As Reported By House Committee on:
Natural Resources & Parks
Title: An act relating to conveyances for recreational purposes at ski areas.
Brief Description: Giving the parks and recreation commission responsibility for signs on aerial ski lifts.
Sponsor(s): Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Sellar, Talmadge and Nelson).
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Natural Resources & Parks, April 4, 1991, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 11 members: Representatives Belcher, Chair; Scott, Vice Chair; Beck, Ranking Minority Member; Brumsickle, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Dellwo; Fraser; Hargrove; Morton; Riley; Sheldon; and Wynne.
Staff: Marilee Scarbrough (786-7196).
Background: Current statute requires ski area operators to maintain a sign system to protect skiers from injury. That sign system is based on national and international standards. The state statute also contains specific requirements including, the maximum capacity of each gondola and reversible aerial tramway and specific safety sign requirements for aerial lifts.
The current state safety standards are inconsistent with some national standards. The inconsistency was created because of recent changes in national standards.
Summary of Bill: The Parks and Recreation Commission is authorized to adopt rules relating to a sign system for ski areas and for other recreational devices.
The commission is not subject to liability for rules relating to the signing requirements for ski areas. The specific statutory requirements of the state sign system for ski areas is eliminated.
Fiscal Note: Requested March 29, 1991.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This legislation is necessary to correct discrepancies between the state requirements and national standards. State parks already has statutory authority to inspect winter recreation facilities.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Nanaee Wildermuth, Pacific NW Ski Areas Association (Pro); Mel Borgersen, Pacific NW Ski Areas Association (Pro); and Cleve Pinnix, State Parks (Pro).