As Reported By House Committee on:
Health Care
Title: An act relating to physician's assistants.
Brief Description: Authorizing alternative supervisors for physician's assistants.
Sponsor(s): Senators Amondson and Snyder.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Health Care, February 26, 1992, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 10 members: Representatives Braddock, Chair; Day, Vice Chair; Moyer, Ranking Minority Member; Casada, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Cantwell; Edmondson; Franklin; Morris; Paris; and Prentice.
Staff: John Welsh (786-7133).
Background: Under current law, a physician's assistant must work under the supervision and control of a physician, and an osteopathic physician's assistant must work under the supervision and control of an osteopathic physician. However, there is no authority for these physician assistants to be supervised by others.
Summary of Bill: The Board of Medical Examiners may provide by rule for the supervision of physician's assistants by osteopathic physicians; and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery may provide by rule for the supervision of osteopathic physician's assistants by physicians.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Both physician's assistants and osteopathic physician's assistants receive identical training, and the scopes of practice of physicians and osteopathic physicians are identical as well. The authority for reciprocal supervision of physician assistants will make more of these practitioners available to the public, especially in areas of short supply. This will also improve the employability of physician assistants.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Kevin Lewis, Mt. Saint Helens Medical Clinic (pro); David Panther, Washington Academy of Physician's Assistants (pro); Frank Morrison, Washington State Podiatric Medical Association (pro); Senator Amondson (pro); and Jeff Larsen, Washington Osteopathic Medical Association(pro).