-purchase space to house Spokane Falls Community College's adult education programs in Spokane for $300,000 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(g) Lease-purchase space to house plant services for Wenatchee Valley Community College in Wenatchee for $96,000 during the 1991-93 biennium;
(h) Lease-purchase land in Bellingham for Whatcom Community College for $450,000;
(i) Purchase a central storage facility for Spokane Community College for $75,000;
(j) Purchase a hangar at Felts Field to house the aircraft mechanics' vocational training program for Spokane Community College for $161,000; and
(k) Lease-purchase an auto technology training facility at Shoreline Community College for $2,600,000.
(4) The Department of Ecology, to acquire, design, and construct a Thurston county headquarters for $53,000,000.
(5) The Evergreen State College, to expand the college activities building for $800,000. The financing contract shall be repaid through student activities fees.
(6) The Department of General Administration, to purchase or lease purchase office space to house the state board for community college education staff for $1,400,000.
One-half of one percent of moneys appropriated in this act for original construction of school plant facilities is provided solely for the purposes of RCW 28A.335.210. One-half of one percent of moneys appropriated in this act for original construction of any building by any college or university or for any major renovation or remodel work exceeding $200,000 by any college or university is provided solely for the purposes of RCW 28B.10.027. One-half of one percent of moneys appropriated in this act for original construction of any other public building by a state agency as defined by RCW 43.17.200 is provided solely for the purposes of RCW 43.17.200.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 49. The amounts shown under the headings "Prior Biennia," "Future Biennia," and "Total" in this act are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legislative approval of these amounts.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 50. "Reappropriations" in this act are appropriations and, unless the context clearly provides otherwise, are subject to the relevant conditions and limitations applicable to appropriations. Reappropriations shall be limited to the unexpended balances remaining June 30, 1991, in the 1989-91 biennial appropriations for each project.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 51. To carry out the provisions of this act, the governor may assign responsibility for planning, engineering, construction, and other related activities to any appropriate agency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 52. As part of the annual update to the State Facilities and Capital Plan, agencies shall provide information on lease development and lease purchase projects to the office of financial management.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 53. If any federal moneys appropriated by this act for capital projects are not received by the state, the department or agency to which the moneys were appropriated may replace the federal moneys available from private or local sources. No replacement may occur under this section without the prior approval of the director of financial management in consultation with the senate committee on ways and means and the house of representatives committee on capital facilities and financing.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 54. Unless otherwise stated, for all appropriations under this act that require a match of nonstate money or in-kind contributions, the following requirement, consistent with RCW 43.88.150, shall apply: Expenditure of state money shall be timed so that the state share of project expenditures never exceeds the intended state share of total project costs. This section shall not apply to section 12(5) of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 55. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, for the 1991-93 biennium, transfers of reimbursement by the state treasurer to the general fund from the community college capital projects account for debt service payments made under Title 28B RCW shall occur only after such debt service payment has been made and only to the extent that funds are actually available in the account. Any unpaid reimbursements shall be a continuing obligation against the community college capital projects account until paid. The state board for community college education need not accumulate any specific balance in the community college capital projects account in anticipation of transfers to reimburse the general fund.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 56. Any capital improvements or capital project involving construction or major expansion of a state office facility, including district headquarters, detachment offices, and off-campus faculty offices, shall be reviewed by the department of general administration for possible consolidation and compliance with state office standards before allotment of funds. The intent of the requirement imposed by this section is to eliminate duplication and reduce total office space requirements where feasible, while ensuring proper service to the public.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 57. The governor, through the director of financial management, may authorize a transfer of appropriation authority provided for a capital project that is in excess of the amount required for the completion of such project to another capital project for which the appropriation is insufficient. No such transfer shall be used to expand the capacity of any facility beyond that intended by the legislature in making the appropriation. Such transfers may be effected only between capital appropriations to a specific department, commission, agency, or institution of higher education and only between capital projects that are funded from the same fund or account.
For purposes of this section, the governor may find that an amount is in excess of the amount required for the completion of a project only if (1) the project as defined in the notes to the budget document is substantially complete and there are funds remaining or (2) bids have been let on a project and it appears to a substantial certainty that the project as defined in the notes to the budget document can be completed within the biennium for less than the amount appropriated herein.
For the purposes of this section, the legislature intends that each project be defined as proposed to the legislature in the governor's budget document, unless it clearly appears from the legislative history that the legislature intended to define the scope of a project in a different way.
A report of any transfer effected under this section except emergency projects or any transfer under $250,000 shall be filed with the legislative fiscal committees of the senate and house of representatives by the director of financial management at least thirty days before the date the transfer is effected, and shall report all transfers within thirty days from the date of transfer.
Sec. 58. RCW 43.168.110 and 1985 c 164 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
is established the Washington state development loan fund which shall be an
account in the state treasury. All loan payments of principal and interest
which are transferred under RCW 43.168.050 shall be deposited into the
account. Moneys in the account may be spent ((without)) only after
legislative appropriation for loans under this chapter. ((However,)) Any
expenditures of these moneys shall conform to federal law.
*Sec. 58 was vetoed, see message at end of chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 59. To ensure that major construction projects are carried out in accordance with legislative and executive intent, appropriations in this act referencing this section shall not be expended until the office of financial management has reviewed the agency's programmatic preplanning document and approved continuation of or made changes to the project. The program preplanning document shall include but not be limited to projected workload, site conditions, user requirements, current space available, and an overall budget and cost estimate breakdown in a form prescribed by the office of financial management. The office of financial management shall report to the house of representatives capital facilities committee, the senate ways and means committee, and the legislative transportation committee a listing of the program documents the office has reviewed and approved, changes made to the documents resulting from the review, and the estimated cost changes resulting from the review.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 60. The appropriations in sections 34 through 39 and 44 of this act are subject to the following requirements:
(1) Using a committee that includes one or more students, faculty, and staff with disabilities, each institution of higher education shall identify barriers to physical access on that institution's campuses.
(2) Beginning with its 1993-95 capital budget request, each institution shall incorporate into its capital budget process efforts to reduce physical barriers to access.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 61. The department of information services shall act as lead agency in coordinating video telecommunications services for state agencies. As lead agency, the department shall develop standards and common specifications for leased and purchased telecommunications equipment and assist state agencies in developing a video telecommunications expenditure plan. No agency may spend any portion of any appropriation in this act for new video telecommunication equipment, new video telecommunication transmission, or new video telecommunication programming, or for expanding current video telecommunication systems without first complying with chapter 43.105 RCW, including but not limited to RCW 43.105.041(2), and without first submitting a video telecommunications equipment expenditure plan, in accordance with the policies of the department of information services, for review and assessment by the department of information services under RCW 43.105.052. Before any such expenditure by a public school, a video telecommunications expenditure plan shall be approved by the superintendent of public instruction. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall submit the plans to the department of information services in a form prescribed by the department. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall submit the plans to the department of information services in a form prescribed by the department. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall coordinate the use of video telecommunications in public schools by providing educational information to local school districts and shall assist local school districts and educational service districts in telecommunications planning and curriculum development. Before any such expenditure by a public institution of postsecondary education, a telecommunications expenditure plan shall be approved by the higher education coordinating board. The higher education coordinating board shall coordinate the use of video telecommunications for instruction and instructional support in postsecondary education, including the review and approval of instructional telecommunications course offerings.
(End of part)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 62. The appropriations contained in this act are maximum expenditure authorizations. Pursuant to RCW 43.88.037, moneys disbursed from the treasury on the basis of a formalized loan are to be recorded as loans receivable and not as expenditures for accounting purposes. To the extent that moneys are disbursed on a loan basis, the corresponding appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of loan moneys disbursed from the treasury during the 1991-93 biennium.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 63. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 64. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately.
(End of part)
Page #
CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.................................................. 157
SYSTEM......................................................................... 170
DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT............................................. 24
DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS....................................................... 60
DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY........................................................... 71
DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES......................................................... 95
DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION............................................ 11
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH............................................................ 52
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES.............................................. 41
DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES................................................ 109
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES........................................ 42
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT................................ 41, 92
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION................................................... 120
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS................................................. 54
DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE......................................................... 101
EASTERN WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY.................................... 168
EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.................................................. 152
EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE........................................................ 160
INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION.................................... 89
LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD............................................................ 23
MILITARY DEPARTMENT............................................................. 21
OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT................................................... 7
OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS....................................... 7
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE................................................. 6
Timberland Purchases and Common School Purchases............................... 117
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION....................................................... 124
STATE CAPITOL HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION........................................... 169
STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION................................................... 95
STATE CONVENTION AND TRADE CENTER.............................................. 118
STATE LIBRARY.................................................................. 166
STATE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION........................................... 76
STATE PATROL................................................................... 122
STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND..................................................... 130
STATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF...................................................... 132
SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION........................................... 129
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON....................................................... 133
WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY OFFICE.................................................. 71
WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY............................................ 167
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY.................................................... 143
WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.................................................. 163
Passed the House June 29, 1991.
Passed the Senate June 28, 1991.
Approved by the Governor June 30, 1991, with the exception of certain items which were vetoed.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State June 30, 1991.
Note: Governor's explanation of partial veto is as follows:
"I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 5, 6(3)(b), (4)(d), 15(4), 19(62), 20(5), 24(17) line 8, page 105, (18) line 25, page 105, (22), line 23, page 106, 30(9)(b)(c)(d)(e), and section 58 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1427, entitled:
"AN ACT Adopting the capital budget."
My reasons for vetoing these sections are as follows:
Section 5, page 7, Office of the Administrator for the Courts
Section 5 provides for the replacement of the heating-ventilation-air conditioning system in the Olympia eastside building. This building is leased by the state and therefore it would be inappropriate to use bond money to correct building deficiencies.
Section 6(3)(b), page 8 and page 9, Asbestos Removal or Abatement Projects
Subsection 3(b) provides funding to the Office of Financial Management to be allocated to agencies and institutions for asbestos removal or abatement projects with conditions and limitations. While I agree with the Legislature's concern that funding asbestos projects needs a statewide, comprehensive approach, this language is unduly restrictive and does not allow for emergency situations. The federal law requirement applies only to school districts through the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) program and this provision may unduly impact those institutions such as Developmentally Disabled facilities that do not fall within the AHERA requirements. The requirements for evaluation of asbestos projects is more appropriately established through administrative rule.
Section 6(4)(d), page 10, Higher Education Branch Campuses Site Acquisition and Development (90-5-002)
Subsection 4 provides funding for the acquisition and development of sites for branch campuses with conditions and limitations. Subsection (d) requires that the appropriation not be expended for land in the Spokane area until an environmental study indicates the property is free of toxic substances. While I concur with the Legislature that property acquired by the state not contain substances which exceed state and federal toxic standards, it is unreasonable to establish a standard which prohibits the state from acquiring property until it is "totally" free of toxic substance, as such a certification may be impossible for any property.
Section 15(4), page 56, Garfield Barracks
This subsection directs the Office of Financial Management to report to the legislature on the costs of constructing, maintaining, and operating Garfield Barracks using federal Veterans' Affairs funds compared to the cost of using Medicaid Nursing Home funding. This subsection also indicates funds cannot be expended until the agency has sought Medicaid Certification for its existing facilities. The federal Veterans' Administration has indicated that federal funds will not be released for projects with these kinds of provisos. Additionally, to seek Medicaid Certification for the existing facilities before a study has been completed is inappropriate. I am directing the Department of Veterans' Affairs to complete the study of funding alternatives.
Section 19(62), page 89, Olmstead Park
This subsection provides for the revenues generated from the lease of state lands at the park to be used exclusively for the improvements of this park. This language is unduly prescriptive and limits the Commission's discretion in efficiently administering the state park system.
Section 20(5), page 91, Clear Creek Dam
This subsection provides funding to rebuild the Clear Creek Dam in Yakima County. Although this project has strong local interest, because the benefits from the project are purely local they do not justify state funding. Given the limited nature of state capital dollars this project does not warrant a $1.75 million commitment of state funds.
Section 24(17) line 8, page 105 (18), line 25, page 105, (22), line 23, page 106, Wildlife Reimbursable Bonds
These sections make appropriations for capital projects for the Department of Wildlife and are funded through reimbursable bonds backed by the State Wildlife Account. While use of such funding may be an acceptable policy, it cannot be decided without determining the future amount of General Fund which will be used to fund the Department. The Wildlife Department cannot commit to debt service until there is a resolution to provide sufficient General Fund financing for their operating budget. I am therefore vetoing the appropriations from the Wildlife Reimbursable Construction Account. The agency will scale back these capital projects and complete them to the extent possible within existing funds.
Section 30(9)(b)(c)(d)(e), page 127, Public School Building Construction
Section 30(9) provides funding for school construction subject to conditions. These conditions would effectively gut the log export restriction recently enacted by Congress and implemented by my office. I believe it is a cruel hoax to encourage the export of raw logs overseas at a time we are facing an extreme raw log shortage within our own state. Last month, a judge shut down virtually all new timber sales on Federal lands in Washington state. Consequently, the only supply of logs left for those federally dependent mills will be from state lands. This budget proviso attempts to take that supply away from these mills as well. If successfully implemented, this proviso would effectively snatch thousands of jobs from Washington forest products workers and send those jobs to Japan.
I am vetoing the proviso requiring the Department of Natural Resources to rewrite the rules adopted by my office to implement the state log export restriction. The rules currently in force prohibit the practice of substitution. Substitution is a practice carried out by the large landowning, log-exporting companies of exporting logs from their own lands overseas and then running the export restricted logs through their mills. This practice effectively negates the impact of the export restriction and results in the state subsidizing the big log-exporting companies.
The Department of Natural Resources opposes the substitution prohibition and has expressed a desire to write rules which would allow the big log exporting companies to buy export restricted state logs.
I am vetoing this proviso for three reasons: 1) An effective export restriction is needed during this time of log shortages. 2) Changing the rules will not save the common school construction fund money. It is a federal law which prohibits exports not the state rules. Gutting the rules will merely ensure that the beneficiaries of the law are the big log exporting companies rather than the small and medium sized domestic processors. 3) This proviso is not legal under Federal law. The Federal log export restriction gives the Governor or the legislature the authority to write rules implementing the federal log export restrictions. This federal authority can only be promulgated by the passage of specific authorizing legislation or by an issuance of rules by the Governor. Budget provisos are not a substitute for either of these actions.
Section 58, page 194 and 195, Development Loan Fund
This section amends the development loan fund statute to make principal and interest payments to the fund appropriated. The state appropriation of funds with federal status will not allow the program to comply with federal regulations.
With the exception of sections 5, 6(3)(b), (4)(d), 15(4), 19(62), 20(5), 24(17), line 8, page 105, (18), line 25, page 105, (22), line 23, page 106, 30(9)(b)(c)(d)(e), and section 58 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1427 is approved."