As Passed House
April 16, 1991
Title: An act relating to community support for education.
Brief Description: Allowing local literacy programs for children.
Sponsor(s): Senators Rinehart, Bailey, Murray and Erwin.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Education, April 4, 1991, DPA;
Passed House, April 16, 1991, 97-0.
Majority Report: Do pass as amended. Signed by 18 members: Representatives Peery, Chair; G. Fisher, Vice Chair; Brough, Ranking Minority Member; Vance, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Betrozoff; Broback; Brumsickle; Cole; Dorn; Holland; P. Johnson; Jones; Neher; Orr; Phillips; Rasmussen; Roland; and H. Sommers.
Staff: Susan Kirkpatrick (786-7291).
Background: In 1990, the Legislature created the Learn-in-Libraries program. The program was designed to provide grants to libraries for after-school programs to help children improve language and reading skills, promote social and intellectual growth, and to provide a positive alternative to street life. The State Library Commission administers the program. The program expires December 1, 1991.
Summary of Bill: The State Library Commission is authorized to provide grants to local libraries to develop and implement after school and vacation programs for children. The State Library Commission is also authorized to provide grants to libraries to develop innovative programs for children throughout the year. Cooperation with school districts is encouraged.
The programs are to be designed to provide services to children or to help provide training to parents or other persons working with children in order to increase literacy, encourage reading, promote reading readiness, and improve reading and other learning skills. Grant applicants are to be encouraged to develop programs that use older adult volunteers and other community volunteer resources and to develop innovative models to provide services.
A report to the Legislature is required by December 1, 1991.
The expiration date of December 1, 1991 is repealed.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The Learn-in-Libraries program is a good program for the community and youngsters and should be made permanent.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Senator Rinehart, prime sponsor; and Tom Mayer, Sno-Isle Regional Library.