As Reported By House Committee on:
Title: An act relating to student teaching centers.
Brief Description: Establishing student teaching centers.
Sponsor(s): Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Bauer, Bailey, Rinehart, Saling, Murray, Pelz, Gaspard, Patterson, A. Smith, Sutherland and L. Smith).
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Education, March 27, 1991, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 12 members: Representatives Peery, Chair; G. Fisher, Vice Chair; Brough, Ranking Minority Member; Vance, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Broback; Brumsickle; Cole; Holland; P. Johnson; Neher; Orr; and Valle.
Staff: Robert Butts (786-7111).
Background: In 1987, the Legislature directed the State Board of Education to establish a two-year pilot program to enhance the student teaching component of teacher preparation programs. Four projects were funded to support innovative ways to expand student teaching placements throughout the state and to expand student teaching experiences for prospective teacher candidates. In 1989, the Legislature extended the original projects one additional year, added a project in Eastern Washington, and required the State Board to submit a final report on the program in December 1990. The State Board recommends in the final report that the student teaching pilot project program be continued on a permanent basis.
In 1990, the Legislature passed executive request legislation establishing the Excellence in Teacher Preparation program (Teachers Training Teachers). The program requires that all student teachers shall be provided a cooperating teacher. Stipends for cooperating teachers are paid through supplemental contracts from funds provided in the state budget.
Summary of Bill: The State Board of Education, from appropriated funds, shall establish a network of student teaching centers. The purposes of the student teaching centers are to:
1)Expand student teacher placements in districts statewide, emphasizing populations and locations that are unserved or underserved;
2)Provide a cooperating teacher for up to two academic quarters for each student teacher;
3)Enhance the student teaching component of teacher preparation programs, including placement in special education and multi-ethnic school settings; and
4)Expand access between student teachers and expand opportunities for collaboration between school districts and colleges and universities.
Funds are allocated to the centers by the Superintendent of Public Instruction on the basis of student teaching placements in the educational service districts. To receive funds, centers must submit documentation indicating that:
1)The existing or proposed center was developed jointly, including participation by at least one school district, one college or university, and one educational service district;
2)One or more of the cooperating organizations has responsibility for administration of the center; and
3)The center provides appropriate training in observation, supervision, and assistance skills and techniques to cooperating teachers, other school building personnel, and school district employees.
The student teaching centers are an alternate means of placing student teachers into school districts. Field experiences, as defined, may be provided through the student teaching center but the cost is the sole responsibility of the participants cooperating in the center's operation.
The Teachers Training Teachers program is repealed and reenacted, establishing a link between the program and the student teaching centers.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed. However, the bill is null and void unless funded in the budget.
Testimony For: The pilot Student Teaching Centers have demonstrated the benefits and value of enhancing the support given to student teachers. Not only does the student teacher benefit, but so do the mentor teachers and the school's students. The centers, as created in this bill, also would help in forging new links between K-12 teaching and higher education and thereby narrow the gap between theory and practice.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Senator Al Bauer; Marcia Costello, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Sharon Bankroft, Vancouver Educational Service District; Jan Erickson, teacher, Whidbey Island; and Kathy Boyce, student teacher, Lopez Island.